““ …. the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” Not the right of the individual states. Not the right of the state militias. The right of the people. In the Bill of Rights, every other reference to “the people” is a clear reference to the citizenry. Any other reading of the 2A is tortured. Combined with the fact that things such as gay marriage, campaign contributions and inter racial marriage have been deemed to be rights under the Constitution without being specified at all in the Bill of Rights, the notion that the 2A does not give rise to an individual right is absurd. Also, I can’t help but laugh when gun control people (like the host) give lip service to protecting the rights of hunters and target shooters. Most people own guns for personal protection. Gun control people don’t even feign lip service to the right to self defense. Their ultimate goal is incremental confiscation and they don’t hide it well. To balance things a bit, the producers of this podcast might want to mention the thousands of instances every year where lawful gun owners defend himself/herself or others from attackers. Oh and why did the NRA start focusing on gun owners rights after WWII? Probably because (1) that’s when a huge spike in crime occurred and (2) when liberals started trying to disarm the populace.”
Jack 204 via Apple Podcasts ·
United States of America ·