Can you BELIEVE it? Four years on and this cute little podcast is still going strong. We know it's been a while and we have so.. much.. catching up to do. In this episode, we give you the rundown of what we've been up to over the last few months, from moving half way across the world, to the weird and wonderful things we're learning about living with our partners.
Published 05/16/24
Published 05/16/24
First of all, an announcement. Hanli is kinda sorta leaving Singapore... and we need to talk about it. We share the full deets, and take a moment to reflect on what it means to make that jump. Plus, lets talk about energy vampires. Chances are you know one, maybe you're close friends with one; they might even be a family member. You love them, but wow is it tiring dealing with them sometimes. We share our own little ways of keeping healthy boundaries, while still giving them the support...
Published 12/13/23
See, what did we tell you? Shoutout to all of you that wrote in and held us accountable. We see you, we love you. We're back. This week, we're talking about how to communicate your needs and standards within a relationship... right down to the little things that matter. Plus, can guys and girls really be friends? We give you our take.
Published 11/06/23
Guys. Big news. Like MAJOR. Actually... let us just voice note you. This episode we're serving up our major life updates, and dropping a huge announcement (ahem, hint in the title). We share the full story of kween Hanli's royal engagement; romance, funny mishaps and all. Plus, Marissa pops off about a recent medical diagnosis that's forcing us to question the relationship between bodyweight and health.
Published 10/16/23
Happy September my darlings! Marissa and Hanli are asking the big questions this week. We're deciphering what 'wealth' means to us and how its changed as we've (dare we say) matured. How can you tell when you've 'made it'? When should we buy ourselves that cheeky little upgrade? When do we treat ourselves to that expensive bottle of wine? And, we're unpacking our definitions of 'home' as we reflect on some of the bigger transitions taking place in our lives.  As always, share your thoughts –...
Published 09/04/23
Is it just us, or has 2023 just been a year of unbridled chaos? We're back after our hiatus of playing dodgeball with everything the universe has decided to throw at us. We're out of breath, a little tired but otherwise standing tall. This week, we're starting with a little check in of where we're at, before we give you the lowdown of what's been going on these past few months. From coming to terms with death, UFOs being 100% real and adjusting to our relationship weight. 
Published 08/01/23
Hello babies. This week, we want to give a special shoutout to Write Now – a mobile platform that lets you connect with professional counsellors for super affordable rates. So if you were ever looking for a sign to get some mental health support, this is it. Use our promo codes to try it out: for 50% OFF for 2 months on any plans for 50% OFF on add-on live sessions On this episode, Marissa tears up thinking about how our parents are getting older while Hanli is waging war on the...
Published 06/07/23
Sorry for the silence y'all but we've been working on some things behind the scenes that we're really excited to share super soon. Not only that, we've been in a long distance friendship for the past month while Marissa was off on another corporate gallivant in America... but we're back and oh, how we've missed you all.  This week, we get a little woo woo and explore what it really means when we say 'protect your energy' and how to tell when you've done it right. We also call out...
Published 05/17/23
We're all about figuring out the best ways to avoid the drama... but let's be honest. Sometimes, you just gotta stand up and fight. This week, we're reflecting on the ways we deal with conflict with our loved ones, and whether our fighting habits actually serve us. Because as much as our love languages have helped us figure out a lot, knowing how we deal with conflict together is equally as important. We may not have all the answers, but here's what we've figured out so far. 
Published 04/23/23
On this week's vibe check, Marissa and Hanli over-share (as per usual) – from the perils of Plan B to embracing our inner brat and  our inner aunties... so prepare yourselves for our unsolicited advice. We also get deep into trying to work out what it really means to gain a sense of 'clarity' in your life, whether it's in your love life, your personal finances or even just who you want to be when you grow up. 
Published 04/09/23
First of all, happy belated birthday to us. We're three! Second of all, welcome to season five. Can you believe it? We can't. In honour of our GROWTH, we take a hot minute to reflect on what we've learned about ourselves lately... from three-day hangovers to battles with perfectionism. It's finally dawned on Marissa that great things can happen when you get out of your own way, while Hanli talks about whether closure is a little overrated. 
Published 03/27/23
Happy new year babies! Oh how we've missed you. We're wrapping up this season by reflecting on everything life threw at us over the past year – from heartbreaks and new love, to stepping out of our comfort zones and learning how to befriend our fears. We figure out the difference between being vulnerable versus being 'open book', why we might need to make new friends, and what it's going to take to actually love our bodies.  Most importantly, dear listeners... we want to take a moment to...
Published 01/04/23
This week, we're throwing back to the sheer chaos of Marissa's 31st birthday celebrations before getting deep into this years ~*reflections*~.  From embracing new kinds of chaos, to learning the difference between the kind of love we think we need versus what we actually deserve. We made some mad breakthroughs this episode...  but not before we go down a dirty little Urban Dictionary rabbit hole. Because at the end of the day, let's be real. We'll never truly grow up. 
Published 11/30/22
Hello babies. This week, we want to give you some big sister advice when it comes to building self trust and learning how to bring the full version of yourself to the table. We deconstruct different dating patterns, talk about how to write a forgiveness letter,  and introduce you to some of our many personalities (there are a lot of them). 
Published 11/17/22
It's been a minute guys but we've finally caught up on life admin... but most importantly, we're back on these airwaves with so much to catch you guys up on. Hanli and Marissa have revived a little of their faith in men and spill the tea on their cheeky little holiday flings. We talk about how the kinds of hook ups we look for have changed as we've gotten older, why you should always keep your toys charged, and how we can change the world one orgasm at a time. 
Published 10/31/22
First up – big announcement. Hanli plans to host women's circles in Singapore, where women  are invited to connect, share and build community. It's going to be magic. DM us to take part. This week, we're on a bit of a see-saw. Marissa and Hanli can feel a special energy in the air as the world continues to open up. Hanli is on the verge of entering her villain era and ain't nothing gonna slow her down... except for her new potato allergy. (No, really.) Marissa, on the other hand, is catching...
Published 09/12/22
This week, we needed to slow down and just give ourselves a little TLC. Marissa deals with the worst of her inner self-critic and what happens when you let that negative voice get too loud. Hanli is processing the next chapter of her heartbreak and the losses you don't anticipate. We also talk about a recent article titled "The Rise of Lonely Single Men" and how our expectations of our partners are changing the way we date – from how we seek out emotional support and whether it's our job to...
Published 08/30/22
We're coming in hot. This episode, we spill all about Hanli's 30th butterfly disco party in Bali – from a raw-yet-grounding cacao ceremony, to a sound therapy session that unlocked something within Marissa.  Hanli reveals what she's been working through over the past month (brace yourselves for heartache). We also get knee deep in the work we're still doing for ourselves, from practicing the act of "receiving", softening into our feminine energy, and stepping out of our comfort zones in a...
Published 08/15/22
Hanli just turned 30 and it's a pretty big deal. We reflect on how sometimes even a birthday feels like everything is getting shaken up. Some call it Saturn's Return. Some call it just part of growing up. Either way, a lot of reflections are bubbling to the surface, so naturally we wanna talk about it. We talk about whether we believe in 'the one', why self-honesty is harder than it sounds, and entering your villain era.
Published 08/03/22
Surprise! It's us! Sorry for the radio silence, we really didn't mean to ghost you. We were each on a little world tour of our own, bouncing between weddings, catching covid and powering through business trips... and we might have gotten a little carried away. But if there's anything we learned, it's that we MISSED you guys. In this catch-up episode, we share a few little highlights from our adventures abroad, getting back in your groove after having your confidence knocked, and the big...
Published 07/14/22
We know, we know. We were MIA again but listen. We were out collecting life experiences to share and guys, we got a lot. This week, we wanna talk about when it's okay to be the bigger bitch. When we can let ourselves be petty. When we see the high road and think, 'nah, too uphill for me'. We've ALL been there... so let's talk about it. We cover why sometimes we need to lean into our anger, what our 'rage rituals' look like, and how we say sorry. 
Published 05/18/22
**Trigger warning: eating disorders.** For the first time, Marissa tells the story of her eating disorder, from its troubling beginnings 11 years ago to the present day.  In this timeline of events, Marissa shares the moment she realised she was in crisis, hitting rock bottom (multiple times), what was truly going through her mind, the challenge of getting help, and the rollercoaster that has been her recovery. We'll be blunt; this episode gets very heavy... but we hope you give it a listen.
Published 04/10/22
Marissa and Hanli reunite after a couple weeks apart with plenty of stories to tell. Marissa's taking her power back by buying an overpriced egg t-shirt. Hanli explains what it means to truly become her own boss. We both reflect on what we might miss about the pandemic, what odd heirlooms we want to pass down to our future spawn and what the opposite of generational trauma is. And guys, did we mention you can finally watch our full videos on Hanli's YouTube channel? For real this time. Watch...
Published 03/28/22