Published 12/19/18
Published 12/19/18
When one of three sisters passes on to the next life making a vow to return, the two remaining sisters think she may have kept her promise after some strange occurrences take place in the house. Is she there for good or for evil?               "Scenery" by Kai Engel is licensed under a Attribution License.
Published 10/29/17
A young governess must make her way across the haunted moors in the dead of night to find a doctor for the young lady of the house.             "Modum" by Kai Engel is licensed under a Attribution License.
Published 10/22/17
A miser money lender is plagued by some unknown nuisance, is it just a trick of the eyes, an escaped monkey, or is it something more sinister?            "Machinery" by Kai Engel is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial License.
Published 10/15/17
Inspiration can come from the strangest places.       "Oecumene Sleeps" by Kai Engel is licensed under a Attribution License. "Difference" by Kai Engel is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial License.  Original can be found here http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Kai_Engel/Better_Way/Kai_Engel_-_Better_Way_-_04_Difference
Published 10/08/17
Can true love be parted even in death?
Published 10/01/17
After a mix up at the market, a household is thrown into disarray when everyone starts acting most unusual after eating some delicious magic bon bons. 
Published 04/23/17
A whole Kingdom full of suitors are trying to win the heart of a princess.  Through some mysterious circumstances young Cinderlad may have a chance.
Published 04/16/17
A prince must save a princess from an evil sorcerer using the help of three men with unusual abilities. 
Published 04/09/17
When modern man interferes and steals the king of the  polar bears' skin.  The king must defend his title and prove he is still leader.
Published 04/02/17
A thief and a liar make their fortunes by conning Kings until they split up. Then they con each other.
Published 03/26/17
A young princess is forced to flee her kingdom in disguise and work on a farm, until a young prince discovers her and falls madly in love.
Published 03/19/17
A humble glass blower tries to win the heart of a wealthy ill woman, using the help of a wizard... and the wizard's glass dog.
Published 03/12/17
Poor runaway Jack sets out to make his fortune in the wide world and tries to win the heart of his true love Anna.
Published 03/05/17
A poor fisher lad tries to win the heart of a princess through several troublesome tasks.
Published 03/05/17
A humble little tailor sets out on a grand adventure after slaying seven in one stroke!
Published 03/05/17
See what's to come on the new audio series Let Me Tell You A Story.
Published 02/18/17