When I recorded this, I had no idea it would fall within the week of Father’s Day but here we are. I know society demands so much from our men and it can be tasking. I stopped by to let you know you can take a break sometimes, you don’t always have to be ‘strong’, we understand, we don’t even want you strong all the time… it’s okay to let us in and be vulnerable✨❤️. We are rooting for you, and grateful for the gift of you🫶🏻
Published 06/10/24
We all have that annoying Ex, you know that one that just won’t do the right thing,that you eventually give up on ?. Story time guyssss! You won’t want to miss this tea🤫! Share, like, comment and subscribe
Published 05/24/24
Published 05/24/24
Hey Aristars✨❤️! It’s story time! Today I share with you guys: How I met Mr Anger and how we broke up, trust me you would be glad you played thissssss. Don’t forget to like, share and subscribe. Love youuu😘✨❤️
Published 05/10/24
Hey Priceless Jewel❤️😘, I stopped by to remind you that you’re worth every good thing and even more. You’re the Apple of Gods eye and his delight…plus I shared a secret🤫.. Tune in to get all the tea… Don’t forget to share, like, comment 🤲🏼 and subscribe. Love Ari❤️
Published 04/09/24
Dearest Aristars, I’ve come bearing gifts and maybe even a question: are you a good friend?, are you intentional?. It’s time to self reflect and search within! Tune in, you’ll be glad you did🥺❤️
Published 03/23/24
Desperation and quitting can never be found together. You can’t be desperate for something and still quit on it! Ever seen a hungry man give up his food?? Tune in to hear my own answer😏❤️. Public announcement: the woman was actually bent over for 18 years! Kept screaming 19years and I don’t know why😂. Wondering what the gist is all about ? Tune in 🥺❤️
Published 03/06/24
Happy Valentine’s Day❤️! Its my prayer that you get to experience a kind and genuine love through this month and the rest of the year. ‘ I out’ with a mission to console and bring reassurance to all those who have lost love recently. You’re not alone and you’re loved by the inventor of love, what could possibly be better? . As you listen, I hope this brings you some sort of healing, peace and comfort this period. You’re worthy of love….Love, Ari❤️✨
Published 02/13/24
Delayed but not denied🤭! I know very well that the 8th of the month is far gone but why hoard this precious piece.. Somehow we all agreed not to gree for anybody this year. But the most important person to not gree for is yourself. Tune in and hear all the many reasons why you shouldn’t gree for yourself ❤️. Love, Ari✨❤️
Published 01/25/24
Hey Aristars✨❤️, Happy New Year…. Ever stopped for a moment to self reflect? Ask yourself what kind of a person am I ?. In this episode we talk about the beauty of self reflecting and its benefits… plus we spilled some tea🤫..you would be glad you listened ❤️
Published 01/12/24
This wasn’t planned but I had the urge to record this for someone. I’m proud of you, you got up! Gods got you and he sees you ❤️
Published 12/19/23
As the year rounds up, I just dropped by to remind us of how special we are, regardless of what we could achieve or could not achieve.. I hope this episode makes you smile hard and fills you with gratitude. Quick one; I named the tribe: *Aristars*🤭. Thank you Aristars for sticking with me on this journey! Till next year I’m your girl Ari! Happy new year❤️
Published 12/07/23
In this episode, I’ve some of my friends with me sharing their various views on hakimi, marriage and individuality. Apologies In advance for the poor sound quality, but do hope you enjoy it ❤️
Published 04/19/23
Ever been in a space where it feels like there’s no light at the end of the tunnel? Then this is for you, it’s a reminder that you’re not alone! God has your back and I’ve got you covered, love Ari✨❤️
Published 03/24/23
So many people lack boundaries and tend to forget we all have different scripts/stories. This episode addresses our blind spots to boundaries and urges us to be more intentional in our relationships. Happy new year Ari-stars✨😂❤️! Listen and enjoy
Published 01/29/23
Dare to be different, I’m rooting for you. Love Ari✨❤️
Published 12/20/22
It can be so hard to move on or remove yourself from spaces that do not crave your energy. But spaces like that aren’t healthy. Get up, dust off and go where you are wanted ✨❤️. Rooting for you✨💯
Published 11/05/22
Many of us go through identity crisis and it’s quite difficult finding your place in the society , when you don’t know who you are, where you are or what you represent. Navigating through life, the one thing we need to be sure about is our identity. Hope you enjoy this episode. Love Ari ✨❤️
Published 07/24/22
This Episode talks about breakfast( heartbreak) and how to strive through it✨❤️. Love, Ari✨❤️
Published 07/12/22
This is an introductory episode for Life-coils of Ari. Thank you for embarking on this journey with me. I’m grateful and I do hope to have an awesome experience with y’all.
Published 06/20/22