Can Somebody Tell Her She's Kinda Racist?
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Hello Juicy Lemoners! This is our last episode of the year and then we'll be going on a little break over the Christmas holidays :) SEGMENT 1: The Influencer who Refuses to apologise over racial slurs and culture appropriation - A Caucasian influencer (who is allegedly French) who is currently studying in Singapore sparked outrage last week over her Instagram photos where she wore the Chinese traditional QiPao and posed with slanted eyes and wrote the caption that included 'ching chong'. - She has refused to apologise despite thousands of people telling her it was racially insensitive SEGMENT 2: Goal-base vs Life-based Life Approach - A viral TikTok trend which people are sharing their lessons learnt from their psychologists is going viral - One particular video is about comparing a goal-based and life-based life - What is the difference and how can it change your life? SEGMENT 3: Recommendations - This week we are recommending you to watch Korean movie The Call on Netflix. Join in on the discussion on our socials! Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Our Spotify Playlist: Hosted by: Phillip Kuoch: Thomas Tan Tan: Support this show   See for privacy and opt-out information.
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