When is enough... enough?
Published 09/07/19
BusinessCation & Surviving 1.3yrs of Marriage.. Turn a business trip into a free vacation with the family.. Family chill while you work.. Sounds good for some.. but some dont agree... Then... 1.3yrs of marriage,,, we wasn't ready.. Oh how time flies when you are having fun!
Published 09/07/19
So we noticed that out of all the videos we've shot...we never made a video saying how we met. So here's a not so short story on our beginning and who was crushing on who first. ENJOY!!!
Published 09/07/19
SEXXXXXX TAALLLLLKKKK!!! What's an absolute NO in regards to getting you there? What's that one thing that gets you to the point of wanting to climax? And who's in the way at all times? Let's Talk Sex Talk!!!
Published 09/07/19
Sex and Boredom… How do you keep things spicey?? Are you willing to do things you wouldn't normally do to keep the spice in the bedroom?
Published 09/07/19
Is watching porn with your significant other a good experience? What do you watch porn for? Does it add spice?
Published 09/07/19
If you cheated... would you tell on yourself or take it to the grave??? Let's Talk
Published 09/07/19
In the finale, the gang gets a chance to turn the tides and speak to the betterment of their respective spouses. We all get a chance to see where we excel and where we need improvement in being a wife or husband. Enjoy!!!
Published 09/06/19
It's one thing to say it, and another thing to do it. It's one thing to see it, and another to actually be it. In this vid, my wife and I are joined by some amazing friends to discuss what it actually means to be a great husband or wife. And the necessary steps it takes to actually becoming one. Enjoy!!!
Published 09/06/19
It's one thing to love a person. To know how to love a person in the way that they need to be loved is an entirely different thing. And many would say that people fall within 1 of 5 languages of love. Do you personally identify with the 5 love languages? What if you don't? Is there a 6th language Do you give and receive love with the same language? Let's Talk!!!!
Published 09/02/19
With the tongue being such a powerful instrument, it would be wise to mind the words that spring from it. They say what you constantly dwell on will manifest itself. So constantly speaking and thinking about divorce is definitely a no-no in marriage. Do you feel that divorce is a word that shouldn't come up in marriage? Do you believe that speaking about it, brings about its inevitability? Is there ever a time where divorce is the rightful option? Let's Talk!!!
Published 09/02/19
No matter who you decide to be with, someone will always have something to say. Letting the wrong person in your relationship can be just as detrimental as letting a stranger in your home. But is there ever a good time to listen to other people in regards to your spouse? Does the source from which the criticism came from actually matter? How do you navigate conflicting criticism from trusted sources in regards to your spouse? Let's Talk!!!!
Published 09/02/19
What's your sign? This question has been used many times when searching for a mate. The answer to the question has halted many relationships for better or worse. Some won't even give you the time of day if your sign isn't compatible with theirs. Would you turn down a potentially good relationship because of the wrong zodiac? How valid is compatibility when dealing with zodiac signs? Let's Talk!!!
Published 09/02/19
You hear "Submission" and automatically think weak. It's common that the role of a submissive partner is reserved for the woman. The lack of willingness to submit to your spouse could often lead to unnecessary conflict in the relationship. Can two people who consider themselves to be the dominant partner submit to each other? Should men also be submissive in a marriage/relationship? What steps can one take to become more submissive without being considered weak or less than? Let's Talk!!!
Published 09/02/19
Like the wind, energy is unseen but easily felt. It's literally all around us. Whether positive or negative its influence can directly impact our job, our day, our lives, and even our relationships. "Keep that same energy" has become a popular phrase, but what if that energy is negative. What if your partner's energy is off? Do you feel the need to change it? Is it up to your spouse to change yours? Can this lead to an even bigger issue down the line? Let's Talk!!
Published 09/02/19
We were all taught to "Just Say No", but what if someone said no to you??? To make matters worse what if that same person was your lover?? Would it make you feel insecure?? Does saying no to you mean they're getting it somewhere else?? Is it that simple? Let's Talk!!!
Published 09/02/19
Let's be real nobody wants to have sex and not be fulfilled. And nobody wants to have a drill sergeant in the bedroom. Where do you draw the line between saying too much and not saying enough? What if your mate can't keep up? Let's Talk!!!
Published 09/02/19
How important is Intimacy? A soft touch here, a gentle kiss there, or holding hands while walking side by side. Is it just a prerequisite to sex? Can intimacy or lack thereof make or break a relationship? Let's Talk!!!!
Published 09/02/19
HEY, YOU NEED TO COME GET YOUR GIRL!! WHY IS YOUR MAN AT THE BAR UP IN ANOTHER WOMAN'S FACE RIGHT NOW??... If you're in an exclusive relationship... these are just some of the things you never want to hear. Knowing the whereabouts of your spouse is cool but knowing that wherever they are...they're not making you look like a fool is key. How fine is the line between "just having fun" and being disrespectful??? Let's Talk!!!
Published 09/02/19
How you handle any friendship while in a relationship/marriage can be heaven or hell. Knowing what was acceptable then and now is key!! Could an opposite-sex friendship ruin your relationship? Could a relationship ruin your friendship? Let's Talk!!!
Published 09/01/19
Published 08/27/19