Emigrating with Dyspraxia!
A journey from England to Mexico, a story that inspired me and taught me a lot about how much emigrating has to do with love.
My guest of the week, Sean, traveled to Mexico from England to be reunited with his girlfriend (My good friend Diana, her episode is on season 2!) after she had to leave England very abruptly.
He shares what being an immigrant in Mexico has been for him, how emigrating with a learning disorder such as Dyspraxia looks like and what he has...
Published 03/16/22
Qué es lo que has callado al emigrar?
No saben lo que es este episodio! Super especial por muchas razones. Conozco a Andreina desde que íbamos al colegio chiquitas y recientemente volvimos a conectar por nuestras inmigraciones y por el podcast!
Además amé que Andreina quizo venir al podcast a que habláramos de todo eso que no contamos cuando emigramos, de lo que nos da un poco de pena decir y de lo no tan lindo de emigrar, con la honestidad que la caracteriza en lo que hace en su cuenta...
Published 03/02/22
What if we don't want to let go??
I had the amazing opportunity to explore Raphael's immigration journey from the Democratic Republic of Congo to the USA 50 years ago! He is an immigrant, a doctor and the author of “Can't Let Go, a Journey From the Heart of Africa to America" a memoir.
Get ready for an episode filled with emotions, anecdotes and tons of learnings!
We talked about the importance of building community, the challenges of learning a new language, about the panic that we...
Published 02/17/22
Migración de género y de territorio... NUEVO!!
Tuve el placer de conversar con Isa, Isa es poeta, editor, escritor de libros infantiles (como Conejo y Conejo de ediciones Ekare!) y actualmente vive en Miami.
En este episodio Isa cuenta cómo fue para el pasar por una transición de género siendo inmigrante, con que plan llegó a Miami, los retos y las reinvenciones que ha vivido en el camino y lo que se encuentra haciendo ahora.
Hablamos también de las muchas emociones (muy complejas) con las...
Published 02/09/22
How to go from survival mode to thriving?? New episode!!
Abiodun was born and raised in Nigeria. She moved to the USA in her twenties when she already had a whole career back home so arriving to a new country was not easy!
She is the founder of the ImmiGreat Life! a platform that highlights the struggles and celebrates the wins of immigrants with African ancestry!
In this episode we explored ways in which we can move from survival mode to thriving mode, workplace bias, struggles she...
Published 02/02/22
"99% of being successful is feeling that you can achieve something" NEW on fire episode!
Ruben Flores-Martinez is the founder of an amazing app called CashDrop "mobile-first contactless commerce platform targeted at small business owners" Go check it out!
Ruben is the representation of THE American Dream!
He is originally from Guadalajara, Mexico and in this episode he shares with us some of the struggles he faced during his immigration and how he overcame them, what being undocumented meant...
Published 01/26/22
Autora Bilingüe y su inmigración a Australia! NUEVO episodio
Erika nació y creció en México y ha vivido en Australia por más de diez años. En el 2014 escribió 'Millie va al espacio/Millie goes to space' mientras viajaba con su bebé. Este fue el primer libro bilingüe y se puede leer en inglés y en español. De ahí nacieron los cuentos de Millie y se han publicado tres historias más!!
En este episodio hablamos del bilingüismo, de los retos de la crianza como inmigrantes, de la importancia de...
Published 01/19/22
What does success mean to you?!! NEW EPISODE!!!!!
"As a first-generation immigrant, Jen Ngozi was inspired by not seeing women in leadership roles that looked like her so she decided to help change that. Today she leads NetWerk® a global community and platform that educates and empowers women to show up as leaders in their careers” YASSS
Today Jen not only shares her immigration story with us as a first generation Nigerian immigrant she also talks about the pressure of perfectionism, the...
Published 01/12/22
EPISODE 100!!!
From Morocco to Belgium and from Belgium to New York! A unique story and perspective!
Saloua is an entrepreneur and author of the book The Stories of Immigrant Women Entrepreneurs in the USA! What a perfect way to celebrate our episode 100!
We talked about the many struggles she faced as an immigrant in a city like New York, how she learned to navigate a system that is not created for us immigrants and the amount of resiliency that it took!
Saloua also shared information...
Published 11/15/21
Saben lo que es que te tome dos años trabajando duro para que alguien crea en ti??? Yo se que para muchos de nosotros inmigrantes esta historia suena familiar!
Karla tenía su negocio y emprendimiento en Bolivia 🇧🇴 cuando decido mudarse a los Estados Unidos! Fue muy difícil hacerse conocer aquí y que la gente creyera en su trabajo y en su potencial.
Karla ha luchado por defender su latinidad contra todo pronóstico y sus raíces están presentes en todo lo que hace.
Disfruten esta conversa en la...
Published 11/08/21
What if it doesn’t work out?? NEW episode!!!
"Amin is an entrepreneur who migrated from Iran in 2015, found his way from homeless in NYC to Design Director of a tech-leading startup in NYC, designing products for major brands in the United States such as Amazon, Bofa, Chase and started 3 startups: CURVD, Blue Heart Hero, and Hexidome."
Amin is sharing with us anecdotes that will make you feel that you are certainly not alone and that there is hope when we keep on going! As he says: just...
Published 11/01/21
Qué esperar de la entrevista de la residencia?? Necesito un abogado o no?? Nuevo episodio!
Me animaron a echar este cuento, la verdad me encanta poder hacer episodios diferentes, donde me abro mucho mas sobre un experiencia personal! (no es fácil pero aja!)
Aquí les cuento como fue para mi la entrevista, lo que nos preguntaron, los papeles que nos pidieron y las cosas que llevamos que pueden servir!
También hablo de la parte emocional de la que muchas veces no hablamos, de cómo me...
Published 10/25/21
Have you heard about the Ulysses Syndrome? SPECIAL episode with Spanish Subtitles!
In this special episode we are providing important information about mental health and resources that can help us in our immigration journey!
To help us with this topic we have the amazing Estefania from Migrant Therapist! she is in her last year of Psychology and is currently working with immigrant and refugees.
We discussed what the Ulysses Syndrome is, also known as the Immigrant Syndrome, the...
Published 10/18/21
Hay algunas preguntas que cuando te las hacen te molestas demasiado?? Nuevo Episodio!!!
Tati nunca quizo irse de Venezuela y no solo no quería irse, si no que le molestaba demasiado cuando la gente le preguntaba que por qué no se había ido!! Te ha pasado??
Les traigo esta entrevista super especial con Tati, la cual me hizo conocer lo que significa el coaching espiritual, para qué sirve y cómo ella utilizó muchas de las herramientas aprendidas durante su inmigración.
Hablamos de su...
Published 10/11/21
Rasheed arrived in the USA from Nigeria at 11 years old. For years he felt the desire to connect with others and he faced the challenges of feeling isolated, missing the community he was part of in Nigeria.
In his search for connection he created an amazing space for us immigrants called Progressive Migrants where he validates our experiences, talks about Mental Health and raises awareness on wellness. His daily affirmations are my favorite!
Check out the interview to learn more about...
Published 10/04/21
Ya nos tocaba un episodio en Español (no crean que se me había olvidado) y este es muy especial.
En este episodio hablamos de las creencias limitantes, de cómo afectan nuestra inmigración y de la importancia de hacernos preguntas (de esas difíciles) y cuestionarnos todo para lograr sanar y avanzar!
Antonieta es escritora de un Best Seller y se está formando para ser conferencista. También tiene un curso maravilloso que se llama Enamórate De Ti y conversamos mucho de cómo podemos aprender a...
Published 09/27/21
The answer is not easy, but not for so long anymore! My guest of the week Maya has an amazing startup that provides services to undocumented immigrants that are searching jobs and great opportunities!
Today Maya shares his story as an undocumented immigrant from Mexico living in the USA. We talked about his experiences at school, getting bullied and feeling like an outsider for a long time.
We also talked about his different experiences with jobs and trying to find new ones. He shared...
Published 09/20/21
Have you heard about a Millennial money coach and Trauma of money facilitator before? Well this was completely new to me and I'm glad I can bring this conversation to you, because there's hope in our financial journey!!!
We talked about Parween's own story with money, how being a first generation immigrant from South Asia has impacted her relationship with money and the challenges (and potential solutions!!) if you are your parents' retirement plan.
We also chatted about the gratitude and...
Published 09/13/21
Coach Chao Sun emigrated to the USA 11 years ago from China and today he takes us on a beautiful journey of self discovery and finding the true meaning for his American dream.
We talked about the health care system in the USA, how it is different from our countries of origin and the impact that immigration and feeling that we don't belong can have in our physical health.
Chao also shared his experience of changing his Chinese name to an American one, with the...
Published 09/06/21
Season Finale!!!
Season 2 is coming to an end, and what better way to end this season than exploring the stigma around mental health and the impact of immigration in our health.
Janina is originally from El Salvador and her immigration journey has been one of the most transformative experiences in her life. Before emigrating to the USA she explored immigration in other countries of Central America too.
Janina is a psychologist and founder of La Cocina home, where she provides support to the...
Published 08/09/21
La grama siempre va a estar mas verde del otro lado... NUEVO!!!
Prepárense para una entrevista llena de emociones! Risas, lágrimas y mas risas!
Janine tiene 23 años en los Estados Unidos, llego de Colombia con poco dinero en el bolsillo y muchísimas ganas de salir adelante por sus hijos.
Janine cuenta cómo fue su llegada a Estados Unidos, los aprendizajes que cada momento difícil le dio en la vida, todo el proceso de traer a uno de sus hijos al país y la importancia de creer en ti y...
Published 08/02/21
What's the most common financial mistake that we make?! Listen up!
Yes yes yes! We have a new episode where we are exploring the most common mistakes immigrants make in terms of finances and Fijeh, founder of Immigrants Thrive, is helping us find solutions in order to create financial wealth!
Fijeh is as she called herself an immigrant “baby” she came from Nigeria to the USA 3 years ago and a lot of her immigration has been in lock down and navigating the pandemic in a new country. Can...
Published 07/26/21
Cuánto tiempo les ha tomado volver a ser ustedes mismos? Nuevo nuevo nuevo 💥💥💥💥
Vero se mudó a Berlín después de haber dicho que jamás viviría en Alemania 🇩🇪 (🙈 levanten la mano si dijeron que nunca se irían a un lugar y se terminaron yendo!)
Descubrió una ciudad maravillosa, llena de tantos retos como oportunidades. Hablamos de cómo ha sido aprender alemán, tips para aprenderlo y cómo poco a poco se ha reencontrado consigo misma.
Vero también tiene una iniciativa maravillosa de la cual...
Published 07/19/21
Can you relate with the immigrant's stories you see in movies or TV? New Episode!
My guest of the week is working towards creating more spaces for the immigration stories to be portrayed in movies, and he is sharing his journey with us today!
Edgar worked en el campo as a farm worker for years and he gained a unique perspective on the essential work that farm workers do and the struggles they face, especially when they are undocumented.
How can undocumented immigrants raised their voice...
Published 07/12/21
Te cuestionas constantemente de dónde eres? Hay nuevo episodio!!!
Les propongo un reto para esta semana!
1- Primero que nada, escuchen la historia maravillosa de Carla que nos invita a reflexionar sobre nuestros orígenes y nuestra identidad.
2- Luego pregúntele a sus familiares las historias de inmigración que hay dentro su familia, incluso aquellas que sucedieron en el mismo país, de ciudad a ciudad.
Con este episodio aprendí mucho sobre la vida en Filipinas y en España así...
Published 06/28/21