Each year, no less than 770,000 births occur to adolescent girls below the age of 15 years in developing countries (UNFPA). This seems to be apparent in Ngoboro, a community in Northern Nigeria where our Champion Koni Bakka hails from. Listen in as Koni discusses her experience with health service providers, and why she is an advocate for youth-friendly services.
Chaque année, pas moins de 770 000 naissances ont lieu chez des adolescentes de moins de 15 ans dans les pays en développement (FNUAP). C'est ce qui semble se produire à Ngoboro, une communauté du nord du Nigeria d'où est originaire notre championne Koni Bakka. Écoutez Koni parler de son expérience avec les prestataires de services de santé et expliquer pourquoi elle milite en faveur de services adaptés aux jeunes.
The realization that girls in her community do not have the knowledge of reproductive health, including basic things such as menstrual hygiene, was the push that Annabel needed to become an advocate in her community of Madalla in Niger State, Nigeria. Ever since she discovered this need, Annabel...
Published 09/14/22
How well are the reproductive health needs of adolescent girls catered to in your community? Could this be why the rate of teenage pregnancies keeps increasing? Let's find out on today's episode of the IndiGenis podcast as our champion Felicity Ike shares her experiences with us.
Dans quelle...
Published 09/12/22