Doug unpacks a couple’s guide to managing conflict during the holidays. He shares the importance of accepting influence from your spouse, having the ability to compromise and he gives steps to solve problems when conflict arises. Doug gives advice to listeners with the following questions: ·         My daughter's boyfriend asked her to live with him but he also lives with his parents and his sister. How do I tell her this is a bad idea? ·         How do I get myself to cry? I put up a wall...
Published 12/12/24
Today, Doug unpacks how to navigate the holidays with in-laws. He discusses the importance of communication going into family gatherings and shares the value of understanding one another’s expectations and how it is key to knowing where to draw boundaries with the in-laws.
Published 12/11/24
Published 12/11/24
Today Doug unpacks how to stress proof your marriage this Christmas season. All the shopping, and preparing can interfere with the celebration of the birth of our Savior and can lead to one or both spouses feeling unappreciated. Doug discuses tips that can help spouses work together to create a sense of balance.   Resources:   Marriage Unhindered https://www.marriageunhindered.com/   Happy Marriage for Life https://www.happymarriageforlife.com/   Ruah Woods Institute ...
Published 12/10/24
Doug discusses another impossible marriage redeemed. How can suffering be used for salvation? Doug takes listener questions and explains how their suffering can be used for good. Plus, the Friday rant!  
Published 12/07/24
Doug is joined by Monica Hinderer to talk about the damage criticism does to children: They discuss the many factors that can lead to criticism and share how parents can help children develop positive self-esteem. Doug and Monica tackle listener questions and comments on the following: ·         My adult daughter says we nitpick too much. I am just trying to correct or help her but she won't listen. ·         My mom was super critical and both my sister and I have made it a point to treat...
Published 12/06/24
Doug unpacks a letter by Alice Von Hildebrand form her book By Love Refined. In this letter she shares how physical intimacy can be beautifully spiritual. ·         A caller/s wife struggles with alcohol abuse and has PTSD. ·         Advice for a father whose daughter is going to move in with her boyfriend to save money. ·         A caller’s husband has just started taking care of his grandson who had a stroke at 5 months and can't talk.   Resources:   By Love Refined ...
Published 12/05/24
Doug is joined by his guest Fr. Robert Altier to discuss his book: God’s Plan For Your Marriage. They discuss love as a gift, not a reward and unpack how suffering in marriage can be a path to holiness.     Resources:   God’s Plan for your marriage   https://godsplanforyourmarriagebook.com/   Marriage Unhindered https://www.marriageunhindered.com/   Happy Marriage for Life https://www.happymarriageforlife.com/   Catholic Therapists https://www.catholictherapists.com/
Published 12/04/24
Doug discusses 4 steps forgiveness as we prepare for the celebration of the birth of Jesus on Christmas. He talks about what forgiveness is, is not, and unpacks the value of forgiveness and its impact on mental health.   Resources:   Marriage Unhindered https://www.marriageunhindered.com/   Happy Marriage for Life https://www.happymarriageforlife.com/   Catholic Therapists https://www.catholictherapists.com/
Published 12/03/24
Doug reads a letter by Alice Von Hildebrand from her book By Love Refined. In this letter, Alice gives advice on deepening friendships. Doug also unpacks things you should know if you decide to go to marriage therapy. He discusses the importance of gratitude and how it helps keep the focus on the positive.   Resources:   By Love Refined https://sophiainstitute.com/product/by-love-refined/?srsltid=AfmBOor69zErlUqf6RP4-3ZxPfKt8rMqVKFZpPQcjXBuSZBKh6q0taWX   Marriage Unhindered ...
Published 11/30/24
Doug talks about how to heal family tensions now that the election is over. He reads an email from a listener whose son refuses to come home for Thanksgiving because of the outcome of the election. Doug exhorts listeners to pray for peace, and avoid trying to change their spouse or loved ones. Callers share experiences of political tension in their families. Plus: The Friday Rant!
Published 11/29/24
Doug answers a letter about a narcissistic daughter-in-law (4:11), how to deal w/an angry wife in a 57-year marriage (21:26), should I tell previous sexual sins to a girlfriend (24:45), gratitude during Thanksgiving (31:27) and how to prevent conflict during Thanksgiving (41:43)
Published 11/28/24
What is the annulment process and how does it work?  Fr. Ramil Fajardo joins to discuss what justifies an annulment and what information the tribunal looks at when considering granting one. Also: what does sacrifice look like in a vocation and how can you live a more sacrificial life?  
Published 11/27/24
Greg Shutte joins Doug to discuss the blame game. How does the blame game affect your marriage? How can mercy and forgiveness fix the problem and what are practical ways to practice these virtues? Plus: Stump a therapist!
Published 11/26/24
Are you looking for a weekend getaway that can bring you closer to your spouse? Pete and Carol Tomaselli join Doug to share their experience of healing through Retrouvaille, a marriage help program for struggling couples. They talk about the three legs of the Retrouvaille stool and share how the support system in Retrouvaille helps save marriages.   Resource mentioned: Retrouvaille Website: https://helpourmarriage.org/
Published 11/23/24
Are you worried about your child’s mental health? Are you worried about the mental health of your child’s friends? Do you know the warning signs of those struggling with mental issues? Monica Hinderer joins Doug to discuss the mental health and emotional well-being of children.
Published 11/22/24
Doug unpacks a case of a married couple who lived for themselves, lacking the knowledge of what a good marriage looks like. Doug shares the importance of good role models and the example they give. He discusses selfishness and how it can destroy a marriage, but speaks to the value of hope through forgiveness, encouraging married couples to never give up   Resources:   Impossible Marriages Redeemed https://www.leilamiller.net/impossiblemarriagesredeemedpdf   Marriage Unhindered ...
Published 11/21/24
Are you married to a selfish person and unsure what to do? Doug unpacks characteristics of selfishness which include: self-centered behavior, lack of empathy, and an unwillingness to compromise. Doug discusses the Christian perspective of selfishness, and offers practical tips for those who are married to a selfish person.   Resources:   Marriage Unhindered https://www.marriageunhindered.com/   Happy Marriage for Life https://www.happymarriageforlife.com/   Catholic Therapists ...
Published 11/20/24
Jim and Maureen Otremba join Doug to discuss the Banquet of Love program, an online 12-part course that helps you make practical connections between the Eucharist and your marriage. Jim and Maureen speak to the value of therapy and support for spouses in difficult marriages and share the importance of communication and forgiveness.   Resources: Banquet of Love https://banquetoflove.org/ Enter code BOL30 for a discount   Marriage Unhindered https://www.marriageunhindered.com/   Happy...
Published 11/19/24
Doug talks about how to heal family tensions now that the election is over. He reads an email from a listener whose son refuses to come home for Thanksgiving because of the outcome of the election. Doug exhorts listeners to pray for peace, and avoid trying to change their spouse or loved ones. Callers share experiences of political tension in their families. Plus: The Friday Rant!
Published 11/16/24
Are you attempting to blend families with a second marriage? Did you grow up in a blended family? Monica Hinderer LCPC, joins Doug to discuss the challenges in blending families and unpack 7 tips to help blended families. Callers weigh in and share their stories of the struggles and successes in a blended family.
Published 11/15/24
Dann Aungst joins Doug to share ho parents can protect their children from exposure to pornography and what to do after exposure has happened. They discuss he value of teaching the Theology of the Body, and the importance of a strong prayer in combating the scourge of pornography.   Resources:   Road to Purity https://roadtopurity.com/   Marriage Unhindered https://www.marriageunhindered.com/   Happy Marriage for Life https://www.happymarriageforlife.com/   Catholic Therapists ...
Published 11/14/24
Danielle Bean joins Doug to discuss her book, Manual for Marriage. They unpack what the vocation of marriage truly is, what it means to fight fair, and how to overcome the everyday struggles in marriage.   Resources: Manual for Marriage https://tanbooks.com/products/books/manual-for-marriage/?srsltid=AfmBOopJxc5BTCRS1JSR4kSxcrW7AWSKae9k7xPJswh7FTrJzS8XMbr6   You are Enough ...
Published 11/13/24
Doug reads a letter by Alice Von Hildebrand from her book By Love Refined. In this letter, Alice gives advice on deepening friendships. Doug also unpacks things you should know if you decide to go to marriage therapy. He discusses the importance of gratitude and how it helps keep the focus on the positive.   Resources:   By Love Refined https://sophiainstitute.com/product/by-love-refined/?srsltid=AfmBOor69zErlUqf6RP4-3ZxPfKt8rMqVKFZpPQcjXBuSZBKh6q0taWX   Marriage Unhindered ...
Published 11/12/24
Dr. Stephanie Kafie joins Doug Hinderer to discuss her book: Totally Yours: The Catholic Natural Family Planning Handbook. She details the benefits of Natural Family planning including: being open to life, strengthening marriages and growing in marital chastity.   Resources: Totally Yours: The Catholic Natural Family Planning Handbook https://www.amazon.com/Totally-Yours-Catholic-Planning-Handbook/dp/1068936606
Published 11/09/24