In today's episode, we’re diving into Acts 26, where Paul says, “And now I stand here on trial because of my hope in the promise made by God to our fathers…” (Acts 26:6). How was Paul able to stay hopeful, even when faced with incredibly challenging and uncomfortable circumstances? Let’s unpack the reasons behind his unshakable confidence in God’s promises and how that hope sustained him through trials.   ABOUT:Lina AbuJamra is a Pediatric ER doctor, now practicing telemedicine, and founder...
Published 10/10/24
Today we wrap up our study of Acts 25 on how to cultivate an indestructible spirit like Paul’s. Here are a few key takeaways from the teaching: You develop an indestructible spirit when you believe God no matter what. You develop an indestructible spirit when your talk and your walk are consistent. You develop an indestructible spirit when you rest your hope in the truth (of God’s word). You develop an indestructible spirit when you understand the true nature of the battle. You develop an...
Published 10/03/24
In Acts 24, Paul is brought before the Roman governor, Felix, to face accusations from Jewish leaders. Nobody likes to be falsely accused. But Paul saw in it an opportunity to tell everyone listening about Jesus. The more we know Paul the more we see God’s indestructible Spirit in him! In today’s podcast we will look at how to develop an indestructible spirit through life’s difficult circumstances that are sure to come.   ABOUT:Lina AbuJamra is a Pediatric ER doctor, now practicing...
Published 09/26/24
In today’s episode, we dive into the second part of Acts 23, where Paul, despite numerous warnings, makes it to Jerusalem and gets arrested for preaching the gospel. But instead of seeing his arrest as a setback, Paul views it as an opportunity to point others to Christ.How do you view your own challenges? As God-given opportunities to be a light, or just another problem to complain about? P.S. My new book Still Standing: Following Jesus Even When It Hurts is finally out! Order now from...
Published 09/19/24
Paul had made it to Jerusalem despite the warnings of many. True to form, he gets arrested for sharing the gospel. But Paul doesn’t see it as a disaster. He sees it as an opportunity. He now has the ears of all as he shares his testimony of what God has done for him. In Acts 23 we pick up the story with Paul before the council and another chance to preach! This episode will encourage you to view your challenging circumstances as opportunities from God to be a light, share your story, and...
Published 09/12/24
Today we continue our study of Acts 22 – Paul sharing his personal testimony before a hostile crowd in Jerusalem. Paul understood the secret to having a powerful testimony: accepting that God had him where He wanted him to be, and that all he needed to do was speak the word of truth to the people God placed around him.  P.S. My new book Still Standing: Following Jesus Even When It Hurts is finally out! Order now from your favorite retailer!...
Published 09/05/24
Did you know that your testimony holds the power to change lives? In today’s podcast we will look at how Paul took advantage of every circumstance in his life, especially the negative ones, to share his story and to tell about who Jesus is and what He has done in his life. This teaching from Acts 22 will both challenge and inspire you to live in awareness of how your life’s testimony—both the highs and lows—can make a meaningful impact. P.S. My new book Still Standing: Following Jesus...
Published 08/29/24
Last week, we began exploring ten principles for living based on Paul’s missionary journeys and messages. Today, we’ll wrap up our discussion on his life manifesto. Here’s what Paul’s life was all about: Serve with humility despite what you think you deserve. Be bold in preaching the gospel despite the persecution. Focus on the message despite the improbability of the hearers. Be compelled by the Spirit despite not knowing what lies ahead. Be abandoned to the faith despite a wretched past. Be...
Published 08/22/24
We left Paul last week in a riot in Ephesus! You may think Paul has already suffered much for the gospel, but things are just starting to get heated up. We will spend our time today in Acts 20-21. Paul is about to get even more heat for the gospel. But through it all, God’s word is spreading, and people are being saved. Don’t lose perspective of God’s work through your trials and temptations! In this episode, we’ll explore three of the ten principles for living from Paul’s missionary journeys...
Published 08/15/24
In today’s episode on Acts 18-19, Paul starts his third missionary journey. When we contrast much of contemporary evangelism with Paul’s, its shallowness shows up. Our evangelism tends to be focused on simply inviting people to church. Paul also took the gospel out into the secular world. Our evangelism appeals to the emotions for a decision without an adequate basis of understanding. Paul taught, reasoned, and tried to persuade. Our evangelism is superficial, making brief encounters and...
Published 08/08/24
In today’s podcast Paul concludes his second missionary journey. As he travels and proclaims the good news of Christ, we see a pattern that Paul follows when he enters each city. His first attempt is to persuade the Jews concerning Jesus. He begins in the synagogue where they meet, study Scripture, and pray. But when the Jews reject his message, he turns to the Gentiles. The focus of this episode is on what it means to be changed by the Word. Don’t miss it! ABOUT:Lina AbuJamra is a...
Published 08/01/24
Today we continue our study in Acts 17 and look at how to become people who can transform the world around us. To turn the world upside down you’ve got to KNOW THE WORD. To turn the world upside down you’ve got to WORSHIP KING JESUS. To turn the world upside down you’ve got to IDENTIFY THE THREATS To turn the world upside down you’ve got to REFUSE IDOLS ABOUT: Lina AbuJamra is a Pediatric ER doctor, now practicing telemedicine, and founder of Living With Power Ministries. Her vision is to...
Published 07/25/24
Paul is still on his second missionary journey. In today’s passage, Acts 17, Paul makes it to Thessalonica which becomes a critical church in Paul’s life, and then to Berea. Through the leading and empowering of the Holy Spirit, the world was being changed one city at a time. Join me for this episode as we explore what it takes to become people who can transform the world around us. ABOUT: Lina AbuJamra is a Pediatric ER doctor, now practicing telemedicine, and founder of Living With...
Published 07/18/24
Today we’re continuing our study of Acts 16 and learn that although the Holy Spirit was the one who directed Paul and Silas to go to Macedonia, they encountered great persecution and even imprisonment there. But God had a plan to use their trials to bring salvation to many. Tune in now!   ABOUT: Lina AbuJamra is a Pediatric ER doctor, now practicing telemedicine, and founder of Living With Power Ministries. Her vision is to bring hope to the world by connecting biblical answers to everyday...
Published 07/11/24
In Acts 16 Paul is starting his second missionary journey and we’ll be meeting several new and exciting characters in the story of the early church. This chapter is full of divine interactions, Spirit led moments, and mighty works of God. Join me in exploring how God orchestrates circumstances and encounters with people in our lives when we choose to obey and follow Him.   ABOUT: Lina AbuJamra is a Pediatric ER doctor, now practicing telemedicine, and founder of Living With Power...
Published 07/04/24
In this episode, we explore how opposition arises from all directions against the work of God. We'll delve into the pressures Paul faced—from external forces, internal challenges within the church, and even within his closest relationships. While conflict is unavoidable, we'll discover that resolving it biblically can lead to growth and unity rather than division.   ABOUT: Lina AbuJamra is a Pediatric ER doctor, now practicing telemedicine, and founder of Living With Power Ministries. Her...
Published 06/27/24
There isn’t a follower of Jesus Christ who doesn’t understand opposition! It comes out of nowhere and it comes daily. This week we will cover Acts 14 with a focus on how to overcome opposition. ABOUT: Lina AbuJamra is a Pediatric ER doctor, now practicing telemedicine, and founder of Living With Power Ministries. Her vision is to bring hope to the world by connecting biblical answers to everyday life. A popular Bible teacher, podcaster, and conference speaker, she is the author of several...
Published 06/20/24
Today we’re continuing our study of Acts 13, focusing on four characteristics of the Holy Spirit and His work in the believer’s life: The Holy Spirit is the one who SETS US APART for God’s work The Holy Spirit is the one who gives VICTORY over our ENEMIES The Holy Spirit is the one who GIVES LIFE to God’s people The Holy Spirit is the one who gives HUNGER for God’s WORD ABOUT: Lina AbuJamra is a Pediatric ER doctor, now practicing telemedicine, and founder of Living With Power Ministries....
Published 06/13/24
Acts 13 highlights the beginning of the missionary efforts of Paul and Barnabas, their preaching and miracles, the opposition they face, and the significant turning point of taking the gospel to the Gentiles. In this podcast we will learn about how the Holy Spirit works in our lives, about calling, about how the teaching God’s word changes lives, and how conflict will often occur when the true gospel is preached. Did you know that we too are called to be missionaries – at home or abroad? Ask...
Published 06/06/24
“To be a Christian without prayer is no more possible than to be alive without breathing.” – Martin Luther King Jr. Today, as we continue our study of Acts 12, we will explore the power and significance of prayer, highlighting how God is glorified when we trust Him, seek Him in our times of need, and patiently wait for His intervention.   ABOUT: Lina AbuJamra is a Pediatric ER doctor, now practicing telemedicine, and founder of Living With Power Ministries. Her vision is to bring hope to...
Published 05/30/24
Our focus is on prayer this week. If you’re like me, you’re not so great at praying. It’s too... slow! It takes time to be still and hear the Lord. Yet nothing of value has ever occurred without breakthrough prayer. Tune in! I believe today’s podcast will encourage you to commit to learning how to pray.   ABOUT: Lina AbuJamra is a Pediatric ER doctor, now practicing telemedicine, and founder of Living With Power Ministries. Her vision is to bring hope to the world by connecting biblical...
Published 05/23/24
In today’s podcast we continue our study of Acts 11 and zoom in on six traits of a growing church. Take a listen and let’s pray we too become believers who heed the word of God, seek unity, and care for those around them. ABOUT: Lina AbuJamra is a Pediatric ER doctor, now practicing telemedicine, and founder of Living With Power Ministries. Her vision is to bring hope to the world by connecting biblical answers to everyday life. A popular Bible teacher, podcaster, and conference speaker,...
Published 05/16/24
In today’s podcast we’ll delve into Acts 11 and look at six characteristics of a growing church. Anytime you gather a group of believers in a church you are going to run into some conflict! The key isn’t avoiding conflict but resolving it biblically and with love. I am praying that God uses the example of the early church to spur us on to greater love and unity. God’s glory is at stake! ABOUT: Lina AbuJamra is a Pediatric ER doctor, now practicing telemedicine, and founder of Living With...
Published 05/09/24
In today’s podcast we’ll continue our study of Acts 10 with the story of Peter sharing the gospel with Cornelius and the impactful results of His obedience to God’s word. This episode will challenge you to reconsider your priorities and embrace a greater reliance on the guidance of the Holy Spirit in your daily life.   ABOUT: Lina AbuJamra is a Pediatric ER doctor, now practicing telemedicine, and founder of Living With Power Ministries. Her vision is to bring hope to the world by...
Published 05/02/24