Queens of Bithynia Back At It And Its Disapointing
Not nearly the quality of the Ceaser Podcast. For example not a mention of the indo-european origins of the Spartans or Athenians when they spend 50 minutes on their origins. Pathetic. Overall a decent podcast. Worth 5 dollars? Depends. I love these guys but man they need to nut up or shut up. All I will say....
podcastland via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 08/12/15
More reviews of Life Of Alexander The Great
Great show, alot like the Ceasar show but with more music!
JantheMan21 via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 04/27/16
In diesem Podcast geht es um Alexander den Großen und anfänglich auch um dessen minderbekannten, aber mindestens ebenso wichtigen Vater, Philipp II. von Makedonien. Die Podcaster Cam und Ray verstehen Ihr Handwerk. Die Show ist sehr lustig (obwohl es auch Furzwitze gibt) und hat immer wieder...Read full review »
Gaius Caesar Augustus Germanic via Apple Podcasts · Germany · 07/15/17
Prior to listening to this podcast, my life was incomplete. I cannot fully articulate my completness after hearing these two gentlemen educating and entertaining me with their witty banter and informative storytelling. Nothing satisfies my excitement (and dissatisfies my cardiologist) than the...Read full review »
Dajomaa via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 12/28/14
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