The first time I ever heard about Benjamin Solomon Carson Sr, I was just a kid. I recall watching a movie of his; "Gifted Hands", where I saw this young kid who didn't appear so promising, yet became the first neurosurgeon to perform a successful separation of conjoined twins. I'm not sure I ever followed up the story, but I knew such a man lived, and I was reminded on how 'Faith' does move mountains. Fast forward, I purchased a book of his "Think Big" from a gift shop, and reading it I...
Published 06/06/23
Published 06/06/23
I started the review with a disclaimer, because this book is sexified and sanctified in the confines of marriage. Marabel goes all out in dishing out solutions to real life marital challenges. She knows because she's been there and she has literally served this as a course to married women over the years. This is similar to the ministry of the Kingsley Okonwos and Basture Christie, and she mostly dealt with how SEX is a miracle! She lays bare the sexual euphemisms we have in church & I...
Published 04/26/23
A memoir from the Founder of the present day Dubai. He shares life stories about His life and Leadership. I hope this episode would inspire you, in your pursuit of persoal leadership --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/lifepursuit/message
Published 04/26/23
Three components defined my post NYSC camp experiences: Ajowa (the village I served), NCCF (Nigerian Christian Corpers fellowship) and my relationship with fellow Corpers. I happen to be the 5th(last child) from my home and even till my early 20s, I still had a lot I was yet to learn. I hope this recording would encourage a young person who simply has no interest in the NYSc scheme; to take a chance on this. I hope this would inspire a young person, in learning how to harness the opportunity...
Published 01/31/23
This particular revelation, I simply can not recover from. Like, for real? This is possible? Like, tell me why I won't love Jesus. Just tell me why I would not be GRATEFUL! Hey Saints, the redemption plan reverses every curse...I mean EVERY! Listen! Get the Book! and BE ye TRANSFORMED! --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/lifepursuit/message
Published 01/15/23
Most times the reason a dream goes unaccomplished is due to unrealistic goals with no monthly strategy of attainment. Sometimes all you need to do, is to acquire the right knowledge at the right time, to save you from a year of unfilled dreams/living. That is why we are here to help. Register for free today, and see you in class Amaezanite! https://forms.gle/dNkrfHpu3hcksy4P6 --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/lifepursuit/message
Published 01/10/23
Being emotionally and mentally present while going through a phase or an experience, is beyond just physically being there. There's an Art called 'self awareness' and it is incredibly key in being in tune with your true self and identity, at all times. Living in the camp wasn't completely bad; the food was okay with 0.2% time for oneself, but here is what is worth sharing... --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/lifepursuit/message
Published 12/26/22
I'm pretty much excited to share my NYSC journey with as many as possible. One may ask; 'why now?' Well, I have rounded up the program up to a year now and I want you to have a robust understanding, of lessons learnt. This is the first of the 'Sense Update series', and the next would be on my camp experience, followed by P.P.A (primary place of assignment. I was once the 'uninterested Corper', yet today, I share my testimony 🙏🏽. --- Send in a voice message:...
Published 12/15/22
We need to be intentional on how we train our boys, for it is what we put in them that they 'become'. His sexuality, his emotional intelligence, spirituality and how to handle relationships; would ultimately translate into 'manhood'. Today, our society is in dire need for Fathers, who understand how to hold the balance. Fathers who know the 'balance'. The ones who know how to get it all together, on their knees. For our Fathers are the models that determine who our sons become, and whom our...
Published 10/31/22
It is a lonely place when a man finds it difficult to admit that he’s lost his way, that he doesn’t know who he is, that he’s uncertain about where he’s going. He is embarrassed to admit that he needs guidance because he sees his need as a weakness. So he wrestles alone with his fear and feelings of inadequacy. --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/lifepursuit/message
Published 09/28/22
Pastor Dale Arthur got to give relived illustrations of His visions with Jesus, the well of His presence, Enoch, Angels, Death and how there is so much more, God wants to reveal to us. There's so much more, child of God. There's so much more in Christ, that we should not settle for less. The Secret Place is where we should always revisit... --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/lifepursuit/message
Published 08/30/22
'Have you ever stood on top of a mountain, and observed how small everything seemed below? When you have received the fullness of the Holy Spirit, you will almost immediately notice, that life's problems and your personal needs, also seem very small- because you are looking at them from a different perspective. You are seeing them as the Holy Spirit does, because He is in control' --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/lifepursuit/message
Published 07/23/22
Surrendering everything means being willing to say, "Lord, whatever You want me to do I'll do it. I say yes to anything You ask of me, even it means dying to myself and my desires. I will give up the things of the flesh that I want in order to have more of You in my life. I will go to church when I feel like staying at home. I will fast when I feel like eating. I would pray when I would rather go to bed. I will read Your Word when I would rather watch T.V. I will give when I would rather...
Published 06/14/22
From his character, to business, to childhood strongholds, fears, cordial relationships and more; isn't it amazing how God can step into the matter when a wife knows how to intercede? What great power it is! --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/lifepursuit/message
Published 05/07/22
I think one of the scariest thing about bridges is how subtle it can tag along with you for years. Not knowing that you still have a connection to a past life or experience, through an adopted thought or attitude is an innocent tragedy. Not to mention how it is to build your entire life with it. What does it mean to be truly transformed in your character, attitude, moods, beliefs, and any part of your personality? When does one actually walk into the light of God's truth in that reality of...
Published 04/22/22
It would amaze you of how much impact you can make on your children, when you actively commit any and every aspect of their lives into the hands of God. It is really comforting for every parent, to know that every time you invite God into the battlefield of your home, He is ever willing to work it through, with you. In this kingdom, we war on our knees and we win by decrees. Thank you Stormie. --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/lifepursuit/message
Published 04/04/22
Debunking the premise for the unbelief in giving in the church is at the forefront of this book. If you feel marginalized on what truly should be as per giving tithes, first fruits, vows etc, then this book navigation helps for scriptural analysis. Fasten your seat belt for this revelation about to be spilled. --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/lifepursuit/message
Published 03/02/22
Man was instituted to cater for the earth under the influence of the Holyspirit. We were never made to be independent of God, nor His leadings. Today, men have taken up Preoccupations that have placed God on the backseat of their life. Are you an apostle even in the market place? --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/lifepursuit/message
Published 02/08/22
This is for you; unsure if your prayers have been answered. Uncertain if you are confident about your declarations. Hoping for strength to not let your faith down. Yes! This is for you! --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/lifepursuit/message
Published 01/07/22
No matter how flattering our university degrees, scientific theories or laws of our city are, the WORD of God is the only navigation for Believers --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/lifepursuit/message
Published 12/09/21
... "prayer is as vast as God because He is behind it, Prayer is as mighty as God because He has committed Himself to answering it" --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/lifepursuit/message
Published 11/15/21
To ventilate is to refresh your self or to break out from a congested engagement. Each day of our Christian Life, we interact with folks and encounter a number of things in our efforts to fulfill God's plan for our life and these turns and bends we encounter, necessitate that we breathe... The way we break free and refresh our soul is in the place of heart felt prayer. So let's receive ventilation one more...
Published 11/06/21
Aside from the outings and fun moments, there are key questions that are foundational during courtship, for marriage. Do you know the right questions to ask? How do you decide the negotiables and non negotiables? It's time to get naked before you get naked. --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/lifepursuit/message
Published 09/26/21
This month, our review is focused on how an average believer can abandon his settlement to live at the status quo forever. How does a believer stops ignoring the continual drawings of Abba and takes up the path of pursuit? How do we outgrow just being saved to 'living' out God's intended possibilities for man. Receive LIGHT today! --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/lifepursuit/message
Published 08/29/21