In a country besieged by enemies, trauma is an unfortunate fact of life for many Israelis. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) among Israelis has grown in the wake of October 7 and is a serious issue that needs to be addressed. Growing as Winners, an Israeli nonprofit, is dedicated to supporting PTSD-afflicted vets by getting them treatment and integrating them into the Israeli workforce. Host Steven Shalowitz sits down with Alon Tirer, Chairman of Growing as Winners, to discuss the...
Published 07/17/24
Published 07/17/24
Now nine months after the October 7 terrorist attacks, Israel’s economy has bounced back incredibly well, with some metrics showing the market is even better than before the war. Agreements like the Abraham Accords are still in place, and corporations are still investing in Israel. Host Steven Shalowitz sits down with Dr. Chalamish, a Professor of International Economic Law at NYU, to discuss the resiliency of the Israeli market, how corporations analyze risk in Israel, and how difficult...
Published 07/03/24
Since the October 7 attacks, the importance of Israel’s security has never been more apparent. In addition to the military, Israeli startups have also popped up with the sole purpose of protecting Israel. One such company is RealEye, which is harnessing the power of artificial intelligence to identify potential threats to Israel. Host Steven Shalowitz sits down with Kevin Cohen, Co-Founder and CEO of RealEye, and Dov Greenbaum, Founder and Director of the Zvi Meitar Institute for Legal...
Published 06/19/24
With his unique background as an Iraqi- and Lebanese-raised former journalist who has since become an outspoken voice for democracy and liberty, Hussain Abdul-Hussain remains one of the world’s foremost experts on Middle East relations in a time of growing unrest in Gulf State countries. Host Steven Shalowitz sits down with Hussain to discuss the dangers and rewards of speaking out, the increase in ties between Arab nations and Israel, and what a post-war reconstruction plan might look like...
Published 06/05/24
Shai Davidai did not set out to become one of the leading faces in calling out Jew hatred and anti-Israel rhetoric on college campuses. He just wanted to focus on his career in academia and be with his family. Yet, when the pro-Hamas protests came to his Columbia University following the October 7 attacks and Davidai found himself in a maelstrom of hate and harassment, the mild-mannered professor dedicated himself to advocating for the Jewish homeland amidst a sea of antisemitism. On this...
Published 05/29/24
When Hamas attacked Israel’s border communities in Israel’s south, Jewish National Fund-USA was already there and had the infrastructure to provide rapid aid. Launching its Israel Resilience Campaign, the organization supported evacuations, housing, food, clothing, education, trauma therapy, donating firefighting and protective equipment for civil defense, facilitating volunteer services, and more. And with an eye towards tomorrow, the campaign’s Build Together plan is rebuilding communities...
Published 05/22/24
During the October 7 terrorist attacks, the first and often only line of defense for hours were the southern border communities’ Civil Security Squads, many of which were underfunded and underequipped, leading to the tragic and unnecessary loss of lives. Created in the wake of the massacre, Civil Squads of Israel is dedicated to properly equipping the civil defense units on the Gaza and Lebanon border and ensuring that they will be prepared for any more assaults. Host Steven Shalowitz sits...
Published 05/08/24
In the post-October 7 world, advocating for Israel can feel like an uphill battle. Trolls and antisemites attack pro-Israel posts on social media, and Zionists get banned merely for supporting Israel’s right to exist. Yet, the fight continues, and everyday, people are in the trenches spreading the truth about Israel. Host Steven Shalowitz sits down with actor and activist Yuval David to talk about getting deplatformed for discussing Zionism, the increased antisemitism in America and...
Published 04/25/24
Among everything else, Israel’s startup sector was heavily impacted by the October 7 terrorist attacks. Between inflation and Israeli protests, the attacks and subsequent war have been another setback in a series of extreme challenges for Israel’s entrepreneurs. Yet, the spirit of Israel perseveres, and its changemakers have continued to grow and thrive in this trying landscape. Host Steven Shalowitz sits down with Molly Livingstone, who operates at the heart of Israel’s innovation sector, to...
Published 04/10/24
Israel’s war with Hamas in the aftermath of the October 7 massacre has reverberated throughout the world, resulting in a dynamic shift in the world. From Arab Israelis to Israel’s neighbors in the Middle East, from U.S. college campuses to the United Nations, Israel’s domestic and international relations have changed forever. Host Steven Shalowitz sits down once again with former diplomat and branding expert Ido Aharoni, who untangles the web of relationships in the Middle East and greater...
Published 03/27/24
Ran Bar-Yehoshafat was set to speak at Berkeley about his experience as an IDF soldier and reservist, as well as his legal expertise as a former Knesset Legal Department member and the current deputy director of the Kohelet Policy Forum, a Jerusalem-based, non-partisan think-tank dedicated to, among other things, promoting Israel as the nation-state of the Jewish people and defending its democracy. Unfortunately, the Berkeley faculty shut down his speech due to students rioting. Tune into the...
Published 03/13/24
Michael Lucas wears many hats. Rising through the adult entertainment industry to become one of the top performers and producers, Lucas is also a passionate documentarian and lifelong activist. He has also, despite growing up in the antisemitic Soviet Union, been very connected to his Jewish heritage, and has always advocated for the State of Israel. Host Steven Shalowitz sits down with Lucas to discuss how he got into the entertainment business, the antisemitism he faced while trying to...
Published 03/06/24
It is more important than ever to find reliable news sources who can report the facts accurately. Since 2010, Tazpit Press Service (TPS) has been the only Israeli newswire agencies, now reaching over 10 million people worldwide and distributing over 5,000 articles per year. On this week’s episode, host Steven Shalowitz speaks once again to Amotz Eyal, Founder and CEO of TPS, this time in the agency’s Jerusalem office, to discuss TPS’ news operations, media bias from other newswires, and his...
Published 02/28/24
On October 7, 2023, Hamas terrorists launched an unprecedented wave of attacks on Israel Envelope communities, murdering men, women, and children with no remorse, taking hostages, and destroying the land that Israeli pioneers worked so hard to develop. Four months later, even as people still mourn their losses and pray for the safe return of loved ones, these communities are starting to rebuild. On this special IsraelCast episode, host Steven Shalowitz tours Kibbutz Be’eri, a small community...
Published 02/14/24
One of Jewish National Fund-USA’s valued affiliates, the Society for Preservation of Israel Heritage Sites (SPIHS) works tirelessly to preserve Israel’s history. In its 40-year existence, SPIHS has helped preserve over 180 sites around Israel, operating several directly as museums open to the public. Host Steven Shalowitz sits down with SPIHS President and former Israeli Supreme Court Vice President Elyakim Rubinstein to discuss the importance of commemorating a nation’s history, what SPIHS...
Published 01/31/24
Originally from a small Christian community in Lebanon, Jonathan El Khoury is now a prominent Israeli activist, working tirelessly to promote ties between Israel and the minority communities in them. His Reservists on Duty project has defended Israel from its detractors on college campuses across the United States, and El Khoury himself has supported the empowering of Israeli Christians and Muslims to enlist in the IDF. Host Steven Shalowitz sits down with El Khoury to discuss growing up in...
Published 01/17/24
For over 2,000 years, Jews have survived and often thrived under extremely difficult circumstances. Author Gidi Grinstein believes the heart of Jewish continuity lies in our ability to adapt to our environments, as well as constant balance our community manages to strike between modernity and tradition. Host Steven Shalowitz sits down with Grinstein to discuss the interplay between orthodox and reforming Jewish communities, how that interplay has been critical to the Jewish People’s success,...
Published 01/03/24
Founded in 1993, Jerusalem Venture Partners has created and invested in over 165 companies in Israel, Europe, and the United States and now manages over $1.6B from some of the world’s leading international sovereign funds. Its success led to the founding of Margalit Startup City, whose model is based on specialized “Centers of Excellence” around the world, including Margalit Startup City Galil, a groundbreaking food and ag-tech platform supported by Jewish National Fund-USA. Host Steven...
Published 12/20/23
In “2048: The Rejuvenated State”, Ambassador Michael Oren sets out his vision for Israel in honor of Israel's 75th Independence Day 25 years in the future. Host Steven Shalowitz sits down with Ambassador Michael Oren live from JNF-USA’s Global Conference to discuss the challenges and opportunities facing Israel discussed in his newly-released book and the impact of the October 7 on the future of the State of Israel.
Published 12/07/23
Started in 2014 in the wake of ISIS’ rise to power, the Philos Project seeks to promote positive Christian engagement in the Near East by creating leaders, building community, and taking action in the spirit of the Hebraic Tradition. Primarily focused on supporting persecuted Christians in the Middle East, the project also aims to strengthen the relationship between Christians and Israel. Host Steven Shalowitz sits down with Luke Moon, Deputy Director of the Philos Project, to discuss its...
Published 11/15/23
As Israel enters the ground invasion phase of its war with Gaza, public perception of Israel has fallen in the eyes of many, especially younger people who don’t have all the facts. In addition, international bodies like the United Nations and European Union have skewed pro-Arab to the detriment of Israeli lives. Host Steven Shalowitz sits down with Ruth Wasserman Lande, a former Israeli Knesset member, to discuss the hypocrisy of protesters supporting those whose values diametrically oppose...
Published 10/31/23
While Western leaders have near-universally backed Israel in the wake of Hamas’ horrific attacks, a shocking number of people have expressed support for Hamas, levelling the same false accusations against Israel they usually do. One thing often said is that Israel is an “Apartheid State” and will compare Israel’s requirement for self-defense to South Africa. Host Steven Shalowitz sits down with South African activist Olga Meshoe Washington to discuss her journey to becoming an advocate for...
Published 10/24/23
With so many voices speaking out against the Jewish State, it’s gratifying to meet an unexpected ally. Yahya Mahamid was raised by his Arab community to hate Israel and everything it stands for, but through meeting other Israelis, he learned that everything he was taught was wrong. Host Steven Shalowitz sits down with Mahamid to discuss his journey to supporting Israel, the backlash he faced for it in his Arab community, and his thoughts on the recent terrorist attacks and subsequent war.
Published 10/19/23
Hamas’ recent brutal and unprovoked attack has primarily been focused on Israel’s Gaza Envelope region. But how has this attack affected the rest of the country? Host Steven Shalowitz sits down with Jerusalem Deputy Mayor Fleur Hassan-Nahoum to discuss the current environment in Jerusalem, organizing support from the international community, and the special resilience of the Jewish people. She also discusses Hamas and the fundamentalist nature of their regime, and how this a clear battle...
Published 10/12/23