Another week, more wacky stories to talk about.
This week Vince and Chris chat about plummeting poo, a lockdown laboratory and noisy nightime fun.
Expect some laughs, expect some rudness (yes, from Vince), expect a load of news you can't really believe is Actually Happening!
Published 03/26/21
Another week, more wacky stories to talk about.
This week Vince and Chris chat about dinner on the loo, the uprising of animals, and a fancy-dress dog.
Expect some laughs, expect some rudness (yes, from Vince), expect a load of news you can't really believe is Actually Happening!
Published 03/19/21
Another week, more wacky stories to talk about.
This week Vince and Chris chat about Postman Popping, Vegan Vagaries, and Jail Joy!
Expect some laughs, expect some rudness (yes, from Vince), expect a load of news you can't really believe is Actually Happening!
Published 03/12/21
Another week, more wacky stories to talk about.
This week Vince and Chris chat about a hazmat-clad Waitrose shopper, a pants plastic surgeon, and a pigeon pickle.
Expect some laughs, expect some rudness (yes, from Vince), expect a load of news you can't really believe is Actually Happening!
Published 03/05/21
Another week, more wacky stories to talk about.
This week Vince and Chris chat about some naughty nuns, a cheap as chips ceremony, and worrying worm.
Expect some laughs, expect some rudness (yes, from Vince), expect a load of news you can't really believe is Actually Happening!
Published 02/26/21
Another week, more wacky stories to talk about.
This week Vince and Chris chat about the laughs of Zoom, a daring delivery driver and shivering sex!
Expect some laughs, expect some rudness (yes, from Vince), expect a load of news you can't really believe is Actually Happening!
Published 02/19/21
Another week, more wacky stories to talk about.
This week Vince and Chris chat about barmy bins, mad magnets, and ludicrous lay-bys!
Expect some laughs, expect some rudness (yes, from Vince), expect a load of news you can't really believe is Actually Happening!
Published 02/12/21
Another week, more wacky stories to talk about.
This week Vince and Chris chat about a decapitating dustbin man, a golden goat and a belief in Bigfoot.
Expect some laughs, expect some rudness (yes, from Vince), expect a load of news you can't really believe is Actually Happening!
Published 02/05/21
Another week, more wacky stories to talk about.
This week Vince and Chris chat about a late-night intruder, an erection cream influencer and Japanese super loos.
Expect some laughs, expect some rudness (yes, from Vince), expect a load of news you can't really believe is Actually Happening!
Published 01/29/21
Another week, more wacky stories to talk about.
This week Vince and Chris chat about an candle crisis, airport napper, and a traumatic tattoo.
Expect some laughs, expect some rudness (yes, from Vince), expect a load of news you can't really believe is Actually Happening!
Published 01/22/21
Another week, more wacky stories to talk about.
This week Vince and Chris chat about an inebriated idea, bum-note burgulars, and raunchy rule breaking.
Expect some laughs, expect some rudness (yes, from Vince), expect a load of news you can't really believe is Actually Happening!
Published 01/15/21
Another week, more wacky stories to talk about.
This week Vince and Chris chat about a confused cat, a nonesensical name-change, and Bethlehem Brussels.
Expect some laughs, expect some rudness (yes, from Vince), expect a load of news you can't really believe is Actually Happening!
Published 01/08/21
2021 is here and so for this week's episode things are a little different.
This week Vince and Chris look back at their favourite stories from the year: a clothing catatrophe, a sexualising sundae (well ice cream - but the alliteration wouldn't work!), and a deflating doll.
Expect some laughs, expect some rudness (yes, from Vince), expect a load of news you can't really believe is Actually Happening!
Published 01/01/21
It's Christmas!!! But it is also another week, which means more wacky stories to talk about.
This week Vince and Chris chat about a safety-conscious Santa, Mafia merriment and daring decorations.
Expect some laughs, expect some rudness (yes, from Vince), expect a load of news you can't really believe is Actually Happening!
Published 12/25/20
Another week, more wacky stories to talk about.
This week Vince and Chris chat about frisky fridges, naughty nativities, and romping reindeer.
Expect some laughs, expect some rudness (yes, from Vince), expect a load of news you can't really believe is Actually Happening!
Published 12/18/20
Another week, more wacky stories to talk about.
This week Vince and Chris chat about disaster driving, scandalous sex scenes, and troublesome tests.
Expect some laughs, expect some rudness (yes, from Vince), expect a load of news you can't really believe is Actually Happening!
Published 12/11/20
Another week, more wacky stories to talk about.
This week Vince and Chris chat about a mugged-off mascot, evil elves, and rotten rhinoliths.
Expect some laughs, expect some rudness (yes, from Vince), expect a load of news you can't really believe is Actually Happening!
Published 12/04/20
Another week, more wacky stories to talk about.
This week Vince and Chris chat about a ridiculus rooms, guilty genies and caesarean child's play.
Expect some laughs, expect some rudness (yes, from Vince), expect a load of news you can't really believe is Actually Happening!
Published 11/27/20
Another week, more wacky stories to talk about.
This week Vince and Chris chat about a barbaric babysitter, a duped dog, and protesting pilots.
Expect some laughs, expect some rudness (yes, from Vince), expect a load of news you can't really believe is Actually Happening!
Published 11/20/20
Another week, more wacky stories to talk about.
This week Vince and Chris are reunited (podcasting in the same room for the first time); their stories are less about reunion though...a bride that discovers her fiance's sinister sexist stance and a bride and groom whose guests are all rather flat.
Expect some laughs, expect some rudness (yes, from Vince), expect a load of news you can't really believe is Actually Happening!
Published 10/02/20
Another week, more wacky stories to talk about.
This week Vince and Chris chat about a mumified McDonald's, a fortune-telling feast, and a daredevil duck.
Expect some laughs, expect some rudness (yes, from Vince), expect a load of news you can't really believe is Actually Happening!
Published 09/04/20
Another week, more wacky stories to talk about.
This week Vince and Chris chat about some mischievous retail workers and delivery drivers delivering more than expected!
Expect some laughs, expect some rudness (yes, from Vince), expect a load of news you can't really believe is Actually Happening!
Published 08/14/20
Another week, more wacky stories to talk about.
This week Vince and Chris chat about demanding brides and grooms, ways to turn a hairpin into a house, and shocking bedside revelations.
Expect some laughs, expect some rudness (yes, from Vince), expect a load of news you can't really believe is Actually Happening!
Published 07/31/20
Another week, more wacky stories to talk about.
This week Vince and Chris' stories return to similar themes: there's more about cats - one that gets people pregnant - and more sport crowd replacements - this time dancing robots.
Expect some laughs, expect some rudness (yes, from Vince), expect a load of news you can't really believe is Actually Happening!
Published 07/24/20