The Holy Quran Healing Surah Yasin For Mind, Body & Soul Bilingual Edition In English and Spanish Languange Podcast Version. Quran is the best Marvel and blessing of Allah SWT which He bestowed upon humankind. On recitation of each word of the Holy Quran, there is a reward for a believer. Other than the reward on the general text of the Quran, some special Surahs hold recompense superior as compared to others. Surah Yasin is amongst the most revered Surah of Holy Quran. --- Send in...
Published 08/21/20
For Muslims, The Holy Qur'an has always been a means to help reduce stress and anxiety. The Qurʾan describes itself as a remedy for ailments that are in the heart. O mankind! There has come to you instruction from your Lord and healing for what is in the breasts and guidance and mercy for the believers (Qurʾan 10:57). A recent study in the Journal of Religion and Health investigated the impact of Qur’an recitation on anxiety in hemodialysis patients. Sixty hemodialysis patients were...
Published 08/21/20
Asmaul Husna 99 Nama Allah SWT Tuhan Semesta Alam Yang Maha Indah Podcast Edition. Dalam agama Islam, Asma'ul husna (Arab: أسماء الله الحسنى, asmāʾ allāh al-ḥusnā‎) adalah nama-nama Allah yang indah dan baik. Asma berarti nama (penyebutan) dan husna berarti yang baik atau yang indah, jadi asma'ul husna adalah nama nama milik Allah yang baik lagi indah. Sejak dulu para ulama telah banyak membahas dan menafsirkan nama-nama ini, karena nama-nama Allah adalah alamat kepada Dzat yang mesti kita...
Published 08/21/20
This is a story about the people that came before us, amongst them were two men from the Children of Israel who were partners and who are included in the meaning of this verse of The Holy Qur’an. Abu Ja‛far Ibn Jarir recorded that Furat bin Tha‛labah Al-Bahrani said concerning the verse, (Verily, I had a companion The Holy Quran Chapter 57 Verse 51). “There were two men who were partners and had collected eight thousand Dinars. One of them had a craft and the other did not. The one who had a...
Published 08/21/20
Tadabur Ruqyah Surat 112 Al-Ikhlas Tawhid Dan Keikhlasan Edisi Trilingual Dalam Bahasa Arab, Bahasa Inggris Dan Bahasa Indonesia. --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/jannah-firdaus-mediapro/message
Published 07/24/20
The Meaning of Surah 112 Al-Ikhlas The Pure Monotheism (纯一神教) From The Holy Quran Bilingual Edition In English & Chinese Languange Podcast Version. Tawhid is the indivisible oneness concept of pure monotheism (纯一神教) in Islam. Tawhid is the religion's central and single most important concept, upon which a Muslim's entire faith rests. It unequivocally holds that God is One (Al-Ahad) and Single (Al-Waḥid). Tawhid constitutes the foremost article of the Muslim profession of faith.  The...
Published 06/27/20
Holy Quran Healing (聖クルアーンの癒し) Surah Al-Fatihah The Opening (始まり) For Spiritual Relaxation, Reduce Stress Depression & Improve Mental Health Bilingual Edition In English & Japanese Languange. Al-Fatiha (Arabic: ٱلْفَاتِحَة‎), also spelled Al-Fatihah, is the first chapter (Surah) of The Holy Quran. It is believed by some to be a synthesis of the Quran. The literal meaning of the expression "al-Fatiḥah" is "The Opener," which could refer: a. to this first chapter being "the Opener of...
Published 05/05/20
Terapi Ruqyah Surah Ad-Dukhan Untuk Menjadikan Tidur Lebih Nyenyak Dan Jiwa Menjadi Lebih Tentram Dalam Bahasa Arab Podcast Edition. Surah Ad-Dukhan (bahasa Arab:الدخان) adalah surah ke 44 dalam al-Qur'an. Surah ini tergolong surat makkiyah yang terdiri atas 59 ayat. Dinamakan Ad-Dukhan yang berarti Kabut diambil dari kata Ad-Dukhan yang terdapat pada ayat 10 surah ini. Menurut riwayat Bukhari secara ringkas dapat diterangkan sebagai berikut: Orang-orang kafir Mekkah dalam...
Published 04/20/20
Islamic Folklore The Ant Prays For Rain English Edition Podcast Version Based From The Holy Quran and Al-Hadith Once there was a big famine in Palestine. It was during the time of the Prophet, Prophet Sulaiman AS (King Solomon). He came out with his people and proceeded to an open place in the desert to pray for the rains to come. Suddenly, he saw an ant standing on its two legs, raising its hands up towards the sky and saying, “Oh Allah! We are but very small among all Thy creatures. We...
Published 04/18/20
Surat ad-Dukhan (Arabic: سورة الدخان‎, "The Smoke") is the 44th chapter (sura) of the Quran with 59 verses. The first verse is one of Quran's Muqatta'at, the letter combinations that appear in the beginning of some chapters. Verse 37 mentions the people of Tubba, interpreters explain that this refers to the people of Sheba. The word dukhan, meaning 'smoke', is mentioned in verse 10. Regarding the timing and contextual background of the supposed revelation (asbab al-nuzūl), it is an earlier...
Published 04/09/20
Tadabbur Surat 77 Al-Mursalat (Malaikat-Malaikat Yang Di Utus) Penyejuk Jiwa Dan Penentram Hati Nurani Dalam Bahasa Arab  Surah Al-Mursalat (bahasa Arab:المرسلات) adalah surah ke-77 dalam al-Qur'an. Surah ini tergolong surah Makkiyah, terdiri atas 50 ayat. Dinamakan Al Mursalaat yang berarti (Malaikat-malaikat) yang diutus diambil dari kata Al Mursalaat yang terdapat pada ayat pertama surat ini. Dengan nama Allah Yang Maha Pengasih, Maha Penyayang. Demi golongan yang diutus untuk membawa...
Published 03/29/20
The Holy Quran Healing (古兰经修复) Surah Al Mulk The Dominion (统治) For Spiritual Healing, Reduce Stress Depression & Finding Inner Peace Bilingual Edition In English Languange and Chinese Languange Podcast Version. Surah Al-Mulk (meaning 'The Sovereignty') is the 67th chapter (Surah) of the Quran. Surah Al-Mulk has 30 verses (Ayat). Surah Al-Mulk is a Meccan Surah, a Surah that was revealed to Prophet Muhammad ﷺ in Mecca. Like any other Surah in the Quran, Surah Al-Mulk is very important....
Published 02/03/20
Holy Quran Healing Surat Al-Mulk Untuk Pemulihan Spiritual Dan Menentramkan Jiwa Edisi Bahasa Indonesia Podcast Version Bersumberkan Dari Kitab Suci Al-Quran Serta Al-Hadist. Surat Al-Mulk memiliki keutamaan di sisi Allah SWT. Keutamaan surat Al-Mulk dibaca sebelum tidur sehingga yang membacanya bisa mendapatkan khasiatnya. Surat yang terdiri dari 30 ayat ini merupakan surat ke-67 dalam Al-Quran. Surat Al-Mulk memiliki arti 'Kerajaan' dan mengandung khasiat bagi yang membacanya. Apa...
Published 02/01/20
Hidup tidak pernah menjadi hamparan bunga mawar. Kita menderita patah hati, sakit, dan malapetaka, yang semuanya dapat mendorong kita menuju depresi. Namun, kadang-kadang depresi bisa saja ada tanpa alasan khusus sama sekali, dan ketika ini terjadi sangat penting bahwa kita mencari bantuan untuk itu. Allah subhana wa ta'ala telah mengungkapkan Quran sebagai pedoman bagi umat manusia hingga akhir zaman, memberi kita panduan untuk membantu kita melalui depresi. Beberapa surah Al-Qur'an adalah...
Published 01/06/20
The Holy Quran Healing Peaceful Relaxing Recitation of Surah Maryam (Virgin Mary) for Stress Relief and Self Healing In Arabic Languange --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/jannah-firdaus-mediapro/message
Published 12/31/19
Surat Al-Fatihah dinamakan juga surat Al-Kafiyatu As-Syafiyah, Al-Kafiyah yang berarti pencukup dan As-Syafiah yang berarti penyembuhan, maka di dalam surat tersebut ada penyembuh untuk berbagai macam penyakit hati maupun badan. 1. Penyakit hati seperti sombong, riya, ujub, dan lain-lain dapat disembuhkan dengan Al-Fatihah. Ibnul Qayyim rahimahullah mengatakan[1], “Sering aku mendengar Syaikul Islam Ibnu Taimiyah rahimahullah mengatakan, Iyya-Ka na’budu, yang berarti Kepada-Mu lah kami...
Published 12/18/19
Feeling depressed? Read Surah al-Fatihah for yourself as ruqyah. This Surah is the greatest Surah in The Holy Qur'an and a cure for diseases and ailments of the heart and body. Recite it with absolute certainty that Allah SWT (God) will bring you relief and cure from what plagues your mind and your body. It's effect is directly proportional to the certainty of the one reciting it. --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/jannah-firdaus-mediapro/message
Published 12/17/19
Sagrado Corán Healing Surah Taha Para Aliviar el Estrés y La Salud Mental (Holy Quran Healing Surah Taha For Stress Relief & Mental Health Spanish Edition) Podcast Version Para los musulmanes, el Sagrado Corán siempre ha sido un medio para ayudar a reducir el estrés y la ansiedad. El Corán se describe a sí mismo como un remedio para las dolencias que se encuentran en el corazón. ¡Oh humanidad! Le ha llegado la instrucción de su Señor y la curación de lo que hay en los senos, y orientación...
Published 12/09/19
It is related that an Arab who was a huntsman had caught a land-crocodile, which he was carrying to his house as food for his family and children. While he was on the way, he suddenly perceived a large gathering of people and asked for the cause of it. The people replied "Muhammad, the son of 'Abdullah (Peace be upon him) is here and claims to be a prophet and the last messenger of Allah SWT (God)."  The Arab forcibly entered the crowd, went up to Prophet Muhammad SAW, and said "Ya Muhammad,...
Published 12/06/19
人生は決してバラのベッドではないでしょう。私たちは失恋、痛み、災難に苦しんでいて、そのうちのどれかが私たちをうつ病に駆り立てるかもしれません。しかし、時にはうつ病は、特定の理由のためにそこにいることができ、これが起こるとき、我々はそれのために助けを求める必要があります。アッラー・サブハナ・ワ・タアラは、時間の終わりまで人類のガイドとしてクルアーンを明らかにし、うつ病を通して私たちを助けるガイドを与えました。スラ・タハーのようなクルアーンの一部のスラーは、その意味とメッセージがうつ病、インシャア・アッラーを緩和するのに役立つため、うつ病や不安の間に貴重な読書です。 Life is never a bed of roses. We suffer from heartbreak, pain, and calamity, any of which might drive us to depression. However, at times depression can just be there for no specific reason at all, and when...
Published 12/04/19
Ruqyah in Islam is the recitation of The Holy Quran seeking the refuge in Allah SWT (God), remembrance and supplications that are used as a means of treating sicknesses and other problems as The Holy Quran is a source of healing.  This can be done to cure evil eye, possessions of Jinn or Demon,envy and magic.The secret behind this is that one puts his full trust, reliance and dependance in Allah SWT (God), the source of all healing and cure. --- Send in a voice message:...
Published 11/15/19
Tadabbur Ruqyah Ayat Suci Al-Quran Untuk Menghancurkan Serangan Ilmu Hitam Dan Gangguan Jin Berdasarkan Ajaran Nabi Muhammad SAW, Para Sahabat Nabi Dan Alim Ulama Saleh. --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/jannah-firdaus-mediapro/message
Published 11/08/19
The Hundred-word Eulogy (百字讃 bǎizìzàn) is a 100-character praise of Islam and the Islamic Prophet Muhammad SAW written by the Hongwu Emperor of China (r. 1368-1398). Copies of it are on display in several mosques in Nanjing, China. It was recorded that "His Majesty ordered to have mosques built in Xijing and Nanjing [the capital cities], and in southern Yunnan, Fujian and Guangdong. His Majesty also personally wrote baizizan [a eulogy] in praise of the Prophet's...
Published 10/25/19
There was a young man among the children of Israel who worshipped Allah SWT (God) for twenty years. He then disobeyed Allah for twenty years. Then, one day, looking in the mirror, he noticed the whiteness of his beard and was taken aback by what he saw.  He said, "O my Lord, I had obeyed you for twenty years and I then disobeyed you for twenty years. Now if I return to You, will You accept me?" He then heard a caller say, "You loved Us and We loved You. You left Us, and so We left you. You...
Published 10/21/19
There was a young man among the children of Israel who worshipped Allah SWT (God) for twenty years. He then disobeyed Allah for twenty years. Then, one day, looking in the mirror, he noticed the whiteness of his beard and was taken aback by what he saw.  He said, "O my Lord, I had obeyed you for twenty years and I then disobeyed you for twenty years. Now if I return to You, will You accept me?" He then heard a caller say, "You loved Us and We loved You. You left Us, and so We left you. You...
Published 10/17/19