The principle of non-intervention is one of the most important in international law. However, a gigantic loophope has been exposed; what about in the cyberworld? Tune in for an interesting discussion on the issue of non-intervention in the rapidly changing world nowadays.
Published 11/21/21
Published 11/21/21
Is it worth bringing children abroad? In today’s podcast, Alex presents an innovative question of whether it is worthy to bring children too young on trips abroad just because of the reason that they will learn “something” from the trip.
Published 11/18/21
What is your favorite painting? This used to be a simple and casual question but nowadays it is rarely a part of our conversation. Tune in for today's episode on the meaning of art in our lives.
Published 11/11/21
Even though our world holds a catchphrase “equality” in front, social hierarchy constructed in some way always exists. Do you think it is possible to eliminate social hierarchy from our world?
Published 11/04/21
The impact that the name Heidi and Howard can have is huge. Tune in for our discussion on gender issues following the Heidi Roizen experiment.
Published 10/14/21
What comes to your mind if you think about the concept “change”? Dreadful situation? Exciting moments? Well, check this episode out to listen to Alex’s definition of change and the incredible powers it possess.
Published 10/09/21
Tune in for today's episode on seven interesting facts about languages that you have never heard of before!
Published 09/30/21
In this episode, Alex discusses one of the most controversial debates in history: what should be prioritized, the means or the ends?
Published 09/23/21
"Good medicine is bitter to the mouth" goes an old Korean saying. Why are we inclined to reject the bitter things and attracted to the sweets? How is this seen around us in today's society? Join us in a discussion on bitterness and its implications in our lives.
Published 09/14/21
Probably the biggest beauty of childhood is their innocent and unlimited imagination. As we grow up, we tend to forget about what we imagined when we were young. In this article, Alex will help you to go back to your childhood and think about the coolest imaginations you had at that time.
Published 09/09/21
Time flies like an arrow. Or does it? What does it mean for us that time flies so quickly? Listen to Jin's thoughts of whether time flies or not and what we can do about it.
Published 09/03/21
In this podcast, Alex carefully scrutinizes the meaning of suicide by analyzing Ghassan Kanafani’s novel . Find more in our blog ‘Legibilus’.
Published 08/28/21
A lot of our questions tend to ask what one likes. But is this the best way of knowing people? Tune in for Jin's intriguing conversation on the importance of the question of "dislike."
Published 08/17/21
Our society loves to divide the entire population into two big groups: men and women, winners and losers, pro-something and against-something. In this podcast, Alex analyzes our dichotomous society with her sharp perception.
Published 08/13/21
What is diplomacy to you? Does this word remind you of intellectuals fully armed with their PhDs and thick books? Listen to Jin's thoughts on the true definition of diplomacy, reflecting the current trends of global influence.
Published 08/06/21
Everyone reads something throughout their lives: fantasy novels, non-fiction, news articles, and so on. But have you ever wondered the reason why people read?
Published 07/31/21
The debate surrounding euthanasia has been around for decades. The intentional removal of artificial life-support has been accused of being murder while others claim it's a personal choice and a rather merciful one. Tune in for Jin's views on this issue.
Published 07/21/21
Everyone knows that applying certain concept without considering its context is highly dangerous. Scrutinizing the background condition of every scientific finding is essential in order to prevent any type of misunderstanding and moral hazard. Social Darwinism serves as the best example of scientific theory turning into a lethal weapon. Listen and read Legibilus if you want to find out why.
Published 07/16/21
How do we measure a country's openness? What is the fairest indicator of openness? Tune in for Jin's story on her journey to answer these questions.
Published 07/09/21
Have you ever thought about the amazingly similar aspects between languages around the world? Why do we use similar sounds for the words meaning “mom” and “dad” around the world? Why do some languages use strong sounds while the others do not? We hope this podcast can provide you some food for thought regarding this incredibly interesting topic, languages.
Published 07/03/21
What is life? Well, this is certainly a grand question, right? But it at the same time is a question that is worthy enough to invest our own time. Inspired by Daniel Koshland’s “The Seven Pillars of Life”, Alex would like to share her own thoughts on this meaningful inquiry.
Published 07/03/21
Is suicide a crime? Some argue that it is a choice made by an individual and does not directly harm others and hence is not a crime. Others argue of its negative externalities on the society. Tune in to discuss the debate surrounding suicide.
Published 06/24/21
In this episode we discuss "sleep" and different sleeping patterns that each one of is has. Listen to Jin's story and thoughts on sleep!
Published 06/09/21
Are humans naturally antagonistic against something different? Is it our own nature to classify things into ‘us’ and ‘the others’? How did this concept of ‘the other’ infiltrate into our society?
Published 06/05/21