By becoming still, we invite our superconsciousness to guide our lives — it is that dynamic life force within us that changes us, creates success on every level, and offers the secret to balancing work and spiritual life. (Based on Lesson 7.)
Published 11/03/09
Balancing work and meditation becomes easy when we truly understand our life experience from the inside out. Asha shares real examples of how our inner and outer realities work together, and how soul progresses through continuous expansion of awareness.
Published 10/27/09
A key element in manifesting success, Asha says, is to anchor yourself in your unchanging Self within. One must develop a deep understanding that the source of all power is in their changeless, eternal Self.
Published 10/20/09
How to transcend our ego’s identity to the problems in life and the transitory nature of existence? By tuning into our unchanging nature within, we will overcome confusion about our own moral compass.
Published 10/06/09
There is a saying in India, “Yata Dharama Tata Jaya” — “Where there is adherence to right action, there is victory.” Living righteously is essential to building faith in God. Asha also shares the art and science of cultivating your personal awareness and relationship with the Divine.
Published 09/29/09
Developing right attitude and the right Relationship with the Divine is essential to meeting life’s challenges. Learn the art of consciously cultivating a sensitivity of heart and creating a strong aura of energy, bu tuning into a higher source.
Published 09/15/09
What does it take to succeed on the spiritual path? Through right attitude, and consciously directing one’s energy to create magnetism, constant endeavor leads to success.
Published 09/08/09
Asha starts the class with personal stories that illustrate the importance of focused visualization in the process of manifesting. Inspiration, intuition, and energy are not in themselves sufficient, she says — one has to invest themselves in obtaining the required knowledge as well.
Published 09/01/09
Asha discusses Paramhansa Yoganada’s prediction of world economic collapse and answers questions and concerns, reminding the group that he also asked people not to be afraid, but to seek refuge in God.
Published 08/25/09
Learning to be receptive without involving our ego requires practice. Developing our intuition through this practice helps us recognize true guidance.
Published 08/18/09
Asha gives practical advice to help us identify what blocks our ability to manifest. Taking up a modest goal first, will help us succeed and grow our will and confidence. Faith is knowing that the energy and will are already there if we are standing in right relationship to what we want.
Published 08/11/09
When a person becomes very successful, Asha says, it’s because they have worked very hard at in the past. But does that success always bring them happiness? This class covers karma, reincarnation, feeling versus emotion, how to find out what we should do, and the importance of energy and enthusiasm in the spiritual life.
Published 08/04/09
Nayaswami Asha discusses how wealth can be magnetized and our desires fulfilled through the expansion of our consciousness. (Based on Lesson 2.)
Published 07/28/09
In the third class in this series, Nayaswami Asha continues to discuss the topic of karma and right action. She explains the idea of God and the grace that is freely available at all times to those that attune to it. (Based on Lesson 1.)
Published 07/21/09
In the second class in this series, Nayaswami Asha discusses the idea of Magnetism. She delves deep into the unfailing law of Karma and the right attitude to approach it in our lives. (Based on Lesson 1.)
Published 07/14/09
Introductory talk, in which Asha explains how the lessons came to be, who they are for, and what makes them unique.
Published 07/07/09