Rachel Jane Andelman (@rajandelman) and Brock Wilbur (@brockwilbur) plow through the Silent Hill games and extended universe so you don't have to. Also, there are jokes and friendship and yeah, of course, the dark corrosion of past sins that are inescapable. But in a fun way! [Produced by Terence Wiggins @theblacknerd]
Brock Wilbur and Rachel Jane Andelman, two comedians plowing through the history of Silent Hill video games, finally hit upon the mobile/handheld adventure that is wildly better than one might expect. Silent Hill Zero is a long-haul trucker line-in to why a child gave birth to another child while...
Published 08/28/19
As Rachel and Brock worked through the first four Silent Hill games, there were a few episodes where time ran out and the ability to dive into the deeper stuff got cut. That's where Whitney Chavis (Chemi_Ro) comes in. Whitney runs the Silent Hill Historical Society and live-streams the games for...
Published 03/25/19