“There have been so many times and there still are here and there but your life is so stressed with work and you’re working on trying to let go of someone that’s been in your life for a long time that you love with all of your heart and they have not shown you that same love.
Then along comes one of Michael ‘s short, touching , calming videos, that makes you stop and listen to the soft, calming sound of his voice, and literally brings tears to my eyes because I feel like someone really cares. It doesn’t even know me.
God is truly was time with the talent and with a love for people. You don’t find that very often, so Michael , thank you for giving me that common peace and hectic part of my life when I need it cannot wait to hear your podcast.
Brenda Criss”
Buggy2023! via Apple Podcasts ·
United States of America ·