There have been over 5,000 Bigfoot sightings in the US. With so many people claiming to have seen it (or one of the many supposed Bigfoots), it's certainly worth looking into. But what does science say about Bigfoot and the now extinct Gigantopithecus genus of apes? Is it possible the two are connected? We also discuss some of the claims made on the Nat Geo show, "Chasing Bigfoot". Washington DOT Bigfoot video:...
Published 02/02/21
5G networks are here for many of us. But that hasn't stopped a number of lawsuits claiming dangerous health hazards from cellphone radiation. But does radiation from cellphones cause cancer and can these new millimeter radio waves pose a threat to our health and environment? In this podcast episode discuss what the claims are and what the research says. Electromagnetic Spectrum: https://imgur.com/a/SFJVmyA Transcript New Pokemon YouTube Channel! Check out our brand new merch and score...
Published 01/26/21
Buying food can be really stressful and difficult. Making sure you're getting enough fruits and vegetables is tiring. At least for me it is. Plus, there's soo many myths and misconceptions surrounding food that we just HAD to bring back our favorite certified dietitian and personal trainer, Amanda Hookom, RDT, CPT. We talk about GMOs, pesticides in organic foods, the often cited "dirty dozen" and more! And don't forget to check out her website and amazing Twitch stream with the links...
Published 01/19/21
There are new coronavirus strains ready to make the New Year a problem. We answer some important questions like "will the coronavirus vaccines work on the new strain?", "where did these strains originate from?", "are these more dangerous?". We also discuss some myths and misconceptions about mutations. Transcript New Pokemon YouTube Channel! Check out our brand new merch and score some sweet Jerry swag! We're a Goodpods Guru in Science! Follow us on Goodpods for science podcast...
Published 01/12/21
Science in TV and movies can make for really interesting plot points and story lines. But is the science we see on the screen factual or are they just ways to make a character or event seem legitimate? In this episode we discuss the science used in various TV shows and movies and give the actual science behind it. Also, we spent a little too much time talking about clinical trials so we had to skip the section on Grey's Anatomy.. but just know it's there. Transcript New Pokemon YouTube...
Published 01/05/21
It’s that time of the year where people create their “top of 2020” lists and we’re no different. In this podcast episode we discuss our favorite discoveries of the year. Some of the things we mention are new organs discovered, a blood test for Alzheimer's, COVID vaccines, and more! Transcript Great Conjunction Meme - I couldn't find the one I mentioned in the episode but accept this instead. New Pokemon YouTube Channel! Check out our brand new merch and score some sweet Jerry swag! ...
Published 12/29/20
Earlier this week China's moon rover landed on Earth with samples of moon rocks, the first in a few decades. But with this incredible accomplishment you can hear the voices echoing over the internet saying the moon landing was fake and staged by NASA. In this episode, we discuss the claims made by those who think the moon landing was a hoax. Transcript Photo of Buzz Aldrin taken by Neil Armstrong Check out our brand new merch and score some sweet Jerry swag! We're a Goodpods Guru in...
Published 12/22/20
Have you heard that men are more rational and women are more emotional? Maybe that men have better visuospatial skills than women? There are a lot of ideas and misconceptions about how the brains of men and women differ. But is there any truth behind it? In this podcast episode, we discuss the myths and misconceptions about neurological brain differences between genders and how they may or may not influence behavior. Also, I'm pretty sure we don't curse in this episode, but I marked it...
Published 12/15/20
Look up at the sky and you'll see white streaks as planes fly by. But to some, those clouds left behind the plane aren't harmless. There's speculation that there is a super secret government plan to spray us with chemicals to control our minds, control the population, destroy food and manipulate the stock market. But what are they really? In this episode we look at chemtrails! Transcript Check out our brand new merch and score some sweet Jerry swag! We're a Goodpods Guru in Science!...
Published 12/08/20
It’s common knowledge that we have five senses. But is that all we have? People make mention of a sixth sense all the time. In this podcast episode we explore the idea of the sixth sense and discuss how many senses humans actually possess. Without spoiling the episode, we have a lot more than six senses! Also, if you're interested in seeing nightmare fuel, check out the sensory homunculus picture we posted on our website! Transcript Check out our brand new merch and score some sweet Jerry...
Published 12/01/20
Another week, another podcast episode about vaccines. There's so many myths and misconceptions surrounding the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines that we had to cover them. Topics in this episode range from herd immunity and clinical trials skipping phases, all the way to vaccines are just a tool to make you an atheist. These are all things we've seen on Twitter or questions we got from listeners. Have a science question you want answered? Let us know using any of the links...
Published 11/24/20
It's flu season which means you can't open your computer without being told to consume 90 glasses of orange juice a day to get all the Vitamin C your body can handle. But does Vitamin C actually help with immunity and preventing the flu? How does Vitamin C work and what are some ways we can protect ourselves from the flu? In this podcast episode we go through the research and give you some answers and dispel some common science misconceptions. We also read some real tweets and oh boy are they...
Published 11/17/20
The 2020 Presidential Election has come and gone and as many scientific and environmental groups had hoped, Joe Biden won. To celebrate such a historic win, we thought it would be fun to discuss our top 5 favorite science myths and misconceptions spread by President Trump. We also go into detail on what we would like to see from the Biden administration on how to promote science and restore faith in the government over the next four years. Finally, we touch on what to do if you make a claim,...
Published 11/10/20
Halloween might have passed but we still wanted to get in on the fun! This week we're looking at the idea of why are kids so creepy? This was a listener suggestion from Chris W. so thank you very much for the idea! We dive into some creepy stories and discuss the Uncanny Valley phenomenon to explain why kids (and realistic robots) can be so creepy.  If you want to see the Uncanny Valley in action, head to our website and click on today's episode. The episode picture is a creep life-like...
Published 11/03/20
Flu season is officially here which means all the anti-vaxxers will be crawling out from their disease ridden holes to tell us how unsafe vaccines are. Some have been citing a study that suggests the flu vaccine will increase the chances of catching the coronavirus. But is that true? We also discuss how vaccines are made, what information the CDC and FDA use in their decisions, and so much more! Transcript  You can support our show by becoming a Patreon member - your support helps keep...
Published 10/27/20
Lauren and I got married this past weekend (16Oct2020)! We’re exhausted from the wedding so we’re taking a break this week. We didn’t want to leave you with nothing, so we recorded what our experience planning a wedding was like during the pandemic. It’s a casual conversation about what we dealt with and how we handled it. There’s so much more that we could have discussed but this episode just covers the major stuff. If you want to see pictures click on the link below to go to our website!...
Published 10/20/20
Have you ever donated clothes into one of those big drop off containers? Do you know if those clothes were ever sent to a family who needed them? In this episode we talk about some of the myths and misconceptions about fast fashion, donating clothes, and how to improve your carbon footprint while still slaying. By the way, we're not suggesting to stop donating clothes - just choose where you donate more carefully so the clothes don't end up in an incinerator! Link to Episode Transcript:...
Published 10/13/20
The Nobel Prize is a monumental achievement and is awarded yearly in six different disciplines (chemistry, physics, medicine or physiology, literature, peace, and economics). This year's recipients for medicine or physiology was announced on October 5, 2020. The individuals who won due to their discovery of a virus that confused doctors for years. We're talking about hepatitis C. Link to Episode Transcript:...
Published 10/06/20
Are mermaids real, and if so, what drove their evolution? In this episode we examine the 2011 documentary Mermaids: The Body Found and explain what is legit and what you should be skeptical of. If you've never seen this before, it's a compelling tale of a completely fake group of scientists trying to crack a government coverup. But not only is it just a movie, people actually believe it. NOAA got so many complaints they had to make an official statement.  Link to Episode Transcript:...
Published 09/29/20
You get bit by a snake, your first reaction is: try and suck the venom out? Catch the snake that bit you? Run around panicking that you just got bit? If you answered yes or any of these then you congratulations, you don't know how to treat a snake bite! But don't worry, we explain what the experts suggest you do. We also cover popular myths and misconceptions about peeing on a jellyfish sting and Lauren tells a tale about how a tiny bee sting almost lead to her needing surgery.  Link to...
Published 09/22/20
A research paper published yesterday (14Sep2020) claims phosphine gas is present in the clouds of Venus. Here on Earth the only sources of phosphine gas are microbes, geochemistry, and manufacturing. To our knowledge there is nothing in the clouds or atmosphere that would cause production of phosphine gas leaving biological production a real possibility. But if there is alien life, would it look like us? Lauren and I discuss how natural selection and evolution may be different in aliens than...
Published 09/15/20
Depression can affect anyone and can be a serious mental health issue. During the global pandemic and other once in a lifetime events we've seen more people reporting symptoms of depression. But what exactly is Major Depressive Disorder, how do you get diagnosed, what causes it and what are some treatments? We answer all of those questions and talk about some Twitter remedies in this episode. Link to Episode...
Published 09/08/20
Almost half of all Americans tried to lose weight in the past year. But with so many health and nutrition myths and misconceptions, it's hard to know what to believe. In this podcast episode we speak with registered dietitian and certified personal trainer Amanda Hookom about different health myths. Amanda is also a YouTuber, blogger, and Twitch streamer so make sure you check out her channels! Link to Episode...
Published 09/01/20
Summer is coming to a close and many teachers and families still don't know what school will look like this fall. In this podcast episode we provide a brief COVID-19 update, talk about an interesting experiment in Germany, and the possibility of children to be "super spreaders" for the coronavirus.  Link to Episode Transcript: https://www.justnascience.com/show-notes/episode-43-should-children-return-to-school-this-fall You can support our show by becoming a Patreon member - your support...
Published 08/25/20
Last episode we Lauren and I discussed our thoughts on whether or not humans are naturally violent. We even shared some anecdotal evidence as well. This week, we see what the research and experts say. We discuss ideas from Enlightenment Era philosophers and research from anthropologists, and zoologists. Use the links below to connect with us on social media and let us know your thoughts on the topic! Link to Episode...
Published 08/18/20