Narcissists are everywhere. And whether your boss is a narcissist, or you're in a relationship with one, their behavior can take a toll on you if you're not prepared. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to stay mentally strong when they're trying to manipulate you, they're blaming you, and they're acting out. Dr. Ramani Durvasula is a licensed psychologist who has authored several books on narcissism, including It's Not You. Her work focuses on studying the impact that narcissism and...
Published 03/11/24
Mental toughness serves a purpose in some circumstances. A tough exterior can help you get through a crisis. But mental strength is what is really needed to grow, learn, and thrive in life. The two things are often confused. Some of the things I share today are the six key differences between mental strength and mental toughness, how to develop more strength, and the dangers of acting tough. Offers From Our Sponsors Babbel — Get 50% off on a one-time payment for a lifetime Babbel...
Published 03/08/24
Your memory and your mental health form a two-way street. Remembering only negative things can worsen your mental health. But poor mental health can also cause your brain to only focus on negative memories. Learning more about how your mind filters your memories could help you build mental strength. Dr. Charan Ranganath, a memory researcher at the University of California Davis and the author of Why We Remember, studies how our brains store and retrieve memories. Some of the things he talks...
Published 03/04/24
Whether you want to change an eating habit, or you're trying to change a relationship, there's a series of stages you're going to go through along the way. The stages don't necessarily happen in a nice, neat order, however. Progress rarely comes in a straight line. Understanding the stages of change can help you create and stick to change better. When you learn to recognize where other people are in their transformation, you'll then be able to know how to support them best. Some of the things...
Published 03/01/24
Narcissists and psychopaths are just a few examples of "pathological lovers." Their charm often lures people in and their partners often develop what's known as "trauma bonds." They're tough to escape, but once you do, the healing can begin. No one knows this better than Dr. Nadine Macaluso. She was married to the man known as "The Wolf of Wall Street." After years of abuse, she broke free from the trauma bond and became a therapist so she could help other people. Some of the things she...
Published 02/26/24
Acting "as if" is a therapy strategy that helps people change their habits, their emotions, and their lives. It's a simple but effective way to start creating positive change right now. And the good news is, it works for many different problems. Some of the things I share are how "acting as if" works, what issues you can target, and what sort of results you can expect. Offers From Our Sponsors Babbel - Get 50% off on a one-time payment for a lifetime Babbel subscription at...
Published 02/23/24
James Altucher interviews Amy about what it's like to be a therapist, her experience becoming an author, and her newest book, 13 Things Mentally Strong Couples Don't Do. Links & Resources The James Altucher Show 13 Things Mentally Strong Couples Don't Do Offers From Our Sponsors Factor - Head to FACTORMEALS.com/mentallystronger50 and use code mentallystronger50 to get 50% off. Babbel - Get 50% off on a one-time payment for a lifetime Babbel subscription at Babbel.com/STRONGER Shopify -...
Published 02/21/24
In this bonus episode, James Altucher interviews Amy about writing books, being a therapist, and her newest book, 13 Things Mentally Strong Couples Don't Do. They discuss strategies for developing better communication, creating healthier relationship habits, and becoming a stronger couple. Links & Resources Listen to The James Altucher Show 13 Things Mentally Strong Couples Don't Do Offers From Our Sponsors Factor — Head to FACTORMEALS.com/mentallystronger50 and use code...
Published 02/21/24
Your career path and your mental strength are likely a two-way street. Creating a great career likely requires mental strength. But having a career that fits your lifestyle will also likely help you grow mentally stronger. That's why creating a career path that works for you is important. Scott Jeffrey Miller is the senior advisor on thought leadership for FranklinCovey — behind the wildly popular books about the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. He's the host of On Leadership with Scott...
Published 02/19/24
Decision fatigue occurs when we become mentally exhausted from making numerous decisions throughout the day. As a result, we make poorer decisions because our brains are just too tired to think. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to prevent yourself from getting mentally exhausted. Here are five simple strategies that can prevent decision fatigue. Subscribe to Mentally Stronger Premium — Get exclusive bonus episodes, access to the Mentally Stronger community, and answers to your...
Published 02/16/24
It's easy to tell other people to seek help or take charge of their mental health, but much harder to take those steps when you need to do so for yourself. But struggles with your mental health don't mean you're mentally weak. Accomplished singer and songwriter Madeline Merlo has made it her mission to remove the stigma associated with mental health issues. She has a history of panic attacks, PTSD, anxiety, and depression. And she's learned the importance of seeking help, getting proactive...
Published 02/12/24
Our emotions get the best of us sometimes. Whether your anxiety affects your decisions or your anger causes you to do things you later regret, emotion regulation skills can help you gain better control over your feelings. You don't have to be happy all the time. But you can develop strategies that can calm you down, cheer you up, or shift your emotional state when your feelings aren't serving you well. In this episode, I share two simple but effective ways to gain better control over emotions...
Published 02/09/24
There's often pressure to develop a "passion" in life. But you can still still live a fulfilling life even if there's not an easily identifiable thing you feel passionate about. Instead, you can create a passionate lifestyle where you feel fulfilled and mentally strong, even if there's not one thing you really love to do. John Miles is the author of the book "Passion Struck," a roadmap for intentional living, and hosts a popular podcast of the same name which dives deep into discovering and...
Published 02/05/24
Do you find the more you try to stop thinking about something unpleasant, the more those unwanted thoughts keep popping up in your brain? Whether you're trying to quit thinking about an ex after your breakup, or you want to quit rehashing that conversation that didn't go well earlier in the day, it's hard to get your brain to stop thinking about something. Fortunately, there are things you can do to stop ruminating and deal with intrusive thoughts. Today, I share how to change the channel in...
Published 02/02/24
There's a lot of information about the mind/body connection and the ways exercise, in general, is good for mental health. But there's a lot less information about the specific exercises that can target certain aspects of emotional well-being. For example, running is just as effective in combating depression as antidepressants. And one of the best ways to reduce anxiety involves lifting weights. Swimming can even reduce the brain damage caused by stress. Some of the things I discuss today are...
Published 01/30/24
The fear of abandonment, difficulty managing emotions in relationships, and a need for reassurance are just a few signs you might have an anxious attachment. Attachment issues are on the rise, and they can cause a lot of pain. They often stem beyond just romantic relationships. Jessica Baum is a psychotherapist and the author of Anxiously Attached. Some of the things she talks about today are how to cope with relationship anxiety, how to figure out your attachment style, and how to heal from...
Published 01/29/24
Studies consistently show that kids are telling us they're academically prepared for life beyond high school but not emotionally prepared. Fortunately, we can change that. A few shifts in the way we support kids can make a big difference in their ability to build mental strength. In this episode, I explain how to play an active role in helping your children develop the skills necessary to navigate life's challenges. I share practical exercises that teach kids how to manage their feelings...
Published 01/26/24
Welcome to a preview of the 10th "Ask Me Anything (AMA)" episode, which is part of Mentally Stronger Premium. Today, I'm responding to a listener who finds himself in a sticky situation. He wasn't honest with his therapist, and now he's not sure how to come clean. Listeners who subscribe to Mentally Stronger Premium get weekly bonus episodes, opportunities to ask questions, and exclusive monthly bonuses that include my signed books, advanced mental strength exercises, and tools to help you...
Published 01/24/24
A quest is different from a goal. But a quest doesn't need to be lifelong. Instead, you could create lots of short, fun quests that add value to your life. Best-selling author James Altucher has created lots of quests for himself — from becoming a standup comedian to trying to buy a foreign country. Some of the things he talks about today are how to develop a fun quest, what you'll gain from it, and how your adventure can help you grow mentally...
Published 01/22/24
While calming music and meditation may work for mild anxiety, these may not be effective for intense anxiety. Fortunately, there's a simple and fast strategy that can help you cope with serious anxiety. By utilizing the mammalian dive reflex, the body's panic response is halted right away, and you'll experience a calming effect. You can get the reflex to kick in within 30 seconds to slow your heart rate and reduce your anxiety fast. Some of the things I share are why traditional coping skills...
Published 01/19/24
Magnesium is being touted as a powerful solution to anxiety, depression, insomnia, memory problems, and attention span. But is the hype realistic? Dr. Jennifer Gu is a researcher who studies how Magnesium affects the brain and the body. She explains why so many people are magnesium deficient, how adding a supplement could benefit you, and why Magtein may be a better option than a general magnesium supplement. Here are a few things she discusses: How magnesium can help improve cognitive...
Published 01/15/24
What do you say to a loved one who predicts the worst-case scenario? Or how do you help someone who is convinced everything is going to go wrong? Your response could either add fuel to the fire or help them extinguish their anxious thoughts. It's tough to know how to help someone deal with anxious thoughts. Some of the things I share today are how to listen so they can calm themselves down, the best questions to ask, and the phrases that can help them discover their inner strength. Subscribe...
Published 01/12/24
Trauma is not solely determined by the severity of an event but rather by its impact on an individual's perception of themselves and the world. "Tiny t" traumas are cumulative, low-grade traumas that build up over time and can have a profound effect on mental health. Dr. Meg Arroll, the author of Tiny Traumas: When You Don't Know What's Wrong, But Nothing Feels Quite Right, emphasizes the importance of acknowledging and validating these experiences, as they can often be dismissed or...
Published 01/08/24
Whether you want to get in better shape or you want to spend less time watching TV, it's important to set an action-oriented, measurable goal. But if you really want to increase your chances of success, you should take this one step further and create a goal range for yourself. Here's how to establish a goal range, the science behind why it works so well, and how it can increase your motivation and improve your chances of success. Subscribe to Mentally Stronger Premium — Get exclusive bonus...
Published 01/05/24
Intergenerational trauma is trauma that is passed down through family lines, with both biological and psychological components. That means the hardships your grandparents endured or the stressful events your parents went through might impact you in some surprising ways. Dr. Mariel Buqué is a psychologist and the author of the book "Break the Cycle: A Guide to Healing Intergenerational Trauma." Some of the things she talks about are the importance of understanding and connecting the dots of...
Published 01/01/24