In this Legaltech Academy podcast episode, our guest speaker, Laura Jeffords Greenberg, elaborates on different Large Language Models available for legal professionals. Is there a winner that best suites the needs of the legal sector?
Published 11/30/23
Published 11/30/23
Generative AI comes with numerous promises for the digitalization of the legal sector. Although it is not since yesterday that we have been applying AI in the legal industry, the revolution caused by Generative AI has brought new opportunities. What are they? How are legaltech providers applying Generative AI in their tools?
Published 07/04/23
There are two commonly known approaches to innovation within organizations: top-down or bottom-up. The leaders of these employee initiatives are intrapreneurs, people who think outside the box, identify untapped opportunities and drive transformative change from within. In this Spotlight On podcast episode, we talk to Derek Lou, an ex-intrapreneur of Cuatrecasas and currently an entrepreneur behind a Spanish startup for workflow automation: Parallel.
Published 06/15/23
Due to increasing repercussions of non-compliance, for instance, GDPR financial sanctions, the legal departments started to take an interest in, and thus, train algorithms to support them in being on a watch for compliance. Commercially, we have seen a great number of software solutions proclaiming fluency in understanding the GDPR regulatory provisions, but to what extent? We've got you covered: meet our guest Álvaro Vidal Hernández who is a data privacy associate lawyer at Bird & Bird...
Published 05/18/23
A transcription of a monthly Legaltech Academy meetup. A discussion about legaltech sector through a recruiter's eyes. Can we talk de facto about the legal innovation job market? What are the most researched profiles? Who searches to hire legal innovation specialists? Listen to this episode and learn more about the reality of legaltech job market.
Published 04/18/23
The hype is REAL - ChatGPT is on the tongues of millions of people all over the world. The users are also lawyers, who question its significance for the future - or present - of the legal sector. Is it a risk, or an opportunity to us - lawyers - and our clients? In the first Legaltech Academy Meetup of 2023, our guest, Agel Sancho Ferrer, shares with us his thoughts and reflections over this latest development.
Published 02/08/23
Contracts are the lifeblood of every company. They are a framework for every transaction and any money earned or spent by an organization. Therefore, the quality of contracts and the way they are negotiated, drafted, and managed can be either a source of value or a hidden trap. Yet, according to estimations published by Harvard Business Review, between 5% to 40% of the value of a deal is being lost by companies due to ineffective contracting processes. Thus, poorly managed contracts may...
Published 11/15/22
Legal Operations (Legal Ops) departments are becoming nearly a norm in the US, where legal innovation and technology have begun. What is their importance for a company? How to build one? Are they a new "must-have", also in the EU? Our guest speaker, Dr. Michael Burkart, addresses these and other questions.
Published 10/04/22
Due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, more than 4 million Ukrainians have left their homes to protect their and their children's lives. To help displaced people who appeared abroad due to the war, lawyers and legal tech companies are joining forces to help them obtain asylum and legal aid. During this special meetup we want to draw your attention to these initiatives and encourage you to help and support refugees and citizens of Ukraine: https://www.comebackalive.in.ua/donate
Published 05/10/22
What is legal design and what are the main misconceptions around it?
Published 04/05/22
A conversation with Horace Wu, Founder, and CEO of Syntheia.io, regarding the knowledge management in a law firm and legal department. What kind of technology tools can improve legal knowledge management? What are current trends in legal knowledge management?
Published 03/15/22
Deciding to implement legal technology tools does not have to be a blind bet. However, traditional ROI calculators may be difficult to implement in a legal business. How to calculate the ROI on legaltech projects?
Published 02/22/22
The third meet-up of Legaltech Academy released in a podcast form. Two guests from tech and legal worlds discuss the potential of data for the legal sector. In some aspects, law firms and legal departments are not much different from other sectors. Yet, it seems like legal practitioners are not taking advantage of the power of data analytics, so well established elsewhere on the market. Can we thus speak of data-driven decisions? What is the potential of data for the legal sector?
Published 02/08/22
A Q&A session with a law firm's innovator: Iga Kurowska. What does the role of Head of Innovation and Legaltech consist of? What are its day-to-day obligations? Is it essential to create a new position to foster innovation within a law firm?
Published 01/25/22
First meet-up of Legaltech Academy devoted to the topic of legal careers. One hour. Three inspirational stories. International guests and audience. No taboos.
Published 12/23/21
Roman i Iga, wraz z kilkoma gośćmi z poprzednich odcinków, wymieniają się doświadczeniami i spostrzeżeniami na temat źródeł wiedzy nt. innowacji prawniczej i legaltech'u. Skąd czerpać więdzę na te aktualne tematy ? Co czytać, bądź oglądać i kogo śledzić, aby stać się ekspertem w tych domenach ? Posłuchajcie przemyśleń naszych i naszych gości.
Published 02/11/21
W kolejnym odcinku podacstu, Iga i Roman rozmawiają z Arkadiuszem Szczudło o obecności prawników w mediach społecznościowych. Jak wyznaczyć granicę między profilem prywatnym, a profesjonalnym ? Które portale możemy uznać za profesjonalne? Jakie treści powinien publikować prawnik i kancelarie prawne, aby zwrócić uwage swoich potencjalnych klientów? Aby poznać odpowiedzi na te i inne pytania, posłuchaj całego odcinka.
Published 01/28/21
In this 5th episode of Legaltech markets' abroad series, we are speaking with Ebru Matin who takes us on a journey to Turkey. She tells us about the state of art of digital transformation of the legal sector. We also discover the tendencies of its legal innovation and legaltech success stories. She discusses the internationalization of legaltech turkish startups and the presence of foreign actors on the Turkish market. Listen to the full podcast to discover more!
Published 01/14/21
W tym ocinku podcast'u LegalTech Lab, Iga i Roman rozmawiają z Jackiem Stanisławskim o tym, czy oferty kancelarii w Polsce odpowiadają na realne oczekiwnia klientów. Czy kancelarie nadążają za rozwojem technologicznym ich klientów i czy innowacyjność może stanowić przewagę konkurencyjną ? Odpowiedzi na te i inne pytania usłyszycie w tym odcinku. Zapraszamy do odsłuchania!
Published 12/31/20
W 19stym odcinku podcastu LegaltechLab, Iga i Roman rozmawiają z Pawłem Michalskim na temat inwestowania w sektor Legaltech. Jak ewaluuje projekt potencjalny inwestor ? Czy istnieją projekty prawne, które przykuły do tej pory jego wzrok na polskim rynku ? Czy mamy szanse, aby w przyszłości sektor legaltech w Polsce był tak atrakcyjny dla inwestorów, jak jest on aktualnie w Stanach?
Published 12/17/20
Roman i Iga rozmawiają z p. Dorotą Płuchowską na temat tego czym jest Legal design i jakie są jego korzyści. Zastanawiają się, jakie ma miejsce w codziennej pracy nie tylko prawników, ale i innych aktorów prawa, oraz jak zapoczątkować zmianę, aby rozwiązanie każdego problemu zaczynać od analizy potrzeb klienta.
Published 12/03/20
In the forth episode from the Foreign legaltech markets' series, Iga and Roman talk to Andrés Laserna about the legaltech market of Colombia. They analyse the startups present, foreign influences and future potential for introducing innovation in the LATAM market. Listen to the full episode to discover more.
Published 11/19/20
Do tej pory, Iga i Roman poznawali głownie tajemnice wdrażania innowacyjnych rozwiązań w kancelariach. W tym odcinku, rozmawiają o wewnętrzynych działach prawnych firm. Czym różni sie praca prawnika in-house od prawnika kancelaryjnego, i jak wpływa to na wdrażanie innowacji ? Jakie kroki należy podjąć, aby zoptymalizować czynności w pracy dla wewnetrznego klienta, tzn. kolegów i koleżanek z innych działów przedsiębiorstwa? O realiach przeprowadzania transformacji cyfrowej w dziale in-house...
Published 11/05/20