Published 05/17/23
This lesson was recorded with a client in mind. Remember no lessons are meant to be a treatment Simply play and explore.   There are two lessons here, there is a break point at around 20 minutes.   Let me know what you discover!   If you want to book a conversation find me at my website
Published 12/09/21
Hello and welcome to this lesson, Lets play!   Explore the way you use your breathe and voice as a self observation process. What do you hear when you speak? Where is your voice? Do you ever think of your voice? It's a big part of you. Have you been ill, had Covid, feel Stress, or maybe you can play just for fun.   Book a conversation    Check out my website
Published 12/09/21
Remember none of these recordings are meant to be a medical treatment, do check with your physician if you have any concern over completing any movement.   This is a very "simple", but surprisingly complex process, and a great way to build up a bit more awareness of the way you use yourself.  Shoes on, shoes off, boots, high heels, flip flops, you can do this again and again and learn lots of different information about your self use.   My website is here  do contact me  My...
Published 11/18/21
This is a classic induction process spoken by Jill Wigmore-Welsh. It isn't meant as a medical treatment or therapy, but simply to explore what it feels like to take yourself into a relaxed state. Obviously, this IS NOT a recording to play while you are driving or operating machinery, so make sure you are in the right time and place to listen and practice along. The faint background music is some I use every now and again on recordings and was created by Glenn Keiles If you find it...
Published 11/17/21
This is a classic induction process, that isn't meant as a medical treatment or therapy, but simply to explore what it feels like to take yourself into a relaxed state. Obviously, this IS NOT a recording to play while you are driving or operating machinery, so make sure you are in the right time and place to listen and practice along.   If you find it helpful leave a message or share with a friend.   If you want to have hypnotherapy for a specific medical problem then check out my...
Published 11/17/21
This short podcast is on the front of my website, and when you listen to it, you'll probably get to know more about people who I work with. Book a no obligation chat My website
Published 11/16/21
Faster-Sleep™ is a programme that integrates CBT-I, Hypnotic Meditations, and Clinical Feldenkrais Lessons called Somnimoves™.   This lesson is an extract of a longer bigger lesson that's a day time practice lesson, to assist with state change, try this part, and if you enjoy it and want to know more send me a message.   Remember this is an exploration and NOT intended as a medical treatment, always check with your physician if you are concerned about doing any new movement   The...
Published 11/15/21
A very simple lesson that can be done in sitting, lying or standing. AY Lesson 5 The lesson is not designed to be a medical treatment and if you are worried in any way that moving may be problematic, then speak to your physician before doing the work My website
Published 11/14/21
This lesson has been recorded with a person in mind. It's a subtle easy slow gentle lesson, with some detail on the anatomy and structure of the thoracic spine. Just a little, but enough to spark interest. The lesson is not designed to be a medical treatment and if you are worried in any way that moving may be problematic, then speak to your physician before doing the work. However, you can always do this just in your imagination either in sitting or side lying.   I mention a pillow...
Published 11/12/21
This Clinical Feldenkrais BSMA lesson was written with a particular client in mind, and uploaded to share. It is also a lesson from the Somnimoves™ Series , which are 10 lessons forming part of the FASTER-Sleep™ programme. FASTER-Sleep™ is created specifically for problem insomnia and sleep difficulties and integrates CBT-I, Clinical Feldenkrais and Hypnotic Mindful Meditations. This lesson is not meant to be a medical treatment for any or everybody with a clinical condition and as...
Published 11/12/21
This Clinical Feldenkrais BSMA lesson was written with a particular client in mind, and uploaded to share. It's not meant to be a medical treatment for any or everybody with a clinical condition and as always, do check with your physician before you do any new bodywork, if you have any concerns.   The lesson is designed to be an exploration, in the laboratory of your life and to aid your own discoveries. Do leave a message if you find you have any interesting responses to completing the...
Published 11/01/21
Going live on my podcast to spread the word about ways you can be helped with your self learning and change. Come on air with me in the mornings, at around 08.45 UK time. Sign up as a fan or follower and get my feed so you can have a lesson and then join in a chat afterwards about the outcome.  
Published 10/28/21
In this podcast Jill introduces the concept of Movement Impairment, and how this may manifest in day to day living.  TPP are experts in applying Clinical Feldenkrais to treat movement impairment problems, in combination with classic physiotherapy techniques.  If you want to move better, then take advantage of our free consultation. You get the opportunity to explain what your problems are exactly what you want to be able to achieve. Book here
Published 10/25/21
Here at TPP we work with adults over 50, 60 and 70 plus years of age. Stress and anxiety are two related but different problems, and we have the tools to help with both problems.  Jill explains in this podcast just what the differences are and how we can help.   If you have problem stress and anxiety you can book an appointment through our diary system. A first consultation is free  
Published 10/25/21
TPP can help with Chronic Fatigue, Post Viral and Long Covid symptoms. Jill has practical experience of recovery from PVS and 10 years experience working with adults and children with Chronic Fatigue.   In this podcast Jill shares a little about her own experiences, how she recovered and that she can help.   If you want help then book a free appointment UK time 
Published 10/25/21
In this podcast Jill explains how TPP helps people with bones and muscle injuries which are two of the six main problems that TPP helps people recover from.  TPP specializes in helping people over age 50,60 and 70 plus. We are based in the UK. but help people all over the world via webcam. If you want to check if we can help you then book an appointment
Published 10/25/21
At Tilehurst Physiotherapy and Psychotherapy we provide 6 core solutions for problems people in over 50, 60 and 70 plus. One major problem we help with is Acute and Chronic Pain care. This podcast introduces the difference between acute and chronic pain, who we help and how we can help them.   If you want to book a free consultation UK time zone then follow our link and book a consultation. 
Published 10/25/21