Before he was the CEO of Tower Studios, Jon Hare co-founded Sensible Software, which ruled the 16-bit game charts with the likes of Mega-lo-mania, Cannon Fodder and Sensible Soccer. After eight years, the spiritual successor to the latter, Sociable Soccer, finally released to Steam last month, with console editions soon to follow. John talks about the long journey from Apple Arcade, the problems of visibility in a saturated market, and what it takes to remain at the top of your game. Your...
Published 12/29/23
Published 12/29/23
Kim Parker Adcock has been working in games recruitment for more than 30 years and thinks 2023 has been one of the worst periods in the industry's history for jobs. The founder of One Player Mission and vice chair of Safe In Our World is also confident that the industry will soon bounce back and that, with the right help and support, people living with or in fear of redundancy can soon feel hopeful again – as she did when establishing OPM 25 years ago after finding herself unemployed and...
Published 11/17/23
With it being the 25th anniversary of MCV, who better to join us for the first episode of the MCV/DEVELOP Podcast than the magazine's founder Stuart Dinsey. From humble beginnings as a CTW reporter in the 1980s, Dinsey talks about establishing MCV in the 90s, going up against GI.biz in the 00s, and joining Curve Digital in the 10s. We even talk a little about Stevenage FC's rise through the Football League in the 20s. Your hosts: Richie Shoemaker and Vince Pavey. Recorded: June 2023 Theme:...
Published 10/05/23