Title: The Mysterious BookstoreLevel: Intermediate (B2) #Story : Leah, a young woman working at a museum, discovers an old, hidden bookstore called Aldric’s Antiquities during a rainy walk through the city. Inside, she finds a book titled Chronicles of the Lost Worlds, filled with illustrations of fantastical places. When she reads the strange phrase, "Step inside, and you shall know," she is transported to a magical city called Valoria. In this strange place, she meets Amara, a guardian of...
Published 10/21/24
Title: The Magical ZooLevel: Intermediate (B2) #Story : Elena stumbles upon The Enchanted Menagerie, a magical zoo hidden in the heart of the city. Unlike any zoo she’s ever seen, this one is home to rare and mythical creatures, from unicorns to phoenixes. The zoo’s mysterious keeper, Icarus, welcomes her, but warns her not to wander too far from the path, as some creatures are dangerous. As Elena explores, she discovers the zoo holds not only magical beings but also dark, powerful creatures...
Published 10/20/24
Title: The Time-Traveling WatchLevel: Intermediate (B2) #Story : Leo, a collector of strange and rare objects, finds an old pocket watch in an antique shop. The shopkeeper mysteriously claims the watch has the power to control time, though Leo doesn’t believe it at first. But after pressing a small button on the watch, Leo is transported to a different time. He finds himself in a village that feels old and unfamiliar, where he meets Arthur, a man who seems to know a lot about time travel....
Published 10/19/24
Title: The Lost Treasure MapLevel: Intermediate (B2) #Story : Jake and Emily, two siblings spending the summer with their retired sailor grandfather, discover an ancient treasure map hidden in their attic. Though skeptical at first, they are intrigued by their grandfather’s stories of an island that no one dares to explore. The map leads them to a mysterious island off the coast of their town, where they find not just treasure, but a strange force guarding it. As they uncover the gold, the...
Published 10/18/24
Title: The Fairy’s Nightly GiftsLevel: Beginner (A1) #Story : In a small village, there lived a magical fairy named Luna. Every night, Luna would visit children’s rooms while they slept and leave a small gift for those who had done kind and good deeds during the day. Emma helped her mother, so Luna left a shiny button for her. Noah helped a neighbor and shared his toy, so Luna gave him a wooden bird. Lily was brave and stood up for her friend, and Luna rewarded her with a seashell. Even...
Published 10/17/24
Title: The Enchanted MirrorLevel: Intermediate (B2) #Story : Lena, a busy editor, stumbles upon an antique shop and finds a mysterious mirror. The shopkeeper tells her the mirror shows the future based on her current choices. When Lena looks into it, she sees a cold, lonely version of her future—a life filled with exhaustion and isolation. Shocked by the vision, Lena realizes that her work-focused lifestyle is leading her toward this future. The shopkeeper reminds her that the future can be...
Published 10/16/24
Title: The Mushroom Folk and the Great StormLevel: Beginner (A1) #Story : In a magical forest, the tiny Mushroom Folk lived happily inside mushroom houses. One day, a terrible storm came. The rain was so heavy that it destroyed their mushroom homes. The Mushroom Folk were scared and sad, but Lily, a brave little girl, came up with a plan. She told everyone that if they worked together, they could rebuild their village. Tom, Lily’s friend, helped gather twigs and leaves to make the houses...
Published 10/16/24
Title: The Secret TreehouseLevel: Intermediate (B2) #Story : Jack returns to his small hometown after many years, only to find himself drawn back to the treehouse where he, Mark, and Claire used to play. The treehouse was once a place of happiness, but it holds dark secrets from their past. As Jack explores the decaying structure, he finds a letter from Claire, revealing a terrible event that happened when they were children. Claire and Mark were involved in something dangerous that resulted...
Published 10/15/24
Title: The Brave Kids and the Village WitchLevel: Beginner (A1) #Story : Tom and Lily lived in a small village. They were best friends and loved to play together. One day, a witch came to the village. She used her magic to trick children and take them to her house in the forest. Tom and Lily knew something was wrong. They followed the witch and saw her put a spell on their friends. The witch wanted to keep the children forever. Tom and Lily had a plan. They knew the witch didn’t like...
Published 10/15/24
Title: The Queen Ice FaceLevel: Advanced (C) #Story : In the northern reaches, where the world is always covered in snow, lived a young woman known as Ice Face. Her long, white hair, made of ice, shimmered like frost. She wore a dress made of crystal, and wherever she went, winter followed. For centuries, Ice Face wandered the world, bringing cold and solitude to every place she visited. One day, she arrived at a small village and met a young man named Hiroshi, who wasn’t afraid of her....
Published 10/14/24
Title: The Little Mermaid’s DreamLevel: Beginner (A1) #Story : Maya was a little mermaid who lived in the deep blue ocean. She loved her life under the sea but always dreamed of visiting the human world. One day, she swam to the shore and met a kind boy named Jack. Jack helped her when she couldn’t walk on land, and they became friends. Even though Maya couldn’t stay on land for long, she promised to visit Jack whenever she could. Over time, they met often and shared stories about their...
Published 10/14/24
Title: The Ice-haired Guardian of Japan's MountainsLevel: Intermediate (B) #Story : In the snowy mountains of Japan, Yama Yurei, a woman with hair made of ice, was created by the mountain gods to protect the world from ancient darkness. She lived alone in an ice palace, high in the peaks, and each night, she descended to battle dark creatures born from the earth’s chaos. Despite her endless struggle, Yama Yurei never wavered, using her frozen powers to keep the darkness at bay. One harsh...
Published 10/13/24
Title: Helping FriendsLevel: Intermediate (B) #Story : Sam is an eight-year-old boy who loves school and is always happy to help his friends. Throughout his day, he assists Lucy with math, helps Ben with reading, and gives Emma ideas for her writing assignment. Sam’s kindness and willingness to help others make school a better place for everyone, and his teacher and classmates appreciate his efforts. At the end of the day, Sam feels proud, and his mom praises him for being so...
Published 10/13/24
Title: The Legend of Elira and AeltharionLevel: Advanced (C) #Story : In an ancient time, the kingdom of Valeria was guarded by a mighty dragon named Aeltharion. When the malevolent Shadow Lord emerged from the Abyss, bringing chaos and fear, the kingdom's hope lay in Elira, a brave warrior. She embarked on a perilous journey to restore Aeltharion’s strength, which had been drained by the Shadow Lord’s curse. Facing corrupted creatures and the sorcerer's powerful magic, Elira fought...
Published 10/12/24
Title: Max and the Lost TreasureLevel: Beginner (A) #Story : Max, a young boy from a small village, finds an old treasure map while exploring the woods. Excited, he shows it to his best friend, Sam, and the two boys set off on an adventure. They cross rivers, get scared by strange noises, and finally find a hidden cave. Inside the cave, they discover a small treasure chest filled with old coins, shiny gems, and ancient books. Though they didn’t find gold, Max and Sam return home proud of...
Published 10/11/24
Title: Captain Morgan’s First CommandLevel: Advanced (C) #Story : Captain Laura Morgan is about to take her first flight as a commercial airline captain, commanding a large aircraft from New York to London. After years of rigorous training and experience as a first officer, this is her moment to prove herself. Everything seems to go smoothly until, halfway across the Atlantic, an engine malfunction forces her to shut down one of the plane’s engines. With over 300 passengers on board and no...
Published 10/11/24
Title: The Blackwell ConspiracyLevel: Advanced (C) #Story : Clara Thompson, a seasoned detective, receives a cryptic letter that sets her on the trail of a case she thought was long dead—the mysterious disappearance of Eleanor Blackwell. Years ago, Eleanor, a wealthy and powerful woman, vanished without a trace, and her case went cold. But as Clara reopens the investigation, she uncovers a tangled web of secrets, lies, and betrayal. Eleanor had stumbled upon a dangerous conspiracy involving...
Published 10/10/24
Title: The Lost Temple’s SecretLevel: Intermediate (B) #Story : Alex, a curious history student, receives a mysterious letter that leads him on an unexpected journey to find an ancient artifact hidden beneath his city. After finding the artifact—a glowing crystal—he meets a mysterious man who warns him that the crystal is a key to unlocking an ancient temple filled with dangerous traps and powerful secrets. Alex teams up with his best friend, Elena, to explore the jungle and uncover the...
Published 10/09/24
Title: Mia and the Hidden LegacyLevel: Intermediate (B) #Story : Mia, a young woman, discovers an old chest in her grandmother’s attic, containing a mysterious map and letter. The map leads her into a dangerous forest, where she encounters strange figures and eerie signs. Determined to uncover the truth, Mia follows the path deep into the woods and finds an abandoned mansion. Inside, she meets a mysterious man who reveals her family’s hidden legacy. Mia opens a chest and finds an ancient...
Published 10/08/24
Title: Ethan Cole and the Raven ProjectLevel: Advanced (C) #Story : Ethan Cole, a former intelligence agent, receives a mysterious message warning him that a dangerous organization known as the Raven Project is hunting him. Pulled back into the world of espionage, Ethan discovers that the Raven Project, thought to be dismantled, is still active and planning a global conspiracy involving advanced satellite technology. With the help of old contacts and new allies like Nadia, a former MI6...
Published 10/07/24
Title: Elara’s Journey into the Dark ForestLevel: Intermediate (B) #Story : Elara, a skilled swordswoman, has trained her entire life for one mission: to defeat the wicked sorcerer who rules the Dark Forest with powerful magic. Her village is dying, and the sorcerer’s dark influence spreads further each day. Armed with her father’s sword and an unbreakable will, Elara ventures into the forest, where she faces monstrous creatures, dangerous illusions, and the sorcerer’s taunting voice. Every...
Published 10/07/24
Title: The Soldier's ReturnLevel: Advanced (C) #Story : Jack, an American soldier, returns home after years of war, greeted by his family and community with pride and admiration. The town views him as a hero, but inside, Jack feels disconnected from the world around him. As he tries to settle back into civilian life, he struggles with haunting memories of the battlefield and the loss of comrades. Although everyone around him celebrates his return, Jack feels the weight of his experiences,...
Published 10/06/24
Title: Emma’s Olympic DreamLevel: Intermediate (B) #Story : Emma has been training for gymnastics since she was a young girl, dreaming of one day competing in the Olympics. Her passion and dedication grow as she wins local and regional competitions, eventually earning a place on the national team. As she trains for the Olympic trials, Emma faces challenges, injuries, and moments of self-doubt. However, with the support of her coach and family, she pushes through and qualifies for the...
Published 10/06/24
Title: A Chaotic Day at the BeachLevel: Intermediate (B) #Story : Lily and Sarah head to the beach on a perfect summer day, hoping to relax and sunbathe. However, things don’t go as planned. First, a playful dog runs onto their towels, covering them in sand and water. After moving to a new spot, a group of seagulls swoops in and steals their snacks, leaving them laughing in surprise. But the mishaps continue when a volleyball lands on Sarah, and they get interrupted again. They move once...
Published 10/06/24