Santa Claus or Father Christmas? The origin of the Patron saint of Christmas is explored. Plus, the surprising popularity of a Tickle Me Elmo toy has caused prices to skyrocket.
Published 12/27/96
A tribute to Mr Boutros Boutros-Ghali, former leader of the UN General Assembly, whose peacekeeping skills were put to the test during the Rwandan Genocide.
Published 12/20/96
Madeleine Albright becomes the first Secretary of State in America, and investigations reveal a possible chemical cause of Gulf War Syndrome.
Published 12/13/96
Cults of California, tolerance in San Francisco, and the permissive parenting backlash are discussed by Alistair Cooke in this week's Letter From America.
Published 12/06/96
From California, Alistair Cooke examines the un-politicised institution of Thanksgiving and the changing face of US politics.
Published 11/29/96
After public revelations of cases of sexual violence in the US Army and Navy Alistair Cooke examines the scandal of the sexual harassment of women in America's armed forces.
Published 11/22/96
US intervention in the Rwandan refugee crisis and the history of President Clinton's press conferences.
Published 11/15/96
The results of the presidential elections and how technology is turning busy television studios into silent cathedrals, as discussed by Alistair Cooke.
Published 11/08/96
The history Halloween, the origin of the vampire myth and the roaring business performed by pumpkin farmers during the month of October.
Published 11/01/96
A season of disaster, forest fires, tornadoes, earthquakes and leads to a recollection of a vast storm in 1938 which descended on the Northern Atlantic coast.
Published 10/25/96
The science of electoral prediction and the possible pitfalls of keeping one ear to the ground following the Dole and Clinton debates.
Published 10/18/96
Vice-presidential responsibilities, the careers of Bob Dole, Dan Quayle and Jack Kemp, and the false predictions of Lord Kelvin, Albert Einstein and Arthur C Clarke.
Published 10/11/96
The first presidential debate between President Clinton and Mr Dole, and the unique election advantage gifted to incumbent presidents, the presidential halo.
Published 10/04/96
Boris Yeltsin's heart-bypass surgery and the cultures of secrecy that have surrounded the heath and governance of gravely ill leaders.
Published 09/27/96
As O J Simpson's civil trial begins Alistair Cooke considers what can be gained from a civil suit and examines the differences in the way the new trial is being run.
Published 09/20/96
The Defense of Marriage Act and the implications it has to same sex marriage, and news from Bob Dole's floundering presidential campaign.
Published 09/13/96
The US cruise missile strike in Iraq, the claims that the first Gulf War was left unfinished and the complexities of the first conflict, as discussed by Alistair Cooke.
Published 09/06/96
The Democratic Party convention returning to Chicago, the history of the city and the 'circus within a plague' of the last, disastrous conference of 1968.
Published 08/30/96
The return of Ross Perot as a presidential candidate, the prohibition of third-trimester abortions, the proliferation of guns and the education of children about global warming.
Published 08/23/96
The history of the party nomination conventions, the switch to the primary election as the method of choosing a presidential candidate, and Bill Clinton's lead in the polls.
Published 08/16/96
The commercialisation and crass television coverage of the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta, and the effect that an influx of money has on sport.
Published 08/09/96
The presidential race, US welfare and healthcare reform and the prurience and pressure surrounding the TWA flight 800 crash investigation.
Published 08/02/96
The TWA Flight 800 crash and the media coverage of the accident, the casino life of the financial markets and Bob Dole's reluctance to embrace the 1990s.
Published 07/26/96
The Helms-Burton bill, which penalises foreign companies doing business with Cuba, Senator Jessie Helms and tobacco , and the importance of Southern states to President Clinton.
Published 07/19/96