Published 10/05/19
Although a final episode to wrap the series is in the wings; Mickey closes out the year of monthly podcast episodes during this time of enormous bounty. The seasons have come full circle and on the cusp of spring; peas, broad beans, cape gooseberries and scented stock take centre stage. The kitchen garden is a fine dance between looking attractive and fulfilling its purpose: that of supplying the kitchen. www.glenmorehouse.com.au  Instagram: @glenmorehouse 
Published 09/07/19
Now that the howling winds have subsided, Mickey delights in her annual pruning, allowing fresh air and light to penetrate the soil. Episode 11 is filled with news of broad beans, purple peas, lettuces and kale,  oranges, lemons and clementines too. And Mickey shares some important insect net tips.  ww.glenmorehouse.com.au  Instagram: @glenmorehouse 
Published 08/03/19
With the passing of the winter solstice, the cool season’s veg gather momentum. Mickey reflects on the dual requirements of a kitchen garden: that of supplying the kitchen, as well as providing a feast  for the eye. Balancing the two is the name of the game.  www.glenmorehouse.com.au  Instagram: @glenmorehouse 
Published 07/06/19
Mickey battles the winds as she reviews the kitchen garden before the shortest day arrives. Produce still abounds as autumn leaves blanket the ground and Glenmore prepares for winter. www.glenmorehouse.com.au  Instagram: @glenmorehouse 
Published 06/01/19
The roots of the spring garden explained when we began chasing the seasons together, were firmly sown this time last year. Mickey resurfaces after a wonderfully intense Easter weekend in the garden; digging, barrowing, planting and sowing for a repeat performance this year. www.glenmorehouse.com.au  Instagram: @glenmorehouse 
Published 05/04/19
Where crop rotation and seed are centre stage, Mickey itches  to sow the rest of the root veg as the Kitchen Garden straddles the seasons; farewelling summer and heralding the autumn.  www.glenmorehouse.com.au  Instagram: @glenmorehouse   
Published 04/06/19
Mickey surveys the kitchen garden through the heat, chats all things fennel and the ripening - or not - of tomatoes! http://www.glenmorehouse.com.au  Instagram: @glenmorehouse  
Published 02/02/19
Mickey completes our first full season and explains the traditional kitchen garden style of planting flowers for the house in amongst the vegetables.  http://www.glenmorehouse.com.au  Instagram: @glenmorehouse  
Published 02/02/19
Post Christmas holiday, Mickey surveys the garden and begins to look forward to a bumper Summer crop. http://www.glenmorehouse.com.au  Instagram: @glenmorehouse  
Published 01/12/19
Mickey finishes the last of the seasonal changeover and turns her thoughts to summer days. http://www.glenmorehouse.com.au Instagram: @glenmorehouse     
Published 12/02/18
The kitchen garden is a hive of activity as Mickey begins the seasonal garden bed rotation process and chats all things compost!  http://www.glenmorehouse.com.au Instagram: @glenmorehouse 
Published 11/03/18
Mickey walks us through early spring in her kitchen garden, awash with the scent of citrus blossom and alive with bees about their work. Early thoughts of crop rotation are on her mind whilst a cornucopia of spring produce is in her picking basket. Glenmore House Website: www.glenmorehouse.com.au
Published 10/08/18
Meet Mickey Robertson of Glenmore House.   In this Introductory Episode Mickey walks through the layout of her Kitchen Garden, forming the basis of all future episodes in the series.    Glenmore House Website:  http://www.glenmorehouse.com.au/
Published 10/04/18