In this episode of the In The Know Podcast, we delve into the unique challenges and triumphs of pursuing an MBA while managing the responsibilities of parenthood. Join us as we explore the journey of navigating the INSEAD MBA programme with a baby, from the initial decision to enrol, to overcoming major concerns and preparing for life in Fontainebleau. We’ll discuss the essential support systems and childcare challenges faced during the programme. Finally, we'll share insights on how the MBA...
Published 09/06/24
Welcome to another episode of INSEAD's In The Know podcast. In this episode, we'll discuss with MBA'24J Jeffry Lum about his experiences in OUTSEAD. OUTSEAD is a fun-loving and inclusive club representing the LGBTQ+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer/Questioning, and others) community at INSEAD. The club aims to foster an inclusive atmosphere for everyone on campus and provide a social network for community members and allies. Expect to learn about the diversity and inclusion of the LGBTQ+...
Published 06/27/24
Published 06/27/24
In this episode, we'll talk with Jay Kenton (Associate Director of Student Life & Experience (Degree Programmes) and Saraphine Pang (MBA'24J) about their experiences of student life on INSEAD's Asia campus.  Expect to learn about the career perks of living in Singapore, common misconceptions, cost and accommodation, student life on campus, and more. Head to insead.edu/mba to learn more about our MBA programme!  Enjoy the show! Our Guests Today Saraphine Pang Saraphine Pang (MBA'24J) is a...
Published 04/26/24
In this episode, we'll hear from Priyanka Nath, who will share about her experiences, challenges, and opportunities she has faced as a woman in the working world. Our Guest Today Priyanka Nath is a strategic and results-driven marketer with 16 years of experience in the Asia-Pacific region's travel, technology, lifestyle retail and FMCG sectors. With roles and responsibilities across B2B/B2C operations, global/country/regional teams and traditional/new media campaigns, she has cultivated a...
Published 03/26/24
Welcome to another episode of INSEAD’s In The Know podcast. In this episode, we’ll discuss with MBA24j’s Ankita Pathak about her experiences as an MBA candidate in INSEAD’s Asia campus. Expect to learn about global career and networking opportunities, student life, our curriculum, and more. Furthermore, we’ll delve into how pursuing your MBA in Singapore allows you to gain a deeper understanding of the global economy and how you can get on-the-ground exposure to various...
Published 02/29/24
By joining the INSEAD MBA, you choose academic excellence, a rich diverse community and extracurricular opportunities to enhance your overall student experience. As the world's future leaders, why not leverage these opportunities and hone your leadership skills by taking on an impactful leadership position?  For example, be the voice of your section as a class representative, be a member of a club management team for one of the 40+ clubs, help recruit for future MBA intakes as a student...
Published 07/03/23
Welcome to another episode of "Unlocking Career Opportunities with INSEAD Employer Engagement." Join us as we uncover more about the Career Development Centres Employer Engagement teams with the team Global Directors Zeynep Fouret and Henrik Jonson. We discuss the team's unique advantages including connecting students with local champions and global companies. Discover how the employee engagement team facilitates student-professional networking and the diverse types of engagements available...
Published 06/16/23
In today's rapidly evolving world, where technological advancements and shifting global landscapes continuously reshape industries, the concept of lifelong learning has emerged as a beacon of success. Embracing a mindset of constant growth and intellectual curiosity, individuals actively engage in lifelong learning and position themselves for remarkable career advantages. This transformative approach to education not only fosters adaptability and resilience, but also opens doors to new...
Published 05/17/23
Partners play a crucial role in the MBA experience, providing support, encouragement, and a listening ear throughout the intense and challenging program. They are often the unsung heroes behind the success of MBA students, offering a sense of stability and perspective during a time of significant personal and professional growth. From relocating to a new country to managing a household, partners have to navigate a unique set of challenges while supporting their significant other in pursuit of...
Published 05/04/23
Welcome to a new special edition series of In The Know. In this series, we will take you behind the scenes of one of the world’s leading business schools, and its Career Development Centre (CDC). Join us as we explore the lifelong career management skills imparted by the CDC, as well as how the centre helps high-potential talent navigate the job market and identify suitable career options.
Published 04/28/23
INSEAD is one of the world's top business schools, known for its global reach, the diversity of its student body, and rigorous academic programs. And when it comes to preparing students for a career in consulting, INSEAD is second to none. From its strong connections with top consulting firms to its innovative courses and hands-on projects, INSEAD provides students with a comprehensive education that gives them the skills, experience, and connections they need to succeed in this competitive...
Published 04/26/23
Committing to ongoing professional development is crucial for executives looking to thrive in today's rapidly changing business landscape. Without a dedication to personal growth, leaders risk falling behind their peers and becoming obsolete. To stay ahead of the competition, executives must stay informed about current trends, technologies, and best practices. In this episode, we're joined by Mike Wort, Assistant Director of Executive Career Development and Career Coach on the Europe Campus,...
Published 01/11/23
The business world is often associated with stress and anxiety, but there is an increasing interest in mindfulness as a way to promote well-being in the workplace. Mindfulness is about being present in the moment and paying attention to your thoughts and feelings without judgment. It can help you cope with stress, boost your concentration, and improve decision-making. There is evidence that mindfulness can be beneficial for both individuals and businesses. For businesses, mindfulness can...
Published 11/07/22
In today's business world, it's more important than ever to have a strong online presence. One of the best ways to achieve this is through the use of NFTs, or non-fungible tokens. NFTs are unique digital assets that can be used to represent anything from ownership of a piece of digital art to a stake in a company. NFTs can be bought and sold like any other asset, making them a valuable addition to any business's portfolio. Businesses are embracing this new technology and it will only become...
Published 10/05/22
INSEAD Student clubs are run by students and supported by the school. They play a vital role in the student experience. Our clubs cover a broad range of topics from Professional, Social to Sports. A large proportion of the student population is honing their leadership skills by being the management team of clubs. There are 40+ clubs at INSEAD.  Campus activities or on-line events are organised by MBA student clubs and help to sharpen your leadership skills and enable you to explore and...
Published 07/04/22
Belonging is knowing that you are a part of the world around you. It's about fitting in, finding your place, and feeling like you belong with the people around you.  But some may have difficulties in identifying a sense of belonging to a certain place, or with certain groups of people, especially after international experiences or careers that may have shaped the way they think, behaves, or addresses any challenges, they are faced. So let’s discuss the importance, or lack thereof perhaps,...
Published 06/13/22
Generation Z, the generation born from 1994 onwards, wants their leaders to be positive, according to “Generations”, a study of more than 18,000 working professionals and students across the world. This study conducted by INSEAD, Universum, and MIT found that the ever-increasing speed of technological change is opening up fissures in both generational expectations of leaders and their expectations for their own paths to management. The mix of aspirations and demands from the different...
Published 05/05/22
Are you curious about what the future of work might look like? You're not alone. Many people are wondering how work will change in years to come. Some believe that we'll see more jobs in fields related to technology and science. Others believe that work will become more flexible, with more people working from home or remotely. In this episode, we'll discuss some of the best skills to ensure we are ready for the future of the workplace and the importance of pursuing purpose. Our Guest...
Published 04/08/22
If you're a mother-to-be considering pursuing an MBA, or if you're already in the midst of your MBA program and expecting a baby, today's episode is for you.  Our guest for this episode is Kemi Ogunlesi from the 21D cohort, and she shared her experience of getting pregnant with her second child during the course of her INSEAD MBA. Kemi shares some tips on how to manage both pregnancy and an MBA programme successfully. Being a student while pregnant can be challenging, but it's definitely...
Published 03/10/22
Technology change and innovation affect every domain of business, changing the face of the industry at an accelerating pace. With the start of a new year, it is often customary to look to the future and try and plan how we can become a better version of ourselves. To help share insights on the future we held a discussion with an INSEAD MBA alumnus who has dedicated his professional life to engineering, the global economy and futuristic fields like transhumanism and life extension. Join us as...
Published 01/07/22
INSEAD’s student life is diverse and transformational. A cultural melting pot of experiences that triggers students to re-shape their perceived reality beyond the classroom; from sports activities to unforgettable travel experiences, or from cheerful parties to intimate heartfelt dinners. GUESTS: Jad ANTOUN MBA'21D MBA Student, versatile problem solver, interested in Sustainable Innovation and Strategy. 5 Years Experience in a vareiety of Operations and Manufacturing roles. Passion for...
Published 12/01/21
Welcome to series three of In The Know. Over the course of this academic year, we will continue to discuss the latest career advice like the future of the workplace and inside the mind of a recruiter while also covering many leadership insights featuring episodes on business in the Middle East and managing generation Z. To kick off series three, we are joined by our Associate Dean of Degree Programmes, Katy Montgomery, as we look to build on the start of a new academic year and share what the...
Published 11/02/21
Most people are strangers to themselves; many of them resort to the manic defence – filling their calendar with a flurry of activities meant to prevent them from having any time to reflect. They are always running, without knowing what they are running for or running towards. Also, they feel drained, but they don’t understand why. Others, having reached the pinnacle of professional success, fail to find meaning. Today we discuss the Executive Master in Change programme and how understanding...
Published 10/01/21
We live in a world of constraints - some are physical, some cultural but they are always personal. These mindsets limit our human potential to achieve great things in life and hinder experiences that not only enrich ourselves but also benefit society at large. INSEAD celebrates women who have dared to push beyond their own limits and conquer obstacles in their lives to create positive change. Welcome to another episode of In The Know where in today’s episode we celebrate the incredible...
Published 07/21/21