Embarking on a journey of self-awareness and spiritual growth involves the courageous act of examining our behaviors without succumbing to shame. Identifying aspects like selfishness, judgment, materialism, ego-driven actions, and neglect of self-reflection is not a condemnation but an invitation to authenticity. This talk was recorded live at the Center for Spiritual Living Prescott on December 10, 2023.  If you enjoyed this talk, visit⁠ CSLPrescott.org⁠ to learn more about what it is we do...
Published 12/12/23
Many of us struggle to see the face of God in everyone we meet. Even in this season of conscious gratitude, we find we don’t always live our values for love, kindness, and compassion. Why? At any age, you can foster more caring and respectful relationships for more personal peace and joy, creating a world that works for everyone…not just some of us. Dr. L. Carol Scott is entering her final year of education to become a licensed Religious Science Practitioner (RScP) in the Centers for...
Published 12/04/23
God expresses as EVERYTHING … including the profane! One Sentence Affirmation: I am a holy being, just the way I am!  This talk was recorded live at the Center for Spiritual Living Prescott on November 19, 2023.  If you enjoyed this talk, visit CSLPrescott.org to learn more about what it is we do and how it can change your life.  Our meditations and talks can be viewed live on our YouTube channel and Facebook page every Sunday morning at 10AM (Arizona).
Published 11/28/23
Did you know that the sacred can not only be found on the meditation cushion, but also standing in line at the grocery store? This Sunday we will explore the sacred, in both the expected and unexpected.  One Sentence Affirmation: I open myself up to the adventure of finding the sacred in the unexpected. Rev. Tracey is Senior Minister at CSL Prescott. She is committed to teaching and sharing The Science of Mind Principle with those who are open and ready to advance on the path of Truth. Rev....
Published 11/13/23
"Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water." But wait! I thought this enlightenment thing would change all that!   Rev. Tracey is committed to teaching and sharing The Science of Mind Principle with those who are open and ready to advance on the path of Truth.  Rev. Tracey has actively applied these very principles to her life, which created significant change, resulting in more Joy, Freedom, and Beauty with Family, Friends, and...
Published 11/06/23
Gratitude and being kind to ourselves and others is a spiritual practice that can transform our lives.  How many of us actually do that? In times of stress are we truly kind, compassionate and gentle with ourselves, or do we allow our inner critic to get in the way and mentally beat ourselves up? Kindness is a choice and when we are kind to ourselves we are able to be kind to the world. In this talk we will look at how being kind affects everything in our lives, and how we can heal the world...
Published 10/30/23
In our World of judgment, comparison, choosing sides, hot or cold, young or old it can be too easy to forget the Truth. Taking a fresh look at a vision of the Earth through a telescope from outer space many of the issues and manner of speaking changes. From a this or that close up perspective to a longer distance view we can see the Yes that resolves apparent duality and paradox. Join for a discussion on new / old vantage point.   Dr. Jon C. Haass was licensed as a practitioner at the...
Published 10/24/23
Join in as we syncopate our higher consciousness, easefully weaving novel pathways of communication in a constellation of playful inspiration and relaxing celebration. We’ll explore novel ways to joyfully prevent conflict while enhancing communion of the heart via oodles of pragmatic, ecstatic Blissiplines—fun innovative ways of living in bliss. Adopted by several tribal families over many years, Adventure Anthropologist Happy Oasis, learned little known ways of joyously communicating in...
Published 10/16/23
When faced with the idea of surrender, it can trigger a multitude of negative connotations for many of us. Inside, it can sound like: "Surrender? What?? You mean give up, lose, fail? No thanks!"  Let's explore the sweet and amazing upside of surrender as a spiritual tool to bring us to deeper levels of trust, confidence, inner peace...and let the magic happen.  Rev. Helen Downey completed her ministerial studies in her native Southern California. She became pastor of the Maui Religious...
Published 10/10/23
Interim Minister Rev. Cath DePalma passes the baton to CSL Prescott's new Senior Minister, Rev. Tracey Harrick. This talk was recorded live at the Center for Spiritual Living Prescott on October 1, 2023.  If you enjoyed this talk, visit CSLPrescott.org to learn more about what it is we do and how it can change your life.  Our meditations and talks can be viewed live on our YouTube channel and Facebook page every Sunday morning at 10AM (Arizona).
Published 10/02/23
Rev. Cath leads Rev. Tracey through a Q&A, raising our consciousness that we are always divinely guided, directed, led and protected in all we do.  Energy goes where attention flows. We are the Movers, the Shakers, the Peacemakers. We come together in love, support and for a high purpose. We speak our word and live affirmatively to claim our Good, which is always available. This talk was recorded live at the Center for Spiritual Living Prescott on September 24, 2023.  If you enjoyed...
Published 09/25/23
We see Love increasing in the human population. Yes you heard me right, Love and Light is increasing. The choice to love is not based on chaos fading, but comes from our identity. More people are waking up to the solution by beaming the creative frequency of the Universe … love. In addition to being a metaphysical minister and spiritual teacher, Dr. Karmen is a mental health therapist and author of the book The "I AM" SOLUTION - Simple Practices to Transform Fear back to LOVE, a step-by-step...
Published 09/18/23
Sprit expresses as all cultural expressions, genders, sexual orientations and experiences. There is nowhere that God is not!  One Sentence Affirmation: I embrace who I am and the Holy Spirit that expresses Itself as me!    Rev. Tracey is committed to teaching and sharing The Science of Mind Principle with those who are open and ready to advance on the path of Truth.  Rev. Tracey has actively applied these very principles to her life, which created significant change, resulting in more Joy,...
Published 09/12/23
I love myself so much, so I can love you so much, so you can love you so much, so you can start loving me! One Sentence Affirmation: I have the courage to be who I am and love myself out loud! Rev. Tracey is committed to teaching and sharing The Science of Mind Principle with those who are open and ready to advance on the path of Truth. She has actively applied these very principles to her life, which created significant change, resulting in more Joy, Freedom, and Beauty with Family,...
Published 09/05/23
A reluctant spiritualist, Clay discusses how he approaches spiritual practices and CSL philosophy.  Come hear about the Optical Objectivity Problem, Spiritual Humanism, Convictions of Convenience, and other wonky, wobbly, and weird perspectives on Universal Truth, while he shows you how he flips the Universe over to make it fit in his upside-down brain.   Clay is a recovered English teacher, currently serving as IT Guru at CSL Prescott while moonlighting as a playwright and novelist.  You...
Published 08/28/23
Change is Divine Orchestration and Manifestation. It's really just an expansion of the concept of God as Creator and Designer. In other words, God is still writing your story. Quit trying to steal the pen and trust the author! Hazel Bowman has been a member of CSL Prescott for over 16 years and has been a Religious Science Practitioner for 11 years, recognizing the presence of Spirit in all people and in all things. In addition to enjoying being a guest speaker, she loves teaching,...
Published 08/21/23
Jackson shares his stories in finding Center for Spiritual Living principles in playing and listening to music. Jackson Rauch has been the Director of Music for over 10 years at the Center for Spiritual Living Prescott. A master musician on the keyboard, he travels across the country playing cerebral jams for the masses and blowing people’s minds. This talk was recorded live at the Center for Spiritual Living Prescott on August 13, 2023.  If you enjoyed this talk, visit CSLPrescott.org to...
Published 08/17/23
Rev. Tracey is committed to teaching and sharing The Science of Mind Principles with those who are open and ready to advance on the path of Truth. She has actively applied these very principles to her life, which created significant change, resulting in more Joy, Freedom, and Beauty with Family, Friends, and Community. This talk was recorded live at the Center for Spiritual Living Prescott on August 6, 2023.  If you enjoyed this talk, visit CSLPrescott.org to learn more about what it is we...
Published 08/07/23
How we show up every day makes a difference to the world. It doesn't matter how we feel or what we are facing. When we remember we are the power and presence of Spirit as us, everything changes! Cath DePalma is a pioneer in the study of consciousness and living a practical spirituality. She shares her life lessons, discoveries and experiences with others in a way that inspires and empowers them to move into a deeper, richer relationship with themselves, a more active, participatory...
Published 08/03/23
Self-exploration is direct looking at and utilizing our everyday life to discover “The LOVE” we are.   We will look at the special self in direct contrast to the Holy Self to lay a foundation for transformation. Rev. Tracey began her journey with Religious Science in 2011, attending Mile High Church in Denver. Tracey knew that she was home and started taking classes that resulted in her becoming a Licensed Practitioner at West Valley Center for Spiritual Living in 2016.  Rev. Tracey earned...
Published 07/24/23
The mystical path of Sufism, often called the Path of the Heart, invites us to develop an intimate relationship with All That Is, the manifest and the unmanifest. And it starts with what is encoded in the name of Allah – each letter, each sound offering the opportunity to open to Love. A lifelong spiritual seeker, Barakat Carolynn Bryan has been on the Sufi path for over three decades. She served as a Hospice nurse for 30 years, and often incorporated music into her ministrations, having...
Published 07/17/23
Each day we awake to the possibilities of new adventures, even if the calendar suggests another day of texts, emails, meetings, phone calls, meals, errands, laundry and back to sleep. “The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you. Don’t go back to sleep” Rumi was referring to the habit of sliding back into circumstance. Back into the same old, same old. Join in the conversation of discerning and knowing the Truth (capital T). In doing so, you give yourself the gift of greater freedom...
Published 07/10/23
The practice of Zen enriches life, helps us serve others, and spreads the Buddha Dharma. Sensei Jonathan grew up in a Jewish family. As an adult, he worked as a motion picture film editor. In 2008 he was diagnosed with prostate cancer and started practicing Zen to cope with the cancer diagnosis. He became ordained as a Zen priest and verified as a Transmitted Zen teacher. This year, in 2023, he moved to Prescott and started the Prescott Zendo.  Sensei Jonathan is currently teaching Zen at...
Published 07/03/23
Personalizing the Infinite requires that we take ownership of the spiritual power that lies within us. Make room for infinite possibilities by aligning with our divine nature and using this power in creative, loving ways. All Spirit wants is the opportunity to express and we are that opportunity! Cath DePalma is a pioneer in the study of consciousness and living a practical spirituality. She shares her life lessons, discoveries and experiences with others in a way that inspires and empowers...
Published 06/27/23
Spiritual tools that make our lives better must include caring for the whole person.  The health of our body temple, soothing the emotional persona(s), training the little mind through stillness and opening the heart of the Soul.  The steps to self care mastery begin again in every moment. Dr. Jon C. Haass was licensed as a practitioner at the Foothill Center for Spiritual Living in Auburn CA in 2010.  He is also a licensed life coach with training from the Coactive method taught at the...
Published 06/19/23