We can choose to live large or small. Our experience is a reflection of that choice. Today is an opportunity to make any necessary adjustments to achieve a different outcome in life. This talk was recorded live at the Center for Spiritual Living Prescott on June 2, 2024.  If you enjoyed this talk, visit CSLPrescott.org to learn more about what it is we do and how it can change your life.  Our meditations and talks can be viewed live on our YouTube channel and Facebook page every Sunday...
Published 06/03/24
We all have encountered obstacles in our lives. They might have been physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, or social. Embracing simple ideas like the "one bite of the elephant at a time" proverb can help us negotiate our way over, under, around or through virtually all seemingly insurmountable obstacles. And, with this type of viewpoint we can strengthen and expand the quality of our lives in obvious, as well as yet to be seen ways. This talk was recorded live at the Center for Spiritual...
Published 05/31/24
This talk was recorded live at the Center for Spiritual Living Prescott on May 19, 2024.  If you enjoyed this talk, visit CSLPrescott.org to learn more about what it is we do and how it can change your life.  Our meditations and talks can be viewed live on our YouTube channel and Facebook page every Sunday morning at 10AM (Arizona).
Published 05/22/24
This talk was recorded live at the Center for Spiritual Living Prescott on May 12, 2024.  If you enjoyed this talk, visit CSLPrescott.org to learn more about what it is we do and how it can change your life.  Our meditations and talks can be viewed live on our YouTube channel and Facebook page every Sunday morning at 10AM (Arizona).
Published 05/13/24
Jeff Geiser lives in Scottsdale, Arizona with his wife Melissa where they raised three beautiful daughters. In his journey of life long learning he has earned a Bachelors of science degree in Finance from Northern Arizona University. From his long-term studies with Dr. Ribhi M. Kalla at the Ageless Wisdom Seminary University he was awarded a Bachelor’s degree in Holistic Healing, a Master’s in Relationship Counseling, and a Doctorate in Divinity. He is also the author of the book: Awakening...
Published 05/06/24
This talk was recorded live at the Center for Spiritual Living Prescott on April 28, 2024.  If you enjoyed this talk, visit CSLPrescott.org to learn more about what it is we do and how it can change your life.  Our meditations and talks can be viewed live on our YouTube channel and Facebook page every Sunday morning at 10AM (Arizona).
Published 05/02/24
This is the 4th episode in a 5 part series. This talk was recorded live at the Center for Spiritual Living Prescott on April 21, 2024.  If you enjoyed this talk, visit CSLPrescott.org to learn more about what it is we do and how it can change your life.  Our meditations and talks can be viewed live on our YouTube channel and Facebook page every Sunday morning at 10AM (Arizona).
Published 04/23/24
This talk was recorded live at the Center for Spiritual Living Prescott on April 14, 2024.  If you enjoyed this talk, visit CSLPrescott.org to learn more about what it is we do and how it can change your life.  Our meditations and talks can be viewed live on our YouTube channel and Facebook page every Sunday morning at 10AM (Arizona).
Published 04/16/24
The Science of Mind tells us that we can have, be, and do anything we want. If that's true, how to do we move forward with confidence and purpose in an infinite universe? Clay Smith is an IT guru, actor, director, playwright, novelist, photographer, trivia host, recovered English teacher, occasional motivational speaker, and all-around ne’er-do-well. This is his second time on the platform at CSL Prescott. This talk was recorded live at the Center for Spiritual Living Prescott on April 7,...
Published 04/09/24
This talk was recorded live at the Center for Spiritual Living Prescott on March 31, 2024.  If you enjoyed this talk, visit CSLPrescott.org to learn more about what it is we do and how it can change your life.  Our meditations and talks can be viewed live on our YouTube channel and Facebook page every Sunday morning at 10AM (Arizona).
Published 04/02/24
We are awakening, in a new way, to the realization that we’re bigger than we thought we were. Now what are we going to do about it? How do we carry that awareness forward into a larger expression ofGood in our own lives, the lives of our spiritual communities, our larger community, and our planet? Ground in the Truth of who we are and our Vision of who we are becoming, we let that Vision and that Truth inform our every thought, word and action. Knowing that we are “about our {Creator}’s...
Published 03/26/24
This talk was recorded live at the Center for Spiritual Living Prescott on March 26, 2024.  If you enjoyed this talk, visit CSLPrescott.org to learn more about what it is we do and how it can change your life.  Our meditations and talks can be viewed live on our YouTube channel and Facebook page every Sunday morning at 10AM (Arizona).
Published 03/26/24
"Who Am I?" is a question that has been asked throughout time.  This Sunday we will do a deep dive into who you really are as you recognize the Divine Presence that is within you. Hazel Bowman, RScP, is a licensed practitioner at our center. This talk was recorded live at the Center for Spiritual Living Prescott on March 10, 2024.  If you enjoyed this talk, visit CSLPrescott.org to learn more about what it is we do and how it can change your life.  Our meditations and talks can be viewed...
Published 03/12/24
This talk was recorded live at the Center for Spiritual Living Prescott on March 3, 2024.  If you enjoyed this talk, visit CSLPrescott.org to learn more about what it is we do and how it can change your life.  Our meditations and talks can be viewed live on our YouTube channel and Facebook page every Sunday morning at 10AM (Arizona).
Published 03/07/24
Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey? Are you willing to embrace discomfort and unlock your full potential? The choice is yours.  Step outside your comfort zone, embrace the discomfort, and unleash the extraordinary person with you. Embrace the discomfort today and watch as your life takes on new dimensions of growth, achievement, and fulfillment.   One Sentence Affirmation: I refuse to let fear make my decisions for me!    Rev. Tracey is committed to teaching and sharing...
Published 02/26/24
Pain acts as a motivator or driving force until the vision of a desired outcome pulls us forward. Pain, whether physical or emotional, can serve as a powerful catalyst for change and action. One Sentence Affirmation: My potential is bigger than my problem! Rev. Tracey is committed to teaching and sharing The Science of Mind Principle with those who are open and ready to advance on the path of Truth. Rev. Tracey has actively applied these very principles to her life, which created...
Published 02/20/24
You have the power to consciously shape your experience of change. Embrace it as an opportunity for personal growth and transformation. Let being uncomfortable be your guide! Start today and unlock your true potential for a fulfilling and joyous life! One Sentence Affirmation: I expand beyond my comfort zone and trust the goodness of the Universe to support me. Rev. Tracey is committed to teaching and sharing The Science of Mind Principle with those who are open and ready to advance on the...
Published 02/12/24
Serving as an example of love and light in the world feels so good! As we bring the energy of “A Grand Rising” into the rest of the year, let’s remember that our voices matter. Collectively, we are changing the world.   One Sentence Affirmation: I am co-creating a world that works for everyone!    Rev. Tracey is committed to teaching and sharing The Science of Mind Principle with those who are open and ready to advance on the path of Truth.  Rev. Tracey has actively applied these very...
Published 01/30/24
Changing the world is not for the faint of heart. The challenges in front of us may seem insurmountable. But with the power and love of Spirit, expressing Itself as us, we can do anything!  One Sentence Affirmation: The universe is ALWAYS conspiring for my highest and best.   Rev. Tracey is committed to teaching and sharing The Science of Mind Principle with those who are open and ready to advance on the path of Truth.  Rev. Tracey has actively applied these very principles to her life,...
Published 01/23/24
Some version of the Golden Rule can be found in many if not most religions, schools of thought, and philosophies. It's a well-known man-made rule that many people strive to adhere to, and yet there is something beyond the ethics of doing unto others as you would like for them to do unto you - especially when others do not treat you the same way. What do you do when others don't reciprocate according to the Golden Rule? You rise above man-made law and delve into Divine Law, and let that lead...
Published 01/19/24
The sun has set on the old way of thinking. As we rise into this new year, we shake off the dust of yesterday to emerge into a beautiful world that truly works for everyone.   One Sentence Affirmation: I start each day with a Grand Rising!  This talk was recorded live at the Center for Spiritual Living Prescott on January 7, 2024.  If you enjoyed this talk, visit CSLPrescott.org to learn more about what it is we do and how it can change your life.  Our meditations and talks can be viewed...
Published 01/09/24
Every year, snakelike, the closing in December and the opening in January wraps back on itself as the new swallows the old and sheds its skin in favor of beginning afresh.  This circle, always occurring, is given special meaning for today marks New Years eve morning.   Join in a celebration of endings and beginnings. As the baby year 2024 is being birthed, what vow will you make to honor the new in you?  What old skin that no longer serves will you shed?  Be prepared to release and to...
Published 01/09/24
The birth and life of Jesus are metaphors for our own celebrations and disappointments. But in our most tender moments, we know that we are even more than that. Christ consciousness is the feeling of wholeness, allowing our natural compassion and our love for one another to reign.  One Sentence Affirmation: I abide in Christ consciousness, being still and knowing the Truth that I am whole. This talk was recorded live at the Center for Spiritual Living Prescott on December 24, 2023.  If you...
Published 12/26/23
The American writer Henry Miller said, “The moment one gives close attention to anything – even a blade of grass – it becomes mysterious, awesome, and indescribably magnificent.” By virtue of our holy place in the Universe, we are charged with the world’s enrichment. One Sentence Affirmation: My awareness of my Oneness with the Universe, our planet, and every blade of grass, inspires and guides me in my enrichment of the world. This talk was recorded live at the Center for Spiritual Living...
Published 12/19/23