Are you avoiding having the convo with certain people about why you QUIT clinical practice?One of my clients- legit hid from her neighbor so she didn't have to explain to them why she was home in the middle of the day on a weekday. This episode will teach you HOW to talk to people about your departure from clinical medicine with ease and confidence. After listening you willBe armed with specific phrases you can use to tell people you're no longer practicing clinically.Stop avo...
Published 07/19/24
Published 07/19/24
Are you feeling confused about your medical career?You are questioning your next steps and stuck in a mental tornado of endless possibilities.In this episode, I'm sharing my proven process for identifying your next right steps, even if you've been spinning your wheels for months.You’ll learn:The mistake you might be making that is leading to overwhelm and analysis paralysis.A surprisingly effective approach to simplifying your decision making process that eliminates the noise of endless possi...
Published 07/11/24
Has someone ever guilted you into picking up an extra shift? Made you feel like you can’t really take time off without negatively impacting your coworkers and patients?Within the medical field- I’ve seen guilt used as a weapon. A way to manipulate the good will of healthcare professionalsWe went into medicine because we wanted to help people- and now that is being used against us.In this episode you’ll learnWhy I think guilt is a scamA powerful tool for navigating and dismantling guilt.Tune i...
Published 07/02/24
Ever wondered about transitioning from clinical medicine to the biotech and pharmaceutical world? In this episode, we dive into the world of pharma—a non clinical career path that has taken on an almost mythical quality. It’s viewed as either the "dark side" - if you go there you are working for the enemy. Or it’s the "holy grail”- a path that lets you use your medical experience, pays similar compensation but gives you your weekends off!So what is the truth!? What is the reality of a ca...
Published 06/21/24
“I don't want to work in this field anymore, but with the salary that I make,I don't see how I can make a career change.”Is this line of thinking something you can relate to?One of the MAIN reasons healthcare professionalsfeel trapped in their current careersis because of the money.Those golden handcuffs.You have this belief that "Nothing will pay what I make clinically.”But this is completely false.In this episode you’ll:Discover how to calculate your hourly rate (which- is pretty depressing...
Published 06/18/24
How much of your life have you spent waiting for a deadline in the future? I’m going to power through these next few years until I pay back my loans.Or, I’m going to wait until the kids go off to college.You wait for some situation to pass, or the perfect moment to present itself.It’s like that “My diet starts tomorrow” mentalityWe often delay our deepest dreams, waiting for the elusive "right time."And we convince ourselves that being patient- is the responsible thing to do.But is it respons...
Published 06/14/24
Have you ever felt lost and confused about your career in medicine?Like you've mapped out your whole life, only to wonder if you've been on the right path?By the time you become a clinician, you’ve dedicated over a decade to this dream.Medicine defines your future, your identity.But what happens when you start questioning this long-term career path?Even though it feels like you have no clue what you want…. this is actually NOT true!In this episode, I share the 3 types of clarity you probably ...
Published 05/31/24
What if you make a change in your career- and you still aren’t happy or fulfilled?What if the old saying is true?What if the grass really isn’t greener on the other side?If you’ve been questioning your medical careerand have so many swirling thoughts of doubt- that you don’t know what to believe anymore.This episode is going to be perfect for you.You’ll learn:How to discern if the grass WILL actually be greener on the other side.When skepticism is healthy- and when it’s keeping you stuck.How ...
Published 05/28/24
Do you feel trapped in clinical medicine because of “the money”?Even though you’re a high earner you feel like you cant afford tochange careerstake a sabbaticalor even just take a temporary pay cut.You feel this constant sense of unease and anxiety around money.A fear that if you stop working it could just run out at any moment.Why is this?Why does it feel like you never have enough money?Why does it feel like there’s no other options or no ways to earn income besides practicing clinically?Th...
Published 05/24/24
Have you ever felt your mind racing non-stop about why you're unhappy at work and what you can do to change it?One of my clients called this the "mind tornado," and it's SO real.You stay up late at night searching Google for career options while plotting your escape from your current job.So how do you stop this mental torture and actually figure out what's next?In this episode, I break down 3 practical steps to calm that storm and get you moving forward.I talk you through:mental and somatic s...
Published 05/21/24
Are you chained to the idea of not wasting your expensive medical degree?Imagine feeling liberated from the pressure to use your medical education in traditional, constrictive ways.In this episode, we explore why finding fulfillment in your career might mean stepping away from clinical practice and redefining what success means to you.Don’t let your degree define your future!If you're tired of ticking boxes and ready to craft a career that brings you joy and fulfillment every day, this episod...
Published 05/14/24
Are you feeling burnt out and struggling to muster the energy to even meet basic needs?Feeling like you're just treading water in your career, drained by the demands yet unable to pinpoint why?Many in our field experience chronic burnout, often without recognizing the subtle signs until it's overwhelming.Join us in this energetic episode, where we sit down with Carol Jean Whittington, a late-identified autistic ADHD adult who suffered from chronic burnout for nearly 40 years. Now she speciali...
Published 05/09/24
Do you feel stuck when trying to figure out your next career steps?You don’t want to make the “wrong choice” (again)and end up wasting another 10+ yearsand $100,000 going down the “wrong path”.But then you feel so worried about making the wrong choicethat you end up paralyzeddoing nothing and remaining stuck in your current career switch.In this episode, I break down why you don’t have to be scared of making the wrong moveand how you can experiment with different career options with very mini...
Published 05/07/24
Have you ever thought about making a change in your career, only to be paralyzed by fear?Questions like,What if I fail?What if I'm not good enough?What if I can’t make enough money in my next career?The fear of the unknown can be paralyzing.Back in residency, I was considering making a change, and that terrified me.I was filled with fear of the unknown.I had this huge list of what-ifs.But I realized,This huge list of fears could have kept me stuck forever.In this episode, I am going to share ...
Published 04/30/24
Did you grow up hearing clichés like "Nobody likes their job" or "Work is just supposed to suck"? From a young age, we are conditioned to believe that adulthood means doing things you don’t want to do.But does that have to be true?In this episode, I interview Paul Millerd, thought leader and author of "The Pathless Path,”. He left a career in strategy consulting to find a life of joy and creativity outside the conventional ladder of achievement.In this episode, we explore what happens when yo...
Published 04/25/24
Ever found yourself daydreaming about ditching your job to travel and visit and these exotic places around the world?I was fully immersed in this fantasy.But then the reality of all my responsibilities would hit me.I've got over $100,000 in student loans.I've got a dog.And I would think, ugh, I can't just quit my job to go gallivanting around the world.Maybe YOU are dealing with this right now too.You're unhappy in your career,but you can't just quit your job and travel the world.You have too...
Published 04/23/24
Do you struggle with this frenetic pace of clinical medicine? Feeling like your day is just rushing from exam room to exam room every 15 minutes? Do you dream of practicing medicine at a slower pace? Of having time to address lifestyle and wellness topics instead of just prescribing medications? Of developing deep and meaningful relationships with your patients? In today's episode, our guest, Dr. Gay Purcell, shares her inspiring journey of converting her bustling private practice to a...
Published 04/19/24
Are you one of those independent people? You are that person who takes care of it all and never has to ask for help. The person who just has it together. I used to be like that. The lone wolf. Trying to do everything myself. Until being so independent, essentially caused my entire life to fall apart In this episode of Hot Take Tuesdays, I'm talking about the dangers of being so independent. and how you can start to open yourself up to being supported by other people. If you are someone...
Published 04/16/24
Do you ever feel like you're stuck in a cycle of living paycheck to paycheck? No matter how much you earn.. It's like the money flows in, but before you know it, it's gone. Leaving you feeling financially insecure and reliant on that steady paycheck. But what if I told you there's a way to break free from that cycle and live life on your own terms? That's exactly what I discovered in my conversation with Dr. Latifat, Money Coach for Women Physicians. She went from living paycheck to...
Published 04/11/24
Ever found yourself in a job that drains your spirit just for the sake of financial security? As healthcare professionals, we've all faced the temptation of a high-paying role that sacrifices our happiness. In today’s Hot Take Tuesdays, we dive deep into the concept of the "prostitute archetype”. Think about what your choices are really costing you. Consider what matters more to you: The safety of a regular paycheck or the possibilities in following your passion and trusting in what the...
Published 04/09/24
This week I celebrated one year of being alcohol free. To start my sober life, I had to follow my gut feeling and choose not to drink, even though our society often revolves around alcohol. This has probably been my biggest challenge in authenticity to this day. And that's what I want to talk about on this episode. How do you find and follow your authentic path, especially when it's different and no one else seems to be on it? Is it really worth it to be true to yourself if it's hard and...
Published 04/04/24
“I love my job but…… the hours are brutal, I hate dealing with insurance companies, the 15 min patient visits are way too rushed.” If you are feeling unsatisfied in your career, you probably have a similar list of complaints. And while you are completely justified in complaining about your current situation… I’m sure you’ve noticed that complaining doesn’t get you very far. One of my fav spiritual teachers Eckhart Tolle says "When you complain, you make yourself a victim. Leave the...
Published 04/02/24
Have you ever dreamed of cutting your work hours, going part-time or maybe even taking a nice dreamy sabbatical- but then start feeling panicked by the money. You wish you could just win the lottery so you didn’t have to worry about money- because the reality is- with your current lifestyle, you need almost every single penny of your income just to make ends meet. The cost of living is draining your bank account. The cost of working is draining your soul. It feels like you can’t win- and...
Published 03/28/24
Are you feeling trapped by your hefty student loans, unsure of how to pursue a career change while still managing your debt? In today’s episode, I shared my journey of breaking free from the weight of student loans so I could leave residency. Tune in to see my secret for living my most authentic life, even with student loan debt. Book your FREE Career Clarity Call: Ready to create a life of freedom and fulfillment? Let's connect to see how I can help you! Click here to book your FREE 30...
Published 03/26/24