The realization that girls in her community do not have the knowledge of reproductive health, including basic things such as menstrual hygiene, was the push that Annabel needed to become an advocate in her community of Madalla in Niger State, Nigeria. Ever since she discovered this need, Annabel has educated her community members on their sexual and reproductive health. Let's join Annabel in her community as she shares her story.
La prise de conscience du fait que les filles de sa communauté...
Published 09/14/22
How well are the reproductive health needs of adolescent girls catered to in your community? Could this be why the rate of teenage pregnancies keeps increasing? Let's find out on today's episode of the IndiGenis podcast as our champion Felicity Ike shares her experiences with us.
Dans quelle mesure les besoins des adolescentes en matière de santé reproductive sont-ils pris en compte dans votre communauté ? Serait-ce la raison pour laquelle le taux de grossesses chez les adolescentes ne cesse...
Published 09/12/22
Is there any relationship between Family Planning and economic empowerment? Let's find out on today's episode of the Indi-Genius Podcast. Peace Umanah from Abuja, Nigeria is our Champion for today. Enjoy 🥳
Existe-t-il un lien entre le planning familial et l'émancipation économique ? Nous allons le découvrir dans l'épisode d'aujourd'hui du podcast Indi-Genius. Peace Umanah d'Abuja, au Nigeria, est notre champion du jour. Bonne écoute 🥳
Published 09/07/22
Each year, no less than 770,000 births occur to adolescent girls below the age of 15 years in developing countries (UNFPA). This seems to be apparent in Ngoboro, a community in Northern Nigeria where our Champion Koni Bakka hails from. Listen in as Koni discusses her experience with health service providers, and why she is an advocate for youth-friendly services.
Chaque année, pas moins de 770 000 naissances ont lieu chez des adolescentes de moins de 15 ans dans les pays en développement...
Published 09/05/22
The joy of every pregnant mother is to give birth safely. But, what happens when that joy is cut short by an avoidable death due to lack of proper family planning information and service? Today, our champion, Ameh Queen, shares a real-life experience of maternal death that shaped her into the family planning advocate that she is today.
La joie de toute mère enceinte est d'accoucher en toute sécurité. Mais que se passe-t-il lorsque cette joie est écourtée par un décès évitable dû au manque...
Published 08/31/22
It's another thought-provoking episode here on the IndiGenius Podcast Series. Today we are delving into the dangers of reproductive health myths to young people. Let's listen to our Champion, Elizabeth Abayomi as she shares her experiences in her community, Ikorodu, Lagos.
C'est un nouvel épisode de la série de podcasts Indi-Genius qui donne à réfléchir. Aujourd'hui, nous nous penchons sur les dangers des mythes sur la santé reproductive chez les jeunes. Écoutons notre championne, Elizabeth...
Published 08/29/22
Dans cet épisode, Aissata sanda, 21ans, de la commune 3 de Niamey au Niger, nous explique pourquoi elle devenue une militante en matière de santé reproductive des adolescents et jeunes.Elle nous raconte comment lors de ces activités de sensibilisation elle pu aider une jeune fille qui a contracté une grossesse non désirée,Et comment cette fille a essayé de pratiquer un avortement clandestin.
In this episode, Aissata Sanda, 21, from commune 3 in Niamey, Niger, explains why she became an...
Published 08/26/22
Do you know that young people who are provided with comprehensive sexuality education are more likely to delay their sexual debut than others? Eze Ikechukwu is a teacher who is also passionate about providing adolescents with the proper reproductive health information. Over the years, Ikechukwu has used his position to ensure that young people are not ignorant of their sexual and reproductive health and rights.
Savez-vous que les jeunes qui bénéficient d'une éducation sexuelle complète sont...
Published 08/22/22
Dans cet épisode, IDDE BAZA Abdourahamane, 33 ans, de la commune 5 de Niamey au Niger, nous explique pourquoi il s’est engagé à militer pour que les adolescents et jeunes aient l’accès à l’information de qualité et aux services de santé reproductives et planification familiale.Il nous raconte commen une jeune fille avait contracté une grossesse non désirée par manque d’informations en lien avec la SR/PF.
In this episode, IDDE BAZA Abdourahamane, 33, from commune 5 in Niamey, Niger,...
Published 08/17/22
More often than not, the needs of persons with disabilities are overlooked. But just like everyone else, persons living with disability engage in sexual activities and hence, adequate provisions should be made to provide them with reproductive health services and information. In today's episode, we learn how Indi-Genius Champion, Enitan Sophie Oluwa, has impacted the lives of persons with disability in her community in Isale Eko, Lagos state, Nigeria.
Le plus souvent, les besoins des...
Published 08/15/22
Dans cet épisode, Bagagi Darany Hamissou, 27 ans, de la commune 3 de Niamey au Niger, nous explique qu’est-ce qui l’a poussé à être acteur dans le domaine de la santé de la reproduction et la planification familiale .
Il nous raconte comment il a aidé une jeune fille qui était sur le point d’abandonner le chemin de l’école à cause d’une grossesse non désirée.
In this episode, Bagagi Darany Hamissou, 27, from commune 3 of Niamey, Niger, explains what led him to become an actor in the field...
Published 08/10/22
As a Mentor Mother trained by Education As a Vaccine under the Amplify Change project, Fatima spends most of her time creating safe spaces for adolescent girls who have faced sexual molestation and do not have proper comprehensive sexuality education, in her community of Kuje in FCT, Abuja Nigeria. This episode captures a day in the life of our champion, Fatima Salisu. She speaks about an adolescent girl who was molested by her uncle, and offers a call-to-action to the Ministry of Education...
Published 08/08/22
Dans cet épisode, Mamoudou Hama Aïchatou, 26 ans, de Niamey au Niger, nous explique comment les normes sociaux culturelles ainsi que la mauvaise interprétation des textes religieuses n’encouragent pas l’utilisation des services de la planification familiale à l’ouest du Niger lors d’une enquête qu’ils ont effectué dans cette région en 2019.
In this episode, Mamoudou Hama Aïchatou, 26, from Niamey, Niger, explains how social and cultural norms as well as misinterpretation of religious texts...
Published 08/03/22
It is a well-known fact that people living with HIV often face stigma and discrimination from the general public, but what then happens when they are also stigmatized by the health care workers who should protect their health? The aftermath of such a situation was the turning point for Jacob, our Champion from Markudi, Benue state, Nigeria. In today's episode, Jacob shares a story of an adolescent girl living with HIV who was denied family planning services because of her HIV status. He...
Published 08/01/22
Dans cet épisode, Maiga Mamadou Idrissa, 29ans, de la commune 3 de Niamey au Niger, acteur dans le domaine de la santé de la reproduction et la planification familiale, nous raconte ce qui a renfoncé son engagement dans ledit domaine, notamment quand il avait rencontré un jeune adolescents dans un centre de santé qui cherchait désespérément des informations en lien avec la SR/PF.
In this episode, Maiga Mamadou Idrissa, 29, from commune 3 of Niamey in Niger, an actor in the field of...
Published 07/27/22
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 22 million girls aged 15-19 years become pregnant yearly in developing countries. Asides from the health consequences of unwanted teenage pregnancy, there are social and economic adverse effects. A prominent one is the fact that teenage girls who get pregnant are less likely to complete their education. Welcome to another episode of the Indi-Genius Podcast series. Today, our Champion, Aderonke, highlights the unmet family planning needs of...
Published 07/25/22
Dans cet épisode, Yahaya Tankari Nazira, 25 ans, de la commune 2 de Niamey au Niger, nous explique pourquoi elle s’est engagée à defendre les droits des adolescents et jeunes en matière de santé sexuelle et reproductive.
Elle nous raconte comment une jeune fille de 14 ans avait été donnée en mariage précocement avec un homme âgé de 55 ans, polygame, marié déjà avec 3 femmes.
In this episode, Yahaya Tankari Nazira, 25, from Commune 2 in Niamey, Niger, explains why she is committed to...
Published 07/21/22
Nigeria has the highest number of child brides in the world. According to UNICEF, "an estimated 22 million child brides live in Nigeria, which accounts for 40 percent of all child brides in the region."
Have you ever wondered what you can do to address child marriage? Also, do you know that family planning/birth spacing can help address child marriage?
In this episode, we meet 27-year-old Mubarak who narrates the story of child marriage in his community of Farin Ruwa in Kano State, northern...
Published 07/18/22
Dans cet épisode, Mariama Abdou Gado, 25 ans, de Niamey, au Niger, nous explique pourquoi elle est devenue une militante de la santé et des droits reproductifs des adolescents et des jeunes. Elle nous raconte comment elle a reçu sur Facebook un message désespéré d'une jeune fille qui racontait que ses menstruations avaient été retardées de deux mois. Mariama est le point focal jeunesse du Planning familial 2030 pour le Niger.
In this episode, Mariama Abdou Gado, 25, from Niamey, Niger,...
Published 07/14/22
In this episode, Nigeria's FP2030 Youth Focal Point, Bless-me Ajani, discusses why and how she became an advocate for young people's sexual and reproductive health, including how she advocated for the inclusion of youth representatives in Nigeria's National Reproductive Health Technical Working Group.
Published 07/11/22