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I dette afsnit kan du høre forsker Katharina Henn fortælle om, hvorfor danskerne bør spise flere bælgfrugter. I samtalen vender Stig og Katharina resultaterne fra hendes Ph.D om forbrugernes holdninger til at spise flere bælgfrugter. Vi kommer vidt omkring og dykker også ned i tips til, hvordan du bedre kan fordøje bælgfrugter.
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Om forskeren: Katharina Henn, Ph.D.Identifying behavioral and attitudinal barriers and drivers to promote consumption of pulses: A quantitative survey across five European countries, 2022Willingness to replace animal-based products with pulses among consumers in different European countries, 2022The Effect of Processing on Digestion of Legume Proteins, 2019Prebiotic Potential of Dietary Beans and Pulses and Their Resistant Starch for Aging-Associated Gut and Metabolic Health, 2022The Impact of Diet on Microbiota Evolution and Human Health. Is Diet an Adequate Tool for Microbiota Modulation?, 2020Tips til at undgå mavepine, FAOVIL DU I KONTAKT MED OS?
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