Wayne Lavallee - Singer and participant in the Diverse As This Land vocal intensive program
Published 03/05/13
Published 03/05/13
Pacific Curls - Singers and participants in the Diverse As This Land vocal intensive program
Published 03/05/13
Joseph Naytowhow - singer and participant in Diverse As This Land vocal intensive program
Published 03/05/13
Witi Ihimaera on artists as change makers, the importance of Indigenous arts, the state of Indigenous arts in the world, and what he envisions for Indigenous peoples in the future. Guest faculty mentor in the Aboriginal Emerging Writers program. September 2010
Published 03/05/13
Tracy and J.C. talk about their love of music, their experience at The Banff Centre, and their definition of success. Performers and guest speakers at the 2011 Diverse As This Land program. June 30 & July 1, 2011
Published 03/05/13
Lara Kramer on her first full-length choreographic work Fragments, developing a work about the residential school system, and how land has informed her creative process. Faculty and performer at the 2011 Indigenous Dance Residency. August 2011
Published 03/05/13
On Indigenous writing and publishing in Canada and the importance of the Aboriginal Emerging Writers program. Faculty editor and mentor in the Aboriginal Emerging Writers programs (2010 and 2011). September 2010
Published 03/05/13
On his Mayan culture and upbringing, his career as a contemporary dancer, integrating ritual in his work, and his experience at The Banff Centre. Faculty & lead choreographer in the Indigenous Dance Residency. August 2011
Published 03/05/13
On why being surrounded by fellow Indigenous dancers is so important. August 2011
Published 03/05/13
On hoop dancing, improvisation, and his invitation to join Cirque du Soleil. August 2011
Published 03/05/13
On his memoir, his career, his heritage, and his time at The Banff Centre. Faculty instructor in Indigenous Dance Residency (2009 to present). Interview from August 2011.
Published 02/14/13
Tracy and J.C. perform “Standards” and “No Lies” as part of part of the 2011 Diverse As This Land Concert series at The Banff Centre.
Published 08/14/12
Lee Maracle reading her poem “Daughters”. Lee was a guest faculty member in the 2011 Aboriginal Emerging Writers program.
Published 08/14/12
Poet and Aboriginal Emerging Writers program mentor/editor Gregory Scofield reads from his 2009 publication Kipocihkân.
Published 08/14/12
Rosary Spence - Singer and participant in the Diverse As This Land vocal intensive program
Published 06/21/11
Pamela Smith - Singer and participant in the Diverse As This Land vocal intensive program
Published 06/14/11
Roger Kuhn - Singer and participant in the Diverse As This Land vocal intensive program
Published 06/07/11
Lee Maracle - On Storytelling and Success. Writer and guest faculty at the Aboriginal Emerging Writers Program
Published 09/22/10
Lee Maracle - On Storytelling and Success. Writer and guest faculty at the Aboriginal Emerging Writers Program
Published 09/15/10
Published 05/25/10
Published 05/25/10
Altai Khangai : Ganbold Mukhai, Ganzorig Nergui and Odnoo Uranchimeg
Published 04/22/10
Published 11/12/09