Many people use their individual egoic qualities powerfully but not productively, in terms of their ultimate fulfillment. The ego is only a point of view, and we can learn to back out of that perspective into our source of divinity. (Based on Lesson 26.)
Published 05/04/10
The successful person is one who not only looks opportunities to appear in his life, but attracts them with magnetic expectation. (Based on Lesson 25.)
Published 04/27/10
If we live in tune with higher principles and put out energy in humble sincerity, there is a force that will carry us to succeed in what we do. Seek work that is expansive, and seek to become skillful and to serve others in whatever work you do. (Based on Lesson 24.)
Published 04/20/10
In this lesson, Swami Kriyananda encourages us to develop a concept of God that we can take everywhere. To bring God into the workplace means to have not so much a religious attitude as one of God awareness in all. (Based on Lesson 23.)
Published 04/13/10
Where there is dharma (right action), there is an experience of bliss, and in reality, bliss is the lasting success we seek. How can we react to life’s circumstances in the highest possible way? By flowing with them. (Based on Lesson 22.)
Published 04/06/10
Each stage of human evolution — sudra, vaisya, kshatriya, and brahmin — can be characterized by attitudes we have toward life, how we seek to solve problems, and how we seek bliss. Although we may express characteristics of all of the stages, we live mostly in only one of them. (Based on Lesson 21.)
Published 03/30/10
Sooner or later, lasting success in the material world comes down to how well we relate to others. One can learn from both the good and bad qualities of others, keeping in mind that there are stages of evolution in human consciousness. (Based on Lesson 21.)
Published 03/23/10
Conditions are always neutral, and choosing happiness is an ability that is not subject to one’s situation. (Based on Lesson 20.)
Published 03/16/10
Talking can simply be a way of sharing vibrations with others, and this is good. However, one must not dissipate energy through mindless chatter. (Based on Lesson 19.)
Published 03/09/10
Advertising is an opportunity to serve others by providing information they want. Spirituality today requires a joyful recognition of the good things of life — through these, one is drawn toward the joy which lies beyond the material world. (Based on Lesson 18.)
Published 03/02/10
Evaluate whether everything in your environment reflects a harmonious consciousness — for example: the way you dress and the places where you live and work. It takes discipline to manifest harmony. (Based on Lesson 17.)
Published 02/23/10
If one’s ideals do not match those of his or her employer, or the work is not inspiring, the choices are: to look for a new employer, to become self-employed, or to keep the position and do the work with an uplifted consciousness. There is no point in simply waiting for the world to change! (Based on Lesson 16.)
Published 02/16/10
Having the right spirit is more important than hard-driving production-oriented energy, which is not magnetic. It is vital that those that work under a leader share the leader’s ideals and spirit, even if they have different ways of approaching a problem. (Based on Lesson 15.)
Published 02/09/10
A leader can inspire people to join them by projecting uplifting consciousness, Asha says in this talk. The role of leaders in this sense is to give and uplift, without letting their ego block that flow of energy. (Based on Lesson 15.)
Published 02/02/10
When relating to others one must connect with them in a way that is both inspiring to us as the leader and beneficial to them. (Based on Lesson 14.)
Published 01/26/10
The true substance of matter is energy. Energy comes from will power and ideas and the root of those is our consciousness. Therefore, in all that we do we need to make sure our consciousness is in tune with higher Truth. (Based on Lesson 13.)
Published 01/19/10
Asha discusses the importance of “the process” in attaining the goal. It is good to have ambitious goals, she says, but it is also necessary to know the steps one has to take to get where one wants to be. (Based on Lesson 13.)
Published 01/12/10
Compromise in itself is not bad, Asha says, because not all kinds of compromise require that we neglect our ideals. Indeed, compromise is inherent to the way we must relate in this world. (Based on Lesson 12.)
Published 12/29/09
Spirituality and spiritual communities will thrive in a period of world economic unrest, Asha says. Swami Kriyananda’s advice on investing money involves choosing wisely by understanding the true nature of money and the delusions that come with seeking wealth. (Based on Lesson 11.)
Published 12/22/09
The planet is unbalanced by greed and we should expect a correction in the form of economic difficulties. Loss of greed will lead to gain in spirituality. Investment is not only about where we place our money but also about where our time and energy are spent. (Based on Lesson 11.)
Published 12/15/09
Good leadership is a talent that requires patience and astuteness to help balance what is right with what is real. A leader’s own preferences and realities must be seen in relationship to the whole. (Based on Lesson 10.)
Published 12/08/09
Leaders can use their magnetism to expand consciousness of this planet. In order to be effective in helping others, leaders must be not only righteous but also realistic in their approach. (Based on Lesson 10.)
Published 12/01/09
The spiritual path is about tapping into one’s inner consciousness and the changeless reality of God, the infinite light. By offering all that one does to that Light, one sees how everyday activity is an expression of a greater reality. Nayaswami Asha continues the discussion on human values and Patanjali’s Yamas and Niyamas as guideposts to right living. (Based on Lesson 9.)
Published 11/24/09
Through intuitive understanding, one learns to relate to all people and every circumstance as a part of divine flow — and by consciously choosing to live in harmony with right principles, success naturally follows. (Based on Lesson 9.)
Published 11/17/09
Nayaswami Asha discusses the concept of time and its illusory nature. Whatever the endeavor, energy and inspiration are essential to create excellence — the quantity of time is not. (Based on Lesson 8.)
Published 11/10/09