1 in 13 children are experiencing allergies whether it's food or environmental allergies. The presence of allergies increases the risk additional health conditions. N.A.E.T is a non-invasive energy testing that is evidence-based and effective at reducing allergies.
Published 04/01/20
The first half of this podcast features Lynn explaining why identifying salicylate intolerance is critically important in helping your child heal, how to identify the symptoms, and dietary interventions. The second half of the podcast includes Lynn's interview with a parent, Alicia, who incorporated this diet over one year ago, the transition she made and how her family is doing so well as a result of implementing this diet.
Published 03/14/20
If you have experienced frustration with your conventionally trained medical doctor because there doesn't seem to be health improvements in your child, then you'll want to listen to this podcast. I interview my friend and colleague, Dr. Jennie Walker who is a conventionally trained emergency room doctor who has acquired the training and certification as a Functional Medicine Doctor.
Published 02/27/20
If you question whether ADD or ADHD is the correct diagnosis or if drugs are the best short term or long term plan, listen to this podcast about Neurofield work. This is a non-invasive means to treat/improve and oftentimes resolve symptoms associated with ADD, ADHD, anxiety, mood issues, autistic symptoms and at times seizures.
Published 02/11/20
Lynn Altieri-Need came into this world questioning everything. She passionately believes that chronic health conditions in children, no matter how serious they appear to be, can be improved or overcome, because she’s lived it herself as a child, as a mother and as a practitioner. Until now, Lynn has been limited by the number of clients she has been able to manage which is why she founded Kids Health 101 Podcast. Her intention is to reach tens of thousands of parents around the world that can...
Published 01/01/20
Physical fitness is just as important as Math and Reading for the long term health of our children.
Published 12/29/19
Your child's symptoms are an indication that it's out of balance, not a drug deficiency. Find out how to uncover root cause through the F.D.N. approach.
Published 12/29/19
Parents do not have to accept the diagnosis. There is so much that can be done to help heal children that are diagnosed with autistic symptoms.
Published 12/29/19