Nobody Lives Your Life
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How many people have heard that song? You gotta change the way you eat. You have to change the way you live. That’s by Tupac. I’m bringing it back to these words because this is the truth. When you look at your life and the decisions you make, the overall outcome Is determined by you. Nobody else lives your life. Nobody makes your own decisions. As humans, we understand what we need to do but we choose not to do it and that’s not always the right direction It comes down to doing the work plain and simple. The recipe for success in all areas of your life. You want to eat healthier? Do the work. Pick healthy options than go into your nearest fast food joint to pick something that’s filling and void. Do you want to be in better shape? Do the work, creating movement in your life. That doesn’t mean going to the gym. Get up. Move your body. Take a walk. Go on a hike. It’s not as easy as it seems because the one thing that stops us is our mind. “I will never get to where I want to be.” “I don’t have it in me.” “I was never in shape. I never will be.” “I have a genetic disposition for being obese.” These are the thoughts that go through peoples’ minds every day and was similar to mine as well. As I started to follow a plan, be held accountable for my actions, surround myself with a community of people who wanted nothing more than to see me succeed, my life changed and yours could too as Limitless Coaching has founded. This program is not meant for you to make a quick fix in your life, but a long-term sustainable approach that you can use for years to follow.