In today’s episode Sara and Jen respond to a letter writer who is battling with burnout in their business and is struggling to show up and run her business in this season. Sara and Jen share their own experiences with burnout, the lessons they’ve learned, and their advice and encouragement for today’s letter writer too.
Published 11/04/19
In today’s episode Sara and Jen respond to a letter writer who is struggling to find focus in their work and is curious as to whether or not they can still build a business on Instagram. Sara and Jen encourage today’s letter writer to think bigger than just Instagram when it comes to building their business, and share how they encourage them to get moving forward too. Today’s letter writer also shares that they live with ADHD, something Sara has recently been diagnosed with too so she shares...
Published 10/21/19
We’re coming back from our break with another ask us anything episode, diving into topics like how to deal with a bad client experience, how to prepare for starting a family when you’re self employed, whether or not to put your prices on your website and lots more!
Published 10/21/19
In today’s episode Sara and Jen respond to a letter writer who is struggling to decide what to automate, eliminate, and delegate in their business. Sara and Jen share their own approach to this in their business, the lessons they’ve learned, and their advice for anyone else struggling with this too.
Published 06/24/19
In today’s episode Sara and Jen respond to a letter writer who is struggling with their work being copied online. Copycats is such a tricky subject that so many of us have to navigate along the way, and in this episode Sara and Jen share their own experiences of being copied, how they deal with it, and the mindset they embrace when it comes to the inevitability of being copied too.
Published 06/10/19
In today’s episode Sara and Jen are diving into more listener questions, from our thoughts on Instagram potentially hiding like counts, our advice for being organised, how we motivate ourselves when we don’t feel like doing the work, navigating trolls online and more.
Published 05/20/19
In today’s episode Sara and Jen are answering listener questions, from our advice for starting something new, navigating quiet seasons in business, how we approach setting short and long term goals, how to deal with people who don’t understand your business and more.
Published 05/06/19
In today’s episode Sara and Jen respond to a letter writer who is curious about what it actually looks like to build a community online. Together they explore the biggest lessons they’ve learned about building community online, why they don’t believe in trying to hack your way to audience growth, and why they believe the most important part of building a community online is the connection you create and find within it.
Published 03/25/19
In today’s episode Sara and Jen are talking all things mailing lists and newsletters. Together they dive into building a mailing list, opt-in incentives, subject lines, how to decide what content belongs on your newsletter and more. If you’re thinking of starting a newsletter or want to be more intentional with the one you’ve already built this episode is for you.
Published 03/18/19
In today's episode Sara and Jen respond to a letter writer who is unsure as to whether or not to invest any money into their business before it makes a profit. They share their own experience of choosing when and when not to invest in their business, why they believe all investments in business are a leap of faith, and their advice for how to make this decision for your own business too.
Published 03/11/19
In today's episode Sara and Jen respond to a letter writer who is hoping to build her creative business during her upcoming maternity leave. Sara shares her own experience of starting her business while on maternity leave, and Jen shares the lessons she's learned from seeing many of her clients go on this journey too. Together they explore why showing yourself a whole lot of patience, compassion, and grace is the most important thing and their advice and encouragement for today's letter...
Published 03/04/19
In this episode Sara and Jen respond to a letter writer who is feeling anxious about becoming self employed because of the financial uncertainty that comes with this path. Sara and Jen share their own experiences of navigating financial uncertainty in their business, why we need to talk more about the financial reality of being self employed, and their advice for today’s letter writer moving forward too.
Published 02/25/19
In today's episode Sara and Jen are celebrating the launch of Sara's first book, Hashtag Authentic, by diving into listener questions all about Instagram. Together they explore topics such as losing followers, the new rules for sharing ads and gifted products, whether a consistent style and grid is actually important, having clearer boundaries online and more. Hashtag Authentic will be available this coming Thursday February 21st from all good bookstores and we may be a little biased but we...
Published 02/18/19
In today's episode Sara and Jen respond to a letter writer who is struggling to build their dream business because they're so busy doing the work that currently pays the bills and provides for their family. Sara and Jen explore why we need to stop believing the lie that building a business is quick and easy, why we need more advice that recognises that not everyone starts this journey from the same entry point, and how to redefine what it looks like for you to move forward in your business too.
Published 02/04/19
In today’s episode Sara and Jen respond to a letter writer who is asking whether or not they have to be authentic and deep on Instagram if they want to grow their community and achieve their goals online. They share whether or not they believe that you have to share intimate and vulnerable stories to succeed on Instagram (spoiler alert: you don’t), how to uncover what it is you really want to share online, and they also explore how to find the confidence and courage to share more vulnerable...
Published 01/28/19
In today's episode Sara and Jen respond to a letter writer who is feeling burned out with blogging and is unsure of what they want to next. Together they explore how to deal with losing followers when you start to make a change, why we have to give ourselves permission to evolve and change, and their advice for how to uncover what it is you truly want next. They also share why it's okay if you don't know what it is you want to do next and how we sometimes have to trust that we'll figure it...
Published 01/21/19
In today's episode Sara and Jen respond to a letter writer who is struggling to decide whether or not their business should be more niche. Together they explore why they don't believe in forcing yourself to find a niche, and instead why they believe in leaning into what makes you and your work special and unique. They share their own approach to niching in their business and their encouragement for anyone listening who is unsure of how to approach this in their own business moving forward too.
Published 01/14/19
In today's episode Sara and Jen respond to a letter writer who is afraid that they'll never actually make their business happen. Sara and Jen explore why so many of us can get stuck in that fear, why embracing being a beginner is the key to moving forward, and why they don't recommend falling into the trap of buying all of the courses and books and not actually doing any of the work yourself. They also share advice for how to uncover what it is you actually want to do next, and how to find...
Published 01/07/19
In today’s episode Sara and Jen respond to a letter writer who isn’t enjoying working from home as much as they first thought that they would. Sara and Jen share what they’ve learned over the years about how to make working from home truly work for you, why they believe giving yourself permission to work from home in whatever way works best for you is so important, and their advice and encouragement for anyone struggling with working from home right now too.
Published 11/19/18
In today's episode Sara and Jen respond to a letter writer who is struggling with comparing herself to other people in her industry, even though her business is thriving. Sara and Jen share their own relationship with comparison, why they don't believe it can ever serve us as business owners, and their advice and encouragement for moving past it too.
Published 11/12/18
In today's episode Sara and Jen respond to a letter writer who has been offered an exciting in-house role and now has to decide between that and her thriving business. Sara and Jen share their thoughts on how they would navigate this choice, their suggestions for how today's letter writer can make an intentional decision, and why there is never a right or wrong answer but just the one that works best for you.
Published 11/05/18
In today’s episode Sara and Jen respond to a letter writer who has dreams of starting a podcast but fears that there is no place for her in the podcasting world anymore. Sara and Jen explore why there is always space for you and your creative work, what they’ve learned from creating their own podcasts, and their advice for anyone who wants to bring their own show to life too.
Published 10/29/18
In today’s episode Sara and Jen respond to a letter writer who is feeling disappointed after launching their first e-course and making less than 10 sales. Sara and Jen break down the myths around creating courses, what they’ve learned from launching their own, and their encouragement and advice for anyone who wants to create courses to sell in their business.
Published 10/22/18
In today’s episode Sara and Jen respond to a letter writer who asks, once we have established a business how do we stay devoted to it? Sara and Jen explore their own experience with reaching their business goals and discovering what’s next, how they continue to stay devoted to their businesses, and their encouragement for today’s letter writer moving forward.
Published 10/15/18
In today's episode Sara and Jen respond to two letter writers who are struggling with their money mindset in their business. Sara and Jen dive into their own relationship with money and how it has evolved over the years, their encouragement for anyone who battles with fear, guilt, and imposter syndrome when it comes to money, and their advice for today's letters writer too.
Published 10/08/18