EP26 【寓言故事】🦗蟋蟀與螞蟻 【Aesop's Fable】The ants and the grasshopper 🦗
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🍭辛勤工作學習的重要-炎熱的夏日裡,一隻蟋蟀正在悠閒著哼著歌,一群小螞蟻🐜一大早起床就開始辛勤的工作..... 🍭A story about the virtues of hard work and planning for the future. However, playing/resting/enjoying the moment is also very important.😊 🍄故事劇本、配音、製作: 貝貝媽咪 🍄script writer, voice actor, producer: BeiBei Mommy ❤️如果喜歡聽貝貝媽咪說故事, 記得訂閱和跟朋友分享喔,有新的故事就可以收到通知,每周更新~ 😻 ❤️If you like listening to my stories, please remember to subscribe and share.  One new episode weekly. 😻 🟦facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/littleMandarinPod/   歡迎來參觀留言喔~Please come visit and leave me a message 📧Email:  [email protected] 🥦贊助節目Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/beibeimommy/support Music contribution: The Fairy Queen, Z. 629 - Thus Happy and Free (For Recorders - Papalin) The Fairy Queen, Z. 629 - Chaconne (For Recorders - Papalin) from https://musopen.org/music Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/beibeimommy/message
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