How can practicing virtues like self-control and perseverance enhance one's faith? Faith is a multifaceted journey that involves continual growth and intentional enhancement, much like the physical supplements that many incorporate into their daily lives for better health. Rylee Meek and Christian Edwards, notable speakers at faith-based events, offer unique perspectives on how spiritual supplements can bolster one's faith journey. Rylee Meek emphasizes that accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior...
Published 06/20/24
Covetousness and idolatry are intertwined concepts, emphasizing the need to turn towards God and away from material idols.   Idolatry, a sin consistently condemned in scripture, often starts innocuously but can lead to significant spiritual oppression by prioritizing anything over one's relationship with God, such as fitness, relationships, or material possessions. Rylee Meek views idolatry as a serious and often underestimated sin, manifesting in various forms that can hinder one's...
Published 06/13/24
It's easy to overlook the things that we put above our relationship with God, whether it's material possessions, success, or even relationships. Idolatry, the act of placing anything above one's devotion to God, remains a poignant topic both historically and in contemporary society. Rylee Meek and Christian Edwards explore this issue, warning against allowing even positive aspects of life, such as church activities or loved ones, to become idols that detract from a relationship with the...
Published 06/06/24
In today's political landscape, it's crucial that our decisions align with biblical values. The topic of the importance of voting, particularly from a Christian perspective, is an engaging and vital discourse. It puts into perspective the moral obligations of believers in their role as active participants in the socio-political landscape. Rylee Meek, a firm proponent of this view, sees voting not only as a duty but also as a moral obligation for believers. He emphasizes the need for voting...
Published 05/30/24
It's crucial to remember that stewardship goes beyond just managing money; it involves using financial resources wisely to support and care for those in need. Wealth and kingdom entrepreneurship, a captivating topic, intertwines spiritual principles and financial stewardship to support the less fortunate. Rylee Meek, a firm believer in this approach, sees the creation of wealth as a tool for righteous purposes, influenced by his view that wealth should be a resource used to bless others and...
Published 05/23/24
Understanding the balance between wealth and serving God is crucial.   The subject of beliefs about money and wealth is a complex one, often interwoven with cultural, religious, and personal ideologies. Rylee Meek and Christian Edwards bring unique perspectives to this topic, rooted in their spiritual identities and experiences. Meek's viewpoint is that our financial prosperity is closely linked with our understanding of God-given gifts and abilities. He encourages self-reflection and...
Published 05/16/24
Adversity faced by Christians is viewed as being permitted by God, indicating a reliance on His grace and guidance for overcoming challenges. Transformation in Christ is a concept that embodies the journey of a Christian to emulate Jesus, through righteousness, holiness, and sanctification, reflecting His teachings in their everyday lives. Rylee Meek and Christian Edwards, two individuals with a deep-rooted faith, share their perspectives on this spiritual metamorphosis. Meek posits that...
Published 05/09/24
Redeeming lost time through God's redemption leads to transformative change and alignment with His will. The concept of redeeming time, originating from Ephesians 5:15-16, is more than just efficient time management. It's a profound spiritual principle that speaks to God's ability to restore lost time and facilitate personal growth and transformation, aligning us with His divine purpose. Rylee Meek's perspective on this topic stems from the belief in being intentional with our time, allowing...
Published 05/02/24
Why is facing challenges and trials in faith crucial for character building? Bryan Schwartz, a former NFL linebacker for the Jacksonville Jaguars and current leadership mentor, underwent a significant transformation through his faith journey. Born and raised in St. Lawrence, South Dakota, his faith journey started during his rookie season in the NFL under the influence of his teammate Mark Brunell, which led him to immerse himself in Christianity and embark on a path of self-discovery and...
Published 04/25/24
What is the importance of true repentance in maintaining salvation? Salvation and repentance are fundamental concepts within Christianity that stir engaging conversations among believers due to their inherent complexities and implications. Rylee Meek and Christian Edwards, two prominent figures in such discussions, offer insightful perspectives on these topics. Meek, emphasizing the importance of genuine repentance and continuous sanctification, believes that true salvation requires a sincere...
Published 04/18/24
Apostasy is a serious topic, but how can we stay true to our faith? The concepts of salvation and repentance lie at the heart of the Christian faith, necessitating a deep-seated trust in Jesus Christ and an absolute surrender to God. They are crucial components in maintaining an authentic relationship with the Divine, underscored by sincere faith rather than just nominal declarations of belief. From the perspective of Rylee Meek, salvation and repentance demand an honest commitment to Jesus...
Published 04/11/24
Maintaining discipline and engaging in spiritual growth can help you break free from complacency and reach your full potential. In the realm of personal growth and high achievement, the intriguing topic of complacency combat arises, highlighting the importance of fostering a robust community of driven individuals. Rylee Meek, a strong advocate for this approach, believes that surrounding oneself with a like-minded and accountable collective can effectively beat complacency, driving...
Published 04/04/24
Why is it important to understand the difference between contentment and complacency for personal growth? The distinction between complacency and contentment, though subtle, holds substantial weight, particularly in the context of spiritual growth and fulfillment. Complacency, characterized by stagnation and self-satisfaction despite existing deficiencies, contrasts sharply against contentment, which implies a state of happiness and satisfaction, independent of external circumstances. Rylee...
Published 03/28/24
Financial decisions can shape a community's economic sustainability and values. Scott Thomas is a well-established entrepreneur with a particular interest in aiding businesses to flourish while focusing on kingdom principles. He holds significant experience in implementing credit card processing strategies that are in alignment with these principles, with the primary objective of boosting tithing contributions and keeping funds within the kingdom economy. Scott's perspective on increasing...
Published 03/21/24
How can Christians shift their perception of wealth to effectively serve God and others? Scott Thomas is deeply involved in church-centric activities like the Dream Cities conference. His perspective on the cleansing of the church is grounded in both acknowledgment and urgency. They view the ongoing challenges faced by the church as an essential process of purification and refinement, suggesting that only those who are proactive can effectively navigate this period of cleansing. Scott...
Published 03/14/24
How can one integrate entrepreneurial endeavors with spiritual principles? Chris McCormack is a renowned tax planning and bookkeeping expert who operates Better Books Accounting, where he aids clients in reducing their tax liabilities. He is also recognized for his entrepreneurial coaching and business advice and hosts a podcast on accounting and tax-related topics. McCormack's perspective on his faith journey is shaped by his Catholic background and personal experiences. He initially doubted...
Published 03/07/24
How does The King's Council promote radical generosity within the kingdom economy? Graham Allen is a passionate advocate for holistic personal development within leadership roles, drawing inspiration from secular entrepreneurs and emphasizing the importance of respect and harmony across mental, spiritual, and financial dimensions. His perspective on the king's council mission is deeply rooted in his belief in empowering entrepreneurs, particularly Christians, to embrace the idea of creating...
Published 02/29/24
Why do Christians often find themselves torn between their beliefs and practical concerns? Ash Meek, a guest on the King's council podcast, is renowned for her insights on relationships, particularly on the topic of compromise. Her perspective, shaped by her own experiences and her marriage to Rylee Meek, is that compromising in relationships is not ideal as it can lead to a lose-lose situation where neither party truly benefits. Instead, she advocates for making intentional decisions to...
Published 02/22/24
It's not just about denying food, but setting aside time to seek God. Fasting, a significant practice for Christians and kingdom entrepreneurs, is not just about denying food but setting aside time to seek God. It is a spiritual discipline that fosters growth and a closer relationship with God, and is often associated with significant events and breakthroughs in the Bible. Rylee Meek, initially skeptical about the necessity of fasting in the modern day, has come to view it as an expectation...
Published 02/15/24
Generosity, forgiveness, and spiritual giving are the key principles in the Bible. In Episode 156 of The King's Council Podcast, hosts Rylee Meek and Christian Edwards delve into the profound biblical principles of radical generosity, forgiveness, and the importance of supporting those who nourish us spiritually. Drawing inspiration from the story of the widow who gave her last two coins, they discuss how true generosity transcends the amount given, highlighting the significance of the heart...
Published 02/08/24
You've given your life to Jesus, what's next? Sanctification process and spirit-led living in Christianity is a transformative journey that requires full surrender and submission to God. It is a continuous process that impacts relationships and personal growth, often leading to criticism but also inspiring others through personal testimony. Rylee Meek and Christian Edwards, both deeply rooted in their Christian faith, share their unique perspectives on this topic. Meek emphasizes that...
Published 02/01/24
The topic of the works of the flesh versus the fruit of the spirit explores the contrast between two sets of behaviors and qualities. The intriguing topic of exploring symbolism, spirituality, and worship in medicine is one that is often overlooked yet holds profound implications for our understanding of health and wellness. Rylee Meek and Christian Edwards delve into this subject, bringing their unique perspectives to the table. Meek, with his belief in the deep connection between the body,...
Published 01/25/24
The greatest invitation on earth is the one mentioned by Jesus. Come to me, all who labor and are heavy burdened and I will give you rest. The King's Council Podcast, hosted by Rylee Meek and Christian Edwards, offers a unique platform for exploring Christian living and faith. Rylee Meek views this exploration as a transformative journey, emphasizing the importance of delving into scripture and fostering a deep connection with the spirit of God. He believes that this process can lead to a...
Published 01/18/24
God created everything by speaking it into existence. The exploration of the impact and control of speech in spiritual growth is a fascinating journey, revealing the profound power our words hold. Rylee Meek, a firm believer in the transformative power of speech, emphasizes the importance of intentional and positive communication. He suggests that our words, when spoken with understanding, can change our lives and influence future generations. Christian Edwards, on the other hand, views...
Published 01/11/24