In the continuation of the same session as episode 3, we relentlessy tackle the most precious and forbidden topics while staying friends. Not recommended listening if you are Donald Trump or the Pope. Otherwise, enjoy!
Published 05/03/21
Published 05/03/21
Here's number three for 2021! Joined for the first time by our friend Anna, we enter the Tingleverse as born again buckaroos, discuss the nutritional value of America's favorite beverages, rail against Nintendo(again) and Game Freak, and explore various other streams of consciousness. This is also a part 1 of 2, so enjoy knowing the other foot will drop soon! Cheers!
Published 04/08/21
Need movie recommendations for the next rainy day? This is your episode. We test Rotten Tomato's accuracy against our own tastes and expectations. We also discuss/describe a ton of horror and sci-fi movies. Enjoy!
Published 03/22/21
Tis the season to jumpstart the 'ol podcasting battery to make the trek into 2021 fueled by gusto and ridicule. Let this be the first of many with CES being the first casualty. Cheers!
Published 02/05/21
Aint no mountain high enough to keep us away from explaining the reign of Nintendo, their notoriously garbage online multiplayer interfacing, their most profitable cash cows, and how no matter what happens they're not going anywhere any time soon! Lee, our incumbent Switch-wielding Animal Crossing specialist, paves the way this week with everything above and more! Other honorable mentions include GTA V, Rocket League, Mario Party & Madden. Cheers!
Published 05/04/20
After a lengthy episode last time we felt you deserved an equally short and sweet one this week while we figure out how we're going to revisit D&D in the future! In this ep, we debate the morality of saving turtles, get technical about sound treating vs sound proofing, and go into a political corner that we never deserved to occupy in the first place... Cheers!
Published 03/10/20
It's snowing in Neverwinter, setting the tone for how far our characters take themselves off the beaten path for what could've been a clean easy jailbreak, but turned out instead to be a telling introduction to the fallible, flawed, and flavorful personalities of our motley crew! Led by our beloved DM Chris Grygier-gax, join us for the first time as we construct a new story together before your very ears! Cheers!
Published 02/25/20
Betwixt the Neverwinter Forest and the Sword Coast three adventurers materialize before your very ears to soon embark on an adventure so dangerous that only the best improvisational maneuvers will save them! Listen in on our precursor episode where we roll characters, discuss possible backstories, and go off on a brief tangent about how easy it really is to kill a Tarrasque. Cheers!
Published 02/11/20
Just in time for your afternoon or evening commute we present this special episode dedicated to our good buddy, Jake Miles! With him, we discuss life, songwriting, inspirations, and glean a few insights from Smiile's back-catalog! You can follow Smiile on most social medias including Instagram and Twitter, and catch them around Austin as they build towards their next release! Cheers!
Published 01/28/20
We welcome you back after a long weekend with a succinct episode surrounding the annual train-wreck set under the Nevada desert sun that is CES! Smart devices still unnecessary, robots still ill-conceived, we do our best to give them a fair shake but... well, you know how it goes. Cheers!
Published 01/21/20
Not only are we opening up a new chapter/season, but we also open up our FEELINGS on this episode. We're just so happy to be back! Important announcements at the end! Cheers!
Published 01/06/20
It's been a while, but we're back at it via grinding the gears of comedy to manufacture sense-adjacent minutia for your ear pleasure! We give you a quick update on things to come including Season 3, future guests, and the fact that we're finally on Itunes! Cheers, Happy Holidays, and talk at you soon!
Published 12/21/19
Open up your mind to the soothing sounds of our goofs on English as a language, choose-your-own-scareventures, pokemon-talk, Harry Potter for the second ep in a row, and many more! Enjoy the extra long ep! Cheers!
Published 05/22/19
We took a break for Daniel to take another crack at attracting some sponsors. Today, it's for Bear Spray. Also, special guest Todd on music. Cheers!
Published 04/25/19
So much happens this week... The title gives a good indication, but also Harry Potter's major plot holes are exposed. Drop us a line on Twitter and let us know what you think! Cheers!
Published 04/15/19
We are back in action with a shorter episode with absolutely no focus... but that didn't hinder us as we dive deep into the meaning of last names, a questionable medical procedure, and the responsibilities that accompany time travel! Enjoy!
Published 04/03/19
We return before a brief haitus as 2/3 of us move into our new abodes with chats of trash that'll make you *ehem* lose your marbles. All of them. Strategically. Cheers!
Published 02/06/19
We can't leave the boy alone because this is what he does and then I have to edit it and it's 12:50AM and I just want to go to bed because I've been laughing and crying and hfgfhdgfjuygkiu. Please enjoy this rarity at the expense of my sanity and physical wellness. Cheers!
Published 02/01/19
CES 2019 is here and Daniel's ready to talk about it! We flew his spirit out to Vegas where he studied every new gadget from flying Minority Report Taxis to Cow udders that'll power your whole home! Enjoy!
Published 01/24/19
We're back for season 2 with an anecdote dominated episode of terrible experiences serving and being served at restaurants! Plus Richie shares his insights after being on a cruise for 7 days over the holidays! Enjoy!
Published 01/12/19
Get ready for season 2! We've been gone awhile, but we're ready to hit it hard again in 2019 with some more vivacious banter balanced with some healthy research from 3 (or more...) brothers with separate but equal mothers! Here's some silliness to hold you over 'till then! Enjoy!
Published 11/26/18
For part two we do all the science and Riksearch, finding a way to get goofy about the outdoors along the way. From getting zapped by tDCS to getting caught with your pixel out in some Radiolab-referential material, you'll find yourself JUICED after this second half! Enjoy!
Published 07/09/18
There's an intro at the beginning of the episode so I'll make this succinct; we laugh a lot. So much. We hope you will too.
Published 07/09/18
Heyo! So 2/3s of us are currently traveling through Western Europe so here's an older episode from late March/early April. We discuss the then current debacle surrounding the first autonomous Uber death, Vero as a not so great substitute for current social medias, and the logistics of cow rugs. We'll be back soon, but until then enjoy!
Published 05/05/18