Tansen" is a historical piece by Jaishankar Prasad that delves into the life and times of the renowned musician and composer, Taansen. It offers a glimpse into the world of classical music and the remarkable journey of this musical maestro. To truly appreciate the depth and essence of these works, consider listening to them on "Audio Pitara." It's an opportunity to engage with the literary brilliance of Jaishankar Prasad and gain a deeper understanding of his storytelling. Stay Updated on our...
Published 07/23/24
“Swarg ke Khandar Main" is a reflective work that takes readers on a philosophical journey. Jaishankar Prasad explores the realms of spirituality, the afterlife, and the human quest for higher understanding in this intriguing narrative. To truly appreciate the depth and essence of these works, consider listening to them on "Audio Pitara." It's an opportunity to engage with the literary brilliance of Jaishankar Prasad and gain a deeper understanding of his storytelling. Stay Updated on our...
Published 07/16/24
In "Sunhela Saanp," Jaishankar Prasad weaves a tale of intrigue and suspense. The story revolves around a venomous snake (Saanp) and the consequences of its actions. It's a narrative that keeps readers on the edge of their seats. To truly appreciate the depth and essence of these works, consider listening to them on "Audio Pitara." It's an opportunity to engage with the literary brilliance of Jaishankar Prasad and gain a deeper understanding of his storytelling. Stay Updated on our shows...
Published 07/09/24
"Pratima" is a thought-provoking literary piece by Jaishankar Prasad that delves into the complexities of human emotions and relationships. It explores the interplay of love, desire, and destiny through its characters' experiences. To truly appreciate the depth and essence of these works, consider listening to them on "Audio Pitara." It's an opportunity to engage with the literary brilliance of Jaishankar Prasad and gain a deeper understanding of his storytelling. Stay Updated on our shows...
Published 07/02/24
“Prasad" by Jaishankar Prasad is a captivating literary work that immerses readers in the rich cultural and spiritual tapestry of India. Through the story, readers are taken on a journey of self-discovery and enlightenment as the protagonist grapples with profound questions about life and the pursuit of inner peace. This narrative is a compelling exploration of spirituality, devotion, and the quest for higher understanding. To fully embrace the depth and beauty of "Prasad," be sure to listen...
Published 06/25/24
"Pralay" by Jaishankar Prasad is a powerful and thought-provoking narrative that delves into the themes of apocalypse and societal collapse. It presents a vivid portrayal of the chaos and disintegration of the world as we know it. The story resonates with deeper philosophical and existential questions about human existence and the inevitability of change. Intriguing and intense, "Pralay" offers a unique perspective on the nature of transformation and upheaval. To experience this gripping tale...
Published 06/18/24
"Pathar ki Pukar" by Jaishankar Prasad is a compelling narrative that focuses on the struggles of stone quarry workers during the early 20th century in India. This story highlights their collective fight for justice, shedding light on social inequality and oppression. Listening to this thought-provoking work on "Audio Pitara" will make you appreciate the resilience of these workers as they demand their rights, emphasising the importance of social justice and solidarity in the face of...
Published 06/11/24
"Jyotishmati" by Jaishankar Prasad is a compelling and thought-provoking work of literature that delves into the complexities of human nature and societal norms. This story revolves around the character of Jyotishmati, a woman who defies conventional expectations and chooses her own path in life. Set against the backdrop of early 20th-century India, the narrative explores the restrictions and expectations placed on women during that era. Jyotishmati, with her intelligence and determination,...
Published 06/04/24
"Himalaya ke Pathik" by Jaishankar Prasad is a mesmerising literary journey that takes readers into the heart of the majestic Himalayas. This narrative is a vivid portrayal of the awe-inspiring mountains, their mystique, and the profound experiences of the travellers who venture into their lofty realms. As the story unfolds, readers are transported to the stunning landscapes, steep trails, and tranquillity of the Himalayan wilderness. Jaishankar Prasad's evocative descriptions and poetic...
Published 05/28/24
"Bheek Mein" by Jaishankar Prasad is a captivating tale that delves into the intricacies of human nature, the pursuit of desires, and the constraints imposed by society. Set against a backdrop of life's complexities, this narrative unfolds a compelling story that invites readers to reflect on the choices we make and the profound impact they have on our lives. As we follow the protagonist's journey, we are confronted with the subtle nuances of their character, grappling with dilemmas and...
Published 05/21/24
"Bedi" by Jaishankar Prasad is a captivating tale that delves deep into the intricate dynamics of society and individual desires. It unravels the struggles of its characters as they grapple with societal norms and personal ambitions. Experience the richness of this narrative on "Audio Pitara," where you can fully immerse yourself in its thought-provoking themes and engaging storytelling. Stay Updated on our shows at audiopitara.com and follow us on Instagram and YouTube @audiopitara. Credits...
Published 05/14/24
Sahyog" by Jaishankar Prasad is an enthralling literary work that unfolds the complex dynamics of collaboration and mutual support. This narrative embarks on a compelling journey, exploring themes of unity, solidarity, and collective effort. In "Sahyog," Jaishankar Prasad beautifully captures the essence of collective action and the impact it can have on individuals and communities. This narrative serves as a reminder of the significance of working together for a shared purpose and the...
Published 05/07/24
"Pranaychinha" by Jaishankar Prasad is an evocative exploration of love and human emotions. This narrative takes you on a poignant journey through the intricacies of human relationships, bringing to life the joys and sorrows of love. The story of "Pranaychinha" delves into the depths of passion, desire, and the bonds that tie us together. It weaves a tale of intense emotions, intricate connections, and the timeless themes of love and longing. As you immerse yourself in this narrative, you'll...
Published 04/30/24
"Madan Mrinalini" by Jaishankar Prasad is a captivating and emotive narrative that unfolds a compelling love story set against the backdrop of Indian mythology and history. This tale introduces you to the characters of Madan and Mrinalini, whose passionate love story becomes entangled with ancient legends and divine forces. As the story unravels, "Madan Mrinalini" delves into the depths of human emotions, exploring themes of love, sacrifice, and the eternal conflict between destiny and...
Published 04/23/24
"Dukhiya" by Jaishankar Prasad is a poignant and evocative tale that delves deep into the human condition, exploring themes of suffering, resilience, and the pursuit of hope. This powerful story takes you on a journey through the life of its titular character, Dukhiya, as he faces the trials and tribulations of his existence. As the narrative unfolds, "Dukhiya" draws you into the emotional turmoil of its characters, making you reflect on the complexities of human nature and the capacity for...
Published 04/16/24
"Chitramandir" by Jaishankar Prasad is a mesmerising and thought-provoking literary work that delves into the world of art and imagination. It takes you on a captivating journey into the realm of creativity, where the boundaries between reality and illusion blur. As the story unfolds, it leads you through a labyrinth of symbolism and metaphor, challenging your perception of the world. "Chitramandir" invites you to explore the intricate and profound layers of the human mind and the power of...
Published 04/09/24
In "Ashoka" by Jaishankar Prasad, the remarkable life of Emperor Ashoka, the great Indian ruler, is vividly portrayed. This epic narrative takes you on a historical journey through Ashoka's transformation from a fierce warrior to a compassionate and enlightened leader. It explores the profound impact of his conversion to Buddhism and the principles of non-violence and peace that he embraced. The story of Ashoka is not just a tale of a king's conquests but a deep exploration of his inner...
Published 04/02/24
In "Salvati" by Jaishankar Prasad, a captivating story unfolds, delving into themes of redemption, spirituality, and the unwavering strength of the human soul. The characters grapple with life's challenges, each on a quest for personal salvation. As the narrative weaves its intricate tapestry, it offers a profound exploration of self-discovery and transformation. Dive into this captivating tale and discover the profound journey it presents. For the full immersive experience, tune in to...
Published 03/26/24
In the gripping narrative of "Sandeh" (Doubt) by Jaishankar Prasad, we journey into a world of suspicion, trust, and the complexities of human relationships. As characters grapple with doubts that could unravel their lives, this tale of uncertainty and intrigue will keep you on the edge of your seat. Experience the dramatic exploration of these emotions—listen to it exclusively on "Audio Pitara." Stay Updated on our shows at audiopitara.com and follow us on Instagram and YouTube...
Published 03/19/24
In the riveting tale of "Vrat Bhang" by Jaishankar Prasad, we delve into the lives of Nandan and Kapinjal, friends torn apart by a shattering incident. Years later, as they tread separate paths, a flood catastrophe forces their paths to converge once more, rekindling intense emotions and offering a shot at redemption. Experience the drama and depth of this story—listen to it exclusively on "Audio Pitara." Stay Updated on our shows at audiopitara.com and follow us on Instagram and YouTube...
Published 03/12/24
"Sharnagat" by Jaishankar Prasad is a story of cultural encounters and contrasts. It opens with the rescue of Sukumari from the Yamuna River by an English couple fleeing the Indian mutiny. They seek refuge with Sukumari's husband, Thakur Kishore Singh. As the English couple adapts to their new surroundings, cultural differences and misunderstandings emerge. The story revolves around themes of hospitality, fear, and acceptance as the characters navigate these unfamiliar waters. Explore the...
Published 03/05/24
"Salim", a story by Jaishankar Prasad, delves into the life of Salim, a wanderer who finds refuge in the home of Nandram and Prema. Salim's journey takes him through the complexities of religion, desire, and love. The narrative unfolds in a small village surrounded by hills in the North-West Frontier Province as Salim grapples with his changing beliefs and emotions. To immerse yourself in the rich and engaging narrative of "Salim," with its exploration of personal transformation and the power...
Published 02/27/24
"Rasiya Balam" by Jaishankar Prasad unfolds a tale of love, dedication, and sacrifice. Rasiya's relentless efforts to win the heart of a princess by breaking a massive boulder are both inspiring and heartwarming. This poignant love story is a literary gem. Immerse yourself in the world of Rasiya's love and determination—a story you won't want to miss. If you're eager to experience the full depth of this narrative, listen to "Rasiya Balam" exclusively on "Audio Pitara." Stay Updated on our...
Published 02/20/24
In "Parivartan'' by Jaishankar Prasad, the story revolves around Chandradev and his wife Malati. Chandradev, who had previously displayed artificial dispassion and detachment, begins to show genuine care and concern for Malati when she falls ill with tuberculosis. The couple moves to the mountains for treatment. As they live in close proximity, Chandradev's initial reluctance to provide care gives way to genuine concern. He starts taking care of Malati with sincerity, and she, in turn, begins...
Published 02/13/24