Back again to ruin your holidays, here we come with another year of Yule Tide music you'll want to stab yourself in the eye while listening to.
Published 12/21/18
We're BAAAAACK! We dust off the ol' account and take a break from our other podcast Bat Channel 66 (Shameless Plug... go check it out while we're on MoN hiatus) to bring you our annual WORST CHRISTMAS SONGS!!! This is going from bad to worse I think as we chug along.
Published 12/22/17
Some athletes are not too bright and some just take the cake. We go over some of the dumbest athletes of all time and crown an interesting King.
Published 03/01/17
We dive back to 2008 when Jay and Art go toe to toe to decide once and for all - Who is better? Biggie or Tupac.
Published 02/10/17
Joy to the world - It's that time of year where we dust off some of those old holiday classics and reflect on the garbage that is produced to celebrate the holiday season. Join us as we take a walk down memory lane at some of the worst we've had to endure listening to.
Published 12/22/16
Another classic episode this week - There are some songs that just don't go well in certain situations. The strip club DJ has an important job and we find out, that some guys can really cause some damage when they're asleep behind the wheel
Published 12/08/16
While you're listening to our new podcast Bat Channel 66, we figured we would repost our old episodes - starting with the very first episode where we do our very first ever "sucks or rules" to Seinfeld.
Published 11/24/16
We're back for a hot minute to put a bow on season 15 and boy do we have a surprise for you...
Published 08/19/16
With the historic decision for England to leave the EU, a lot of questions have come up. In this episode, we talk with Simply Syndicated's own Richard Smith to find out what exactly is going on, what it all means, and how it will affect normal all of us.
Published 07/01/16
Mike and Art are joined by musician and fellow podcaster Rob Jennings of Comic Book Seduction to discuss some of the finer things in life... OK mainly music and comics.
Published 06/18/16
The TV Show Theme Song is a magnificent thing. All it once it can drum up nostalgia of years gone by. Elicit emotion of pure joy and fun from one of your favorite shows of all time. Here we reach back into our memory banks to remember the ones that stick out the best for all of us.
Published 06/10/16
Captain America: Civil War hit theaters and sent shockwaves through the MCU as well as comic book movies in general. Marvel movies have been killing it since Iron Man and now is as good a time as any to rank them from worst to first for your listening pleasure.
Published 05/21/16
In an attempt to capitalize on the Star Wars hysteria that has gripped the nation, we're reposting our Death Star Morning Radio Show that took place on the day the Death Star met its faithful end.
Published 05/04/16
After the dust has now begun to settle from the big release of Batman vs. Superman, we get to weigh in on what we thought of the flick as well as dive into our thoughts on Deadpool, Suicide Squad, Civil War and basically every other of the four thousand comic movies coming out later this year. This is spoiler heavy so if you haven't seen it yet, you've been warned.
Published 04/10/16
One of the most compelling documentaries currently on Netflix is "Slingshot" - The story of Dean Kamen and his quest to make clean drinking water available for the entire planet with one simple invention. We were fortunate enough to sit down with director Paul Lazarus and talk about the movie, as well as Dean's progress following the completion of the film.
Published 03/23/16
It's time to get sexy as we go over some of the worst looking players to ever grace the court as pros. It's hard to box out a box troll.
Published 02/26/16
Who doesn't love a good burger? And with a bunch to choose from, it's not difficult to become a connoisseur of the big and not-so-big burger chains real quick. So we throw our two cents as to which burger chain is the best around.
Published 02/14/16
Ladies, Ladies, Ladies! Cousin Jay joins us as we dip back into the well and discuss some of the ladies of showbiz who have caught our fancy recently but maybe have flown under the radar.
Published 02/03/16
This week Rob of the podcast "Comic Book Seduction" joins us to discuss the Top 8.5 Batman Villains of all time.
Published 01/25/16
2015 was weird and wild year. We decide whether or not it lived up to our "Rules" standard or if in fact, it sucked.
Published 01/09/16
There are some terrific documentaries out there and we've seen a whole bunch of them so we try our best to throw them into a nice neat little package. This is truly where it got difficult.
Published 12/21/15
It's that time of year where we scour the internet to find the worst possible Christmas songs that grace the airwaves. This year is a doozy! Home court everyone makes and appearance. DROP THE MIC - I'M OUT!
Published 12/10/15
A collection of our best bits from the first 8 seasons to introduce new listeners to the show that we're assuming will check us out from our latest appearance on It's Erik Nagel tonight on Sirius 206/XM 103 from 6-9pm EST.
Published 12/04/15
Every year we stuff our faces while celebrating friends and family but rarely do we hear the awful soundtrack playing in the background to Thanksgiving dinner. We decided to take a real listen to Arlo Guthrie's "Alice's Restaurant" in its entirety and comment accordingly.
Published 11/25/15
Every group has stereotypes that are associated with them. This week, we discuss good ol' whitey. Art also invents a new store and a brand new way to distribute desserts faster than ever.
Published 11/20/15