✅ Get the Shivashtakam mantra, at a 30% discount - https://mahakatha.co/sampod🎁 Or get a free Mahakatha mantra by signing up here - https://mahakatha.com/freedownloadyt Welcome to the Mahakatha Meditation Mantras podcast! In today's episode, we delve into the intriguing question of whether helping others overcome their pain and suffering can alleviate our own. Our host, Preeti, shares her insights on the interplay of suffering and serving, drawing from personal experiences and observations....
Published 09/27/23
✅ Get the Icchapurti mantra, at a 30% discount - https://mahakatha.co/ipmpod🎁 Or get a free Mahakatha mantra by signing up here - https://mahakatha.com/freedownloadyt Welcome back to the Mahakatha Meditation Mantras podcast! In today's episode, host Preeti dives into the power of being somewhere, just with your mind. She shares a heartfelt comment from a listener who found solace and connection through the podcast's music. Drawing inspiration from the story of Lord Krishna's birth, Preeti...
Published 09/20/23
✅ Get the Nam Myoho Renge Kyo mantra, at a 30% discount - https://mahakatha.co/nmrkpod🎁 Or get a free Mahakatha mantra by signing up here - https://mahakatha.com/freedownloadyt Welcome to a brand new episode of the Mahakatha Meditation Mantras podcast! In today's episode, our host, Preeti, takes us on a journey exploring the power of our bodies and the importance of finding stability and calmness within ourselves. Preeti introduces the practice of belly breathing as a physical cue to navigate...
Published 09/13/23
✅ Get the Om Purnamadah mantra, at a 30% discount - https://mahakatha.co/opmpod🎁 Or get a free Mahakatha mantra by signing up here - https://mahakatha.com/freedownloadyt Welcome to another episode of the Mahakatha Meditation Mantras podcast! I'm your host, Preeti, and today we have a thought-provoking topic to delve into. We often hear the advice not to compare ourselves to others and their achievements, especially when they may be ahead of us in their journey. But is there really a book of...
Published 09/06/23
✅ Get the Samudra Vasane Devi mantra, at a 30% discount - https://mahakatha.co/svdpod🎁 Or get a free Mahakatha mantra by signing up here - https://mahakatha.com/freedownloadyt Namaste and welcome back to another episode of Mahakatha. I'm your host, Preeti, and today we delve into a topic that touches the core of our humanity - forgiveness. Why is it so hard for us to forgive and let go? Join me as we explore the power of forgiveness and its impact on our lives.As a mother, I've discovered the...
Published 09/01/23
✅ Get the Hare Krishna Hare Rama mantra, at a 30% discount - https://mahakatha.co/hkhrpod🎁 Or get a free Mahakatha mantra by signing up here - https://mahakatha.com/freedownloadyt Welcome back to another episode of Mahakatha, the podcast where we dive deep into the power of mantras and meditation. I'm your host, Preeti, and today's episode is all about the Hare Krishna Maha Mantra. This mantra has been creating waves of love and healing for years, and we are so grateful for the ongoing...
Published 08/23/23
✅ Get the Ramaskandham mantra, at a 30% discount - https://mahakatha.co/rhpod🎁 Or get a free Mahakatha mantra by signing up here - https://mahakatha.com/freedownloadyt On this episode of Mahakatha, host Preeti explores the power of connecting with your inner child for restful sleep. She acknowledges that this may not be an easy process for everyone, but introduces the idea of using a soothing mantra to help with nightmares. The mantra she introduces is called the Ramaskandham Hanumantam...
Published 08/15/23
✅ Get the Neela Saraswati mantra, at a 30% discount - https://mahakatha.co/nspod🎁 Or get a free Mahakatha mantra by signing up here - https://mahakatha.com/freedownloadyt On this episode of Mahakatha, join Preeti as she dives into the power of the Neela Saraswati mantra. The speaker expresses gratitude for being introduced to this transformative mantra that has resonated with listeners, aiding them in their personal growth journeys. The podcast's loyal audience is acknowledged for their love...
Published 08/08/23
✅ Get the Raama Raameti mantra, at a 30% discount - https://mahakatha.co/srrrpod🎁 Or get a free Mahakatha mantra by signing up here - https://mahakatha.com/freedownloadyt Welcome back to Mahakatha podcast, I'm your host, Preeti. In today's episode, titled "Mk Podcast Ep 11," we delve into an important topic that many of us can relate to: feeling like we're not doing enough in our lives. We received an email from a listener who expressed their feelings of failure because they were unable to...
Published 08/04/23
✅ Get the Shiva Dhyana mantra, at a 30% discount - https://mahakatha.co/sdpod🎁 Get a free Mahakatha mantra by signing up here - https://mahakatha.com/freedownloadyt  On this episode of Mahakatha, we delve into the power and benefits of the Shiva Dhyana Mantra in enhancing productivity and creativity. Our speaker highlights how this method can help ease subconscious resistance, urging listeners to practice it during times of anxiety and stress. As always, we promise to return with more...
Published 08/01/23
✅ Get the Tayata Om mantra, at a 30% discount - https://mahakatha.co/topod🎁 Or get a free Mahakatha mantra by signing up here - https://mahakatha.com/freedownloadyt On this episode of Mahakatha, host Preeti delves into the importance of being soothed and calmed during times of pain and shock. She emphasizes that being soothed is the first and most fundamental need before healing can take place. Preeti highlights the lasting impact of receiving soothing, as it influences how one responds to...
Published 07/25/23
✅ Get the Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu mantra, at a 30% discount - https://mahakatha.co/ydsbpod🎁 Or get a free Mahakatha mantra by signing up here - https://mahakatha.com/freedownloadyt  On this episode of Mahakatha, host Preeti dives into the beautiful and profound bond between a mother and child through the power of Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu Mantra. She discusses how this connection may not always be obvious, but it is always present, often manifested in the subtlest forms. Preeti highlights that...
Published 07/12/23
On this episode of Mahakatha, Preeti, your guide for the Mahakatha meditation Mantras podcast, delves into the topic of why beginnings can be intimidating and cause hesitation. She explores various examples such as starting a new writing project, exercise plan, quitting a job, starting a new business, or moving to a new city. Preeti suggests that the fear associated with beginnings stems from our tendency to associate them with endings and feeling overwhelmed by the entire journey ahead....
Published 07/05/23
"On this episode of Mahakatha, join host Preeti as she delves into a captivating story about a king and his two sons. Inspired by an ancient parable, Preeti recounts how the sons are given a simple task - to buy the best thing they can with a rusty coin. As the story unfolds, one son fills his room with filth, while the other chooses wisdom and places a delicate and radiant candle. Discover the profound realization the king has and how it translates into our own lives. But the episode doesn't...
Published 06/27/23
On this episode of Mahakatha, host Preeti explores the topic of mantras as a way to stay on one's path. The episode starts with a discussion of the difficulty of staying focused and introduces the Om Nama Shivaya Mantra as a tool for strengthening focus and gathering courage. The speaker goes on to discuss the elements of effort and surrender needed for achieving goals and how uncontrollable factors can impact our progress. Next, the episode features listener experiences with the Om Nama...
Published 06/20/23
On this episode of Mahakatha, we explore the benefits of unplugging and decluttering the mind to achieve our desired outcomes. Our guest shares the ancient practice of Karadarshanam, which involves meditating while looking into your palms. We delve into the details of the practice, including the Karadarshanam mantra and the benefits of studying your palms in great detail. Additionally, we discuss the negative effects of constantly checking our phones and suggest focusing on what's underneath...
Published 06/13/23
On this episode of Mahakatha, host Preeti discusses the power of repetition and consistent elements in our lives, from mantras to the multiplication table to the changing of seasons. Preeti reflects on the importance of repetition in meditation and how it serves as a tool for memory retention. She introduces the "Om Mani Padme Hum" mantra and leads listeners in chanting it. Preeti encourages listeners to take breaks when pursuing their passions and connect with the universe through mantras....
Published 05/31/23