The staff has a podcast
Downshift has the opportunity to be something really insightful and fun. Staff is doing Throw n go competition, would be fun to hear about the comedy that happens in the office on things like that. Would also be cool to have it on youtube and do some video like Dirty Mo Media does... some screenshots of Nim and Tyler doing protest reviews lol, just seeing the office dynamics would be eye opening for your customer base. Could also use that youtube platform to show top 10 videos etc. Maybe you can get some guests? Grab some audio live during the day in carb cup, or GT3, whatever. Anyway, it's early for the podcast timeline, looking forward to the evolution of this. -HammerRead full review »
Hammer (it's my actual name) via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 07/17/19
More reviews of iRacing Downshift
Cool podcast discussing things in iRacing and real life racing. 5/5 incs from me I wish the hosts would work on NTM7 instead of making this podcast, though. (Just kidding)
HappyNiel via Apple Podcasts · Netherlands · 06/22/19
I am a longtime subscriber and enjoy hearing from the staff.
naughtydave via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 10/08/19
Great to hear from the boss. It brought back memories from the open house that was held years ago. I was in his office, saw all the books and listened to how it’s put together. Thanks
naughtydave via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 07/17/19
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