"In the Skies of Love" is a podcast that provides a critical analysis and deep dive exclusively into the anime series "Legend of the Galactic Heroes". Hosted by two die hard fans, and a newcomer to the series, each episode explores different aspects of the show, including its narrative, themes, characters, and world-building. Through in-depth discussions, the hosts analyze the storytelling techniques, character arcs, and socio-political commentary of each episode, offering listeners a greater appreciation for, and understanding of this complex and thought-provoking space opera. Whether you...
In the third episode of season 2 we reflect on becoming celebrity podcasters. We discuss Trunicht's classical vase, the various haircuts of the galaxy, anarchist cope, the first depiction of faster than light travel, the terrible car park trap, and the inherent evil of the name "Rupert." Also in...
Published 09/04/24
In this (highly auspicious) episode: three unmarried, childless podcasters debate the right way to be a father and husband! We also discuss how we're supposed to pronounce "キャゼルヌ," mutually assured destruction, manipulation 101, Mecklinger's totally pedestrian landscape painting, and whether...
Published 08/21/24