I very much enjoyed my podcast conversation with Amba. She is very perceptive, and has an authentic voice. We touch on a lot of topics, such as the sense of Self, and how the mind turns itself into an object in awareness. But the main theme is about the evolutionary drive of life (through awakening), to embrace all the aspects of life into its never-ending field of understanding, so that we can know all as …
This clip is taken from an online meeting titled “Why Awaken?” Resting with ‘what is’, is a powerful teaching and helps one live this life with more presence and less resistance. As a practice: First one notices what is taking place inside, then one opens to it the best one can. What is allowing...
Published 09/20/24
Excerpt taken from an online meeting titled: “What Can One Do to Awaken?” Over time one can realize that the separate self sense is not needed in order to make your life work. Relaxing (surrendering) into your Being, and learning how to function from an unbounded place, supports the letting go of...
Published 09/20/24