Happy Wednesday, Limitless Family! As you get ready for the new week ahead, this is how I plan out my
Sundays every Sunday. I’m going to give you a couple tips that are going to help you organize your week.
Set non-negotiables in your life that will get done. For me, this is having my classes for camp scheduled,
my cycle and yoga, workouts are scheduled, Icon ordered and planned out. Time block your week
starting on Sunday. Don’t wait until Monday when your week has already begun two steps behind where
you can be three steps forward.
Plan out your content, your posts, your reels, your videos, whatever it might be that you are going to
make that is going to make it much easier to focus on the bigger task at hand. When Monday morning
hits, the last thing you want to do is run around last-minute planning your day. I did it for years. It got
me nowhere as far as I have time blocking setting non-negotiables.
Set time for yourself during the week for you. It doesn’t matter if it’s 15 minutes or one hour. Give the
time you need for yourself to progress forward. For me, that’s in the morning, getting 15 to 30 minutes
of meditation and prayer before the day starts.
Do what works for you and get ready for another week to live out your Limitless potential.