Apollo’s mission to the moon was 98 percent of trajectory, while 2 percent remained on track. Even
though, being off course, they still made it. You might be asking yourself, “Why is he talking about
Apollo’s mission to the moon?”
See, this reflects upon your journey in your health and wellness. You will never be 100% every day of
your life. There are times when you will want to be off track and you will be off track and you will feel as
though you failed. Give yourself some grace.
Understand we are human, and we are meant to fail. When that failure occurs, the mindset has to be
greater than the failure at hand. What did I learn from this? What will I do differently moving forward?
How will I plan better?
You may be 98% off track at times, but that 2% of getting back on track, it will put you on the trajectory
of reaching your goals moving you that much closer.