“I speak from my own experience, and from the experience of those for whom I’ve implemented Medical Medium protocols, when I say that Anthony Williams has precious, factual, vital healing information for anyone suffering from chronic illness. Just because the mainstream medical community is either spiritually void or lacking in the imagination to comprehend that some people can communicate with spirit, Anthony William has been unfairly ostracized, despite the fact that he has had MDs calling him to do patient consultations for upwards of 30 years…and even though his information is healing more people around the globe than any other modality, in fact, more than all other modalities combined. The medical research community, however, has no problem poaching his information and claiming it as their own, for eg when Harvard scientists published a paper on Epstein Barr being a causative factor in multiple sclerosis in 2022. Anthony William write about that over a decade agio and has been teaching people for DECADES about EBV being behind MS and every other known chronic “mystery illness”.Some day I believe AW will have to be acknowledged by all as the incredible healing medium that he is because millions of people around the world continue to heal using his protocols and his information will continue to be proven by future research. I’m just grateful that I have the common sense and spiritual understanding to accept that he gets his info from clairaudience, or hearing spirit.”
Sianna Lyons via Apple Podcasts ·
United States of America ·